Sidney Powell filing “massive” lawsuit in Georgia in opening legal salvo to secure President Trump’s second term

(Natural News)
Some on the right wrote off attorney Sidney Powell after President Donald Trump’s campaign appeared to distance themselves from her last week after she made bombshell allegations of election corruption involving GOP officials in Georgia, to include Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

But we have a feeling that those folks may have acted too hastily; given Powell’s track record as a U.S. attorney and as a private practice lawyer since, we think she would never make such allegations if she didn’t have the goods.

And what’s more, she’s about to prove that she does.

In an interview with Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs on Tuesday, Powell said she’s ready to file a “massive” lawsuit in federal court by Thursday, and she’s doing it, in part, for the president and the American people who still believe our constitutional system is worth fighting for.

“It’s a massive document. And it’s going to have a lot of exhibits,” Powell said, adding that the defendants are “going to be folks in Georgia who are responsible for supposedly making sure the elections in Georgia are done properly, and there are just countless incidents of voter fraud and election fraud writ large in Georgia.” (Related: Dem calls for disbarment of ALL Trump attorneys, because taking away your right to speak isn’t enough; now they STEAL your elections and BAN your lawyers.)

The Washington Examiner reported: 

Powell did not name any targets of the lawsuit while speaking with Dobbs, but over the weekend she said the alleged corruption went all the way to Gov. Brian Kemp, claiming state officials were being paid to be part of a conspiracy with Dominion Voting Systems, which has denied being involved in a vote-switching scheme, and much more. …

Powell also said on Tuesday that she will be filing lawsuits in other places, “rolling them out as fast as we can.”

Timing is critical as states are certifying their votes and the Electoral College meets in the middle of December. But Powell assured Dobbs that she will meet all the necessary deadlines.

“The evidence is so overwhelming, it’s almost as though they were so blatant about it they expected us to catch it,” Powell told Dobbs.

In another interview with Howie Carr, Powell provided more details about her findings thus far.

“We’ve got a number of smoking guns — and we may have to get witness protection for some of them. We have a lot of extremely solid evidence. It’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying,” she said on Friday.

Those ‘smoking guns’ allegedly include:

— Hillary Clinton fraudulently stole California’s Democratic presidential primary four years ago from a then-surging Sen. Bernie Sanders, who was her only serious challenger for the party’s nomination. “When people told him about it, instead of exposing it, he sold out,” Powell said.

— A Defense Department employee, on a conference call that included Sanders and left-wing kook Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), told government staffers how to commit acts of sabotage in their offices. “There were a couple of hundred people on that call,” said Powell.

— China, Iran, Serbia and Liechtenstein all played roles in meddling with the presidential election.

Also, in a separate Newsmax TV interview, Powell asserted:

— Every Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania this election cycle was ‘given’ 35,000 extra votes. “I would be willing to bet it happened everywhere,” she said. 

— Electronic voting machines that weren’t supposed to be connected to the internet…were. 

— States engaged in recalibrating electronic voting machines after deadlines for modification had passed.

— Electronic machines weighted each vote for Joe Biden at 1.25 while only weighting votes for President Trump at .75. “You can see the reports of fractional numbers for the votes,” she said.

— A Venezuelan military officer who was in on developing the software for the machines testified how they can be manipulated. “He knew as soon as the machines were turned off in those key states,” Powell told Newsmax, adding that massive support for Trump “had broken the algorithm that had been programmed. So they had to stop counting and backfill the vote with fraudulent mail-in ballots or whatever means they used.”

But time is running out; she has to act quickly.

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