Idaho on Fire: Alleged Medical Kidnapping of Baby Cyrus Sparks Political Showdown

News & Politics

A case involving the seizure of a 10-month-old called Baby Cyrus by child welfare officials and St. Jude Hospital in Idaho after a cancelled appointment has ignited a major political storm that has reached the governor’s office.

Idaho Republican governor Brad Little has been criticized widely by his own party for using draconian measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. His Lieutenant Governor, Janice McGeachin, criticizes him openly about his mask policies and more.

“Brad is counting on you forgetting that he’s governed like a liberal for the last two years,” she wrote on Twitter earlier this month. “I banned mask and vaccine mandates in Idaho, but Brad reimposed the mandates, which means he owns them now. Don’t let him get away with lying to you!” McGeachin is running for governor with the slogan Make Idaho Free Again.

It should come as no surprise, then, that McGeachen is once again calling the governor out, this time on Facebook, about the dramatic child welfare case surrounding Baby Cyrus. McGeachen posted a video to Facebook in which she claims to have tried to contact the governor about the case to find out if the baby was stolen by the hospital and state officials as the family says, or if the state has legitimate reasons to take custody. She says the response she got was underwhelming.

“As soon as I found out about this situation on Saturday morning, I messaged our governor,” she said. “[I asked] if it’s true, please release the baby from the hospital. If it’s not true, please call me to discuss, to put an end to any … if there’s something we don’t know about, I just want to know.”

McGeachen ran into walls wherever she went. “We tried to get a call with CPS and they wouldn’t talk to us,” she said. “This is a problem, that the Lt. Gov. of Idaho cannot know what’s happening in our state. And the governor, the director, and the department will not speak to the Lieutenant Governor of Idaho on this situation.”

The governor’s resistance to speaking with McGeachen may have more to do with the long-standing animosity between the two than the actual case. But the trouble McGeachen is having with child welfare and the department that runs it is textbook “Big Care” secrecy in action. (It’s time to name the industry in America that profits off tearing families apart as we would any other exploitive billion-dollar industry.) Big Care is comprised of not only child welfare but “senior care,” too, where probate courts loot and pillage the estates of the elderly and call it “caring for” the disabled and feeble.

When it comes to child welfare, no one can get the records unsealed. My investigations into Missouri, where the department of child services was caught losing over 1,000 kids without documenting their disappearance, has not only not led to any arrests, but no one has even been fired. Meanwhile, congressmen and senators grind their teeth in anger while seemingly unable or unwilling to open the books and get to the bottom of the fetid mess.

Every state is the same. Big Care hides records of children in the system whom they lose to murder, and it refuses to keep some records so that the true dangers of state-run care aren’t represented in the data. Just like the children in Missouri who went missing, but no one wrote it down.

The Denver Post did an excellent investigation into this exact issue in Colorado, and what it found is disturbing.

Mistakes in child abuse cases can remain hidden indefinitely. Nearly all counties responsible for handling child abuse complaints claim that records of their involvement are confidential, even after a child’s death.

State record keeping is so unreliable that some children killed by abuse and neglect are not included. Also, Colorado officials recently realized that five children initially reported to the federal government as fatal abuse victims in 2002 were not dead.

Many of those identified as responsible for a child’s death were not prosecuted. Of those who were, many were sentenced to probation or much shorter prison terms than Colorado typically imposes in adult homicide cases.

Colorado is one of 22 states with no law requiring that unexpected child deaths be investigated. Some experts and state officials say Colorado could benefit from such a law.

It’s important to start examining every case that hits the news about a baby being taken by a government agency through a filter that recognizes that Big Care has a very poor record when it comes to protecting children from harm. A study of foster care children found that “children in foster care were 42% more likely to die than children in the general population, and the disparity was largely irrespective of race or age.” The study found, however, that due to incomplete demographic data, it “cannot conclude that foster care is contributing to this observed difference in mortality; rather, it may be reflective of broader, underlying health and social disparities.” Well, that’s convenient for the government; yet again, because of missing or incomplete data, the real issue is obscured. The fact remains that children in Big Care’s “care” are 42% more likely to die than children in their parent’s care. According to Health and Human Services data, over 80% of children are taken from parents not for abuse, but for “neglect,” which is often a nebulous term.

Related: Social Services Nightmare: Did CPS Just Kidnap an American Idol Finalist’s Newborn?

With this understanding, let’s look at what Big Media tells us about this case. According to Boise Weekly:

At around 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15 at St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center, a few dozen people protested. The protest was about “the medical kidnapping” of Cyrus, a 10-month-old baby, from his parents, Marissa and Levi Anderson, on March 1. Meridian police officers had intervened after they received a referral from the Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare that the baby had been determined to be “suffering from severe malnourishment” and was at risk of injury or death. The Andersons had canceled an appointment with Idaho Child and Welfare and had refused to let officers check on the baby.

It’s interesting that they put “the medical kidnapping” in quotation marks, implying that it isn’t a medical kidnapping, instead of writing alleged medical kidnapping. At this point, we don’t know if it was or wasn’t a medical kidnapping, and that won’t be determined until court action plays out. It is fairer to call it an alleged medical kidnapping than to put it in sarcastic or skeptical quotation marks.

Instead of focusing on the facts of the case and why the doctors believed the child to be malnourished or even speaking to the child’s family, who are desperate for the media to hear their side of the story, Boise Weekly focused on supporter Ammon Bundy, gubernatorial candidate and well-known community activist.

Bundy, known as an anti-government activist and agitator has been arrested for trespassing among other charges, before. He is currently on trial at Ada County Magistrate Court, charged with violating a ban prohibiting him from entering the Idaho State Capitol. He is also well known for participating in armed standoffs with law enforcement, notably at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in 2016, which left one man dead. He was acquitted of federal conspiracy and weapons charges stemming from the wildlife refuge takeover.

But this tells us nothing of why the baby was taken or the events that led up to it. The family has set up a website and Cyrus’s grandfather has written an account of what the family alleges happened. None of the Big Media accounts I found mentioned the family’s account at all. KLIK, a local radio show noticed.

The veil of secrecy is stoking suspicions on social media that the seizure of the little boy is politically motivated.  The child’s grandfather is a well-known businessman and Christian pastor Diego Rodriguez.  The pastor was a vocal opponent of state power under COVID restrictions and is also a close associate of Ammon Bundy.

Grandfather Rodriguez’s letter wasn’t quoted in any Big Media coverage. Every time the Big Media press reported, they focused on smearing the Bundys or “conspiracy theorists” and “anti-government protesters” instead of the story of what happened to Baby Cyrus.

According to Rodriguez:

Baby Cyrus was sick last week and vomiting so my daughter took him to St. Luke’s Pediatric Center where after receiving terrible treatment, they were released after about a week, with Baby Cyrus having a clean bill of health, after undergoing every exam, test, and review imaginable. We were all thankful and relieved to see Cyrus home and healthy.

Marissa and Levi continued to take Cyrus to a local pediatric office for additional review and weigh-ins. All was well and good, however Cyrus did have a day where he vomited again after trying goat’s milk powder—which was suggested to help add calories to his food intake. Apparently, Cyrus has an issue where his body cannot fully digest proteins yet, so he has to stick to breastmilk still because he is not quite ready for solid food.

After Marissa woke up not feeling well in her stomach yesterday morning (Friday the 11th), she decided to call the Pediatrician’s office to let them know she would not come in that day. That was it. That should have been that. But instead, the nurse practicioner called CPS and reported “child endangerment,” and had CPS contact Marissa via text message.

Shortly thereafter, two police officers came to their address, asking for Baby Cyrus—but Marissa, Levi, and Cyrus were not there. So they put out a BOLO “Be on the Lookout” for Levi’s truck. And last night, Levi, Marissa, and Cyrus, along with the rest of my family, were over at a friend’s house enjoying dinner. We all left together in 2 separate cars and were followed by a Garden City police officer to a nearby gas station.

The police officer detained them and then called for backup. Within minutes, multiple officers arrived. The Meridian detectives then arrived along with well over a dozen officers and squad cars. They acted like they were arresting Al Capone. The officers violated multiple rights, did not follow the constitution or other laws and statutes and arrested both of my daughters, handcuffed Levi, and then forcefully stripped Baby Cyrus away from his crying mother (my daughter), for alleged “child endangerment” because they canceled a pediatric appointment and the doctor called CPS claiming that Cyrus was “underweight.” Marissa was smart enough to Facebook Livestream the whole ordeal because they took her into the Ambulance to rip Cyrus out of her arms so it was out of public view.

COVID protocols demand that people not go to doctor’s offices while unwell. Was this all a misunderstanding or is it political intimidation of an outspoken protester’s family? What seems sure is that many state representatives are now involved and speaking out against the state’s action, including Republican Representatives Ron Nate and Judy Boyle. Nate showed up to one of the protests and said, “Good mothers should never have to fear their government. But the government should always have to fear good parents.” He also promised the crowd and the parents to do everything in his power to help them. “I’m fully supportive,” he said. The following video is long, but worthwhile to hear the side of this story you aren’t going to hear from Big Media.

One thing is certain: Cyrus is sick. He’s been sick for a while and the only sustenance he has been able to digest is his mother’s milk. Keeping him away from her — as the state is now doing after Judge Laurie Fortier awarded custody of Baby Cyrus to the State of Idaho — serves no purpose. Marissa is not allowed to be with her baby even under the supervision of hospital staff. How is separating a baby who is totally dependent on his mother for sustenance good for his health?

Also for our VIPs: Family Court Corruption: An Exploding Global Problem That Profits Off the Misery of Children and Families

Cyrus has loving grandparents who are willing and able to care for him, supervise Marissa, and watch over Cyrus’s care, if the state is so worried about this child. But the state has barred the child’s entire family from him. Is it possible — if the state is going to allege that Marissa or her husband are doing something to make Cyrus sick — that his grandparents are in on it as well? That would be extraordinary! An entire family with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (which is most likely what the state agency will allege) would be unprecedented. But medical kidnappings skyrocket when a child is severely ill and medical professionals are embarrassed they don’t know how to fix it. To cover up their own incompetence or minimize their risk, some doctors will call Big Care to cover their tracks and tie parents up in dramatic and exhausting legal battles so they don’t have time to question the care that was given. Parents rarely get justice after this happens, even if the state is deemed wrong.

Related: Doctors Caught on Tape Plotting to Take Custody of Newborns Whose Parents Refuse Vitamin K Shots

This overreach (or collusion?) by the hospital and Big Care is indicative of the relationship Americans have with their government today. Instead of working with you as a partner to find solutions to problems, Big Care and Big Government simply wield the hammer of force, a much easier option than dealing with parents and their God-given authority and ability to disagree with bureaucrats or doctors. Big Care and Big Government don’t tolerate disagreement anymore and if you do it, you’re a “far-right-wing terrorist.”

This narrative has been bolstered by St. Luke’s ridiculous decision to lock down the hospital because there were about 30 people on the sidewalk, protesting. This kicked off Big Media to print scary-sounding reports that there was a “threat” to the hospital from the protesters (who are literally on camera peacefully praying and speaking out about what happened). Big Media carried water for Big Care and Big Medical without even finding out what the so-called “threats” were.

“THIS IS NOT A DRILL,”  read an automated message sent to employees shortly after 1:30 p.m and reported by KTVB. “An external threat has been identified at Boise hospital location and a lockdown is in progress.” Did the reporters find out what the “external threat” was? No. They took the hospital’s nebulous statement and regurgitated it. “In response to growing safety concerns after a large group of protesters gathered along Avenue B/Broadway Avenue and along the sidewalk surrounding the building.” KTVB reporters did not try to find out the nature of the threat, if the threat was even real, or what caused such a response.

I have seen this tactic many times before. It was done to a group of parents protesting with students at a school in New York not too long ago. The mere presence of protesters sent the superintendent into a tizzy and he locked down a school in an obvious attempt to take attention away from the alleged wrong-doing and place it onto the protesters. No legitimate threat was ever discovered, nor did any of the Big Media who covered it care to discover if the threat had even been real. But they did spend a lot of time talking with the state-paid superintendent, who continued his narrative of blaming the protesters. That they don’t even attempt to learn the other side should illustrate that Big Media is the enemy of the people.

Baby Cyrus’s case has been sealed by Judge Fortier with a dubious gag order, and the cone of silence has been activated. The only hope these people have of getting their baby back is to launch a massive federal lawsuit right now against the hospital, the child welfare department, and the police, whom they claim violated their rights in several ways. This could get around the gag order on the current case in family court because, when a case is filed in federal court, the filings become public. That might be the only way to get the details of what happened out to the public. But even if they do that, Cyrus’s parents will then have to battle the immunity government workers have that excuses them from the consequences of their wrongdoing.

The system is stacked in favor of the government with the powerful forces of Big Media now adding their weight to the official narrative, and there’s little hope of reversing that anytime soon.

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