The Media Has Hit Peak ‘Kamala-Love,’ and It’s Reached Surreal Proportions

For a failed presidential candidate who was forced to drop out of the 2020 race two months before the first primary, Kamala Harris is undergoing a rehabilitation that any drug-addled Hollywood celebrity would kill for.


She has been transformed. Gone is the bumbling, stumbling vice president who spouts nonsense and cackles like the wicked witch of the West. Now, we have Kamala the Brave girding her loins, joining forth to do battle with The Evil One.

Then, there’s outright lying,

“Trump has never had to face someone with Kamala Harris’s raw talent,” said John White, a professor emeritus at Catholic University.

Professor White? Hillary on line two.

Naturally, the sharks were in a feeding frenzy on XformerlyknownasTwitter.

As Doug P. on Twitchy reminds us, at least Hillary went through the primary process.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness “thrust” upon them.

Sean Bannion captured the essence of the claim about Harris’s “raw talent.”


“The seamless switch from ‘Biden’s great’ to ‘Harris is greater’ has been made,” writes Doug. It wasn’t just seamless. It was psychedelic in its blatant newspeak. Is there trouble in trying to sell Kamala Harris as a failed vice president? Why not reinvent Kamala, give her an entirely fictitious background, tell tall tales of her daring deeds, and build her up as the knight on a white charger out to slay the Trumpian dragon?

The Hill:

After Trump reneged on a scheduled ABC News debate in September, Harris deadpanned that while Trump had plenty to say about her, she issued another devastating response that immediately went viral: “Well, Donald, I hope you’ll reconsider meeting me on the debate stage. Because, as the saying goes, ‘If you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.’” 

Before she could finish, a raucous crowd was already chanting the punchline.

The propagandist for North Korea couldn’t have done any better.

Was that really a “devastating response”? Of course not. It was banal and profoundly ordinary. Who could have believed it was anything else?

But during her four years as vice president, Harris has honed her political skills. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, she went on the offensive with yet another devastating reply to the court’s majority, “How dare they?” In the many town halls and forums that followed, one sensed her growing self-confidence.  


“How dare they” is “another devastating response”?  Kind of a low bar ya got there, prof. I would have loved to have been a student in one of your classes. The most ordinary of essays would have earned me an “A.”

Note here how the author has to tear down Hillary Clinton to prove his primary thesis.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was hardly a gifted politician. For most of her life, she played a supporting role in Bill Clinton’s many campaigns. And when she made her first foray into politics in 2000, she won a U.S. Senate seat against a lackluster Republican opponent.

Hillary Clinton was a legend in her own mind much like Kamala Harris. There are very, very few born politicians probably because a politician is part artist, part snake oil salesman, and the really good ones are bridge builders and coalition formers.

Neither Hillary nor Kamala Harris is a natural anything except perhaps “liar.”

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