All the Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving, my patriot friends!
A genuinely brief Briefing today, as the last thing any of us need is a political hot take interfering with a righteous food coma. The feast I’m going to is going to have a fried turkey and a smoked turkey, so I will probably be passing on the side dishes and focusing my taste buds on just the birds.
This year I am especially thankful for the fun I’ve had since taking over the Morning Briefing. It’s fun because of all of you, even the haters.
I’m also thankful for the various ways chocolate can be used.
It’s fun being thankful, I don’t know why liberals hate it so much.
PJM Linktank
VodkaPundit: New Hampshire to Liz Warren: Meh
#HimToo: Impeachment Witness Amb. Gordon Sondland Accused of Sexual Harassment by Three Women
Poll: Boris Johnson Heading for a Big Conservative Majority in New Parliament
SJWs triggered in 3..2…Trump Promises Not to Change the Name of Thanksgiving
From the Mothership and Beyond
Tim Allen Sounds Off on Entertainment’s ‘Thought Police.’ Is There Any Hope for Comedy?
Ohio School Board Unanimously Approves Arming School Staff
Girl Scouts: Parents, Don’t Force Your Daughters to Hug Relatives on Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving: Even Mister Rogers thought farts were funny
I do believe that’s the plan: Michael Bloomberg could indeed buy the Democratic primary
Schlichter: I Am Thankful For Many Things, Especially The Things That Make Stupid People Sad
The Latest NYT Spin of DOJ IG Report on Alleged Obama-Era FISA Abuses Is Downright Pathetic
The 405 is like this every night:
Bee Me
The Kruiser Kabana
You knew this was coming…
I’m still not sure what mincemeat is.
PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”