MSNBC Radical Tiffany Cross on Law Enforcement: ‘Time to Burn It Down’

News & Politics

Radical MSNBC host Tiffany Cross on Saturday appeared to advocate mass violence as a reaction to the American law enforcement system. Talking to a panel, she ranted, “It feels like it’s just time to burn it down.” Cross reinforced her implicit call to violence moments later, saying: “I have to say, as a people, for my people, I am up for the most radical of things to make sure that we live.”

Nothing subtle there.

Cross was reacting to recently-released video of the death of Ronald Greene while in law enforcement custody in Louisiana.

Tiffany Cross MSNBC The Cross Connection 5-22-21What if people take Cross at her word regarding law enforcement and “burn it down,” and do “the most radical of things”? Following the death of George Floyd, America suffered through months of rioters “burning it down.” Their targets included multiple police stations. So there was nothing ambiguous about Cross’s message. This sounded like a literal call to reignite the flames.

Would Cross be prosecuted for inciting violence? Will the MSNBC suits can Cross, or make even the slightest suggestion that she tone down her potentially deadly provocation? Don’t bet on it.

MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross saying of the law enforcement system, “it’s just time to burn it down,” and that she is “up for the most radical of things” was sponsored in part by Allegra and Procter & Gamble, maker of Bounce. Click on the links to let them know what you think. 

A partial transcript is below. Click “expand” to read more. 

The Cross Connection
10:58 am EDT

TIFFANY CROSS:  I am outraged, and exhausted, and angry. That video is practically unwatchable. And I think about that man’s family, and his mother, and what they must be going through.

And I just wonder—this is clearly not a system that can be reformed, and I just — what can we do to stop this? Because it feels like it’s just time to, to burn it down, you know? We ask, please stop killing us. It hasn’t happened. At this point it’s a demand and it’s still happening.

. . . 

I am, I don’t even know the words to describe the level of outrage I feel thinking about what this man’s — his mother had to watch that tape. You’ve organized all over the country. I am so ready for this fight. I am so ready for this fight, because I don’t want to see another person go through that. How do we organize ourselves out of this quagmire? They’re attacking our voting rights. They’re attacking our lives and livelihoods. They’re killing us if they’re not overcriminalizing us and putting us in jail. As a longtime organizer what is it that we do? 

Because I have to say, as a people, for my people, I am up for the most radical of things to make sure that we live.

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  1. And this nut case is on the air? Who would she call if her house was broken into or she was assaulted if there were no police? Her fairy godmother?

  2. Can’t believe there has only been one comment posted in regards to this. She shouldn’t even be allowed to air! Who’s side is she taking? Free propaganda. Enough is enough with the whining about anything and everything. I remember we used to be a strong country with strong morals. I fought for this country. Now, let’s hear them say the same!…

  3. This is typical of the very definition of ‘racism’ – but it’s WHITE people who are racists. Listen to the poison that is constantly spewed out by people like her, and Don Lemon, Mad Maxine Waters, Ashleigh Shackelford, and so many others, and explain to me why it’s WHITE people who are racists!!?

  4. I am up for the most radical of things to make sure that we live.

    ME TOO!!!!!

    Time to remove the african breed from decent society!

    1. If our side cannot be “decent” about what we say and post, even in response to something as vile as she is saying, then there is no hope for any of us. We must stand our ground against people like this without bringing into the argument comments that are inappropriate for anyone to say, including us.

  5. If she can promote violence, So can everyone else. Go after her and see if she will call for the police. What a nut case,Thank you Democrats people are fed up. Without cheating Democrats can’t win, There is nothing the Democrats propose that help our country or the people in it.

  6. how come this lousy COMMIE is on the air?nbc the same channel that brought us BONANZA. how the mighty have fallen. NOW tv is just FULL OF BLACK RACIST LOUDMOUTHS.

  7. It is the criminal element coming out of the African. If you check back in History, it was the African criminal that was first sold into slavery by their own people. These are the same that have that ‘burn down’ wish.

    1. You can take blacks out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the blacks.

      1. The comment you have made is inappropriate. I must believe that the very vast majority of black people in this country are hard working, honest people, who deserve our respect! When you make comments like this you play directly into the hands of the Left. They have been lying to black people and brown people for decades telling them that the right is racist. With this kind of comment, you are going to simply prove them right. You might wonder if that is exactly what this woman is hoping for. You must be better than that. Don’t play into the Left’s hands like that.

  8. Bring it on. I am sick and tired of taking all this crap. It is time to take a stand so……get ready, it’s coming to a city near you.

  9. Abe Lincoln should have shipped all the blacks to Africa.

    We suffer the violent consequences now.

  10. As a white guy, I am pissed with he anti-black statements above. You are some ignorant fucks. As ignorant as his bitch Tiffany Cross. If any burning gets done It should be Cross and the haters, white and black, who do not see tomorrow.

  11. Goodness gracious girl you should be so ashamed of yourself. Hope you’re not planning on those Pearly Gates.

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