House Censures Paul Gosar over Video Depicting Violence against AOC

Rep. Paul Gosar (R., Ariz.) on Capitol Hill in Washington, July 28, 2020. (Bill Clark/Pool via Reuters)

The House of Representative voted Wednesday to censure Representative Paul Gosar (R., Ariz.) and remove him from his committee assignments after he posted a violent animation of him killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.).

The resolution to censure Gosar passed in a 223 to 207 vote; Representative Liz Cheney (R., Wyo.) voted in favor of the resolution, while Representative David Joyce (R., Ohio) voted “present.”

During a House debate on the issue, Representative Mary Gay Scanlon (D., Pa.) argued that lawmakers “cannot dismiss Representative Gosar’s violent fantasies as a joke” because people “look up to us” and “take our lead.”

“So, when a member posts a video of himself killing a colleague, that’s obviously going to have an impact on the way people approach their politics,” Scanlon said.

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1 Comment

  1. Bad joke in bad taste

    But it is understandable
    A wack job in Congress is an embarrassment for America

    On the other hand how does AOC go untarnished from anti-Semitic rhetoric ?

    Oh yeah the blatant hypocrisy of the left

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