VIP Gold Live Chat: ‘Five O’Clock Somewhere’ with Kruiser, VodkaPundit, Special Guest Megan Fox – Replay Available

News & Politics

It’s the Mystery Power Outage Non-Holiday Special!

The VodkaBride and I were almost certain our boys would get a snow day today. The forecast called for rain, followed by a big temperature drop, followed by several continuous hours’ worth of snow.

We get one or two of these every March, and again in April. Sometimes in one in May. Life at 7,400 feet is a little different.

What happens is the streets get wet, then freeze, then get a big layer of snow on top of the ice. If you ever need an excuse to stay home, build a fire, and put a pot of beef stew on the stove, you couldn’t do any better than this.

One problem this time around, though. Already this morning the power has flickered off twice, so I’m guessing there’s ice on the power lines — and no sun in the forecast to melt it off.

The pair of UPS power backups I have all my office equipment plugged into kept me running without interruption, but if we lose power for more than a few minutes, I’ll have to power down.

That would be sad, because “Five O’Clock Somewhere” and our VIP Gold family are the highlights of my PJ Media workweek.

Fingers crossed…

See you Thursday — can’t wait!

P.S. If you aren’t already a VIP Gold supporter, what are you waiting for?

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