The FBI is reportedly and ridiculously still making “white supremacy” its main “counterterrorism” target. Meanwhile, the FBI is also avoiding any transparency on the investigation of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Your taxpayer dollars at work!
We know the FBI targets MAGA supporters and that it aggressively pursued Jan. 6 protestors (breaking rules to do so) while all but ignoring Antifa and other violent leftist movements. Can we trust the FBI to define “white supremacist” correctly? Can we believe the FBI when it claims white supremacists are a major terrorist threat? And can we trust the FBI to investigate the shooting of Trump with integrity and honesty? The answer to all those questions is emphatically no.
FBI whistleblower and Center for Renewing America fellow Steve Friend tweeted on Aug. 13, “Just spoke with a police chief for a midwestern city. He told me the @FBI field office in his area recently hosted a meeting with local law enforcement officials and told the chiefs and sheriffs that white supremacy is its top counterterrorism priority. Defund the FBI.”
Just spoke with a police chief for a midwestern city. He told me the @FBI field office in his area recently hosted a meeting with local law enforcement officials and told the chiefs and sheriffs that white supremacy is its top counterterrorism priority.
Defund the FBI.
— Steve Friend (@RealStevefriend) August 13, 2024
At one time, Democrat white supremacist terrorists did indeed pose a major internal threat to America, harassing, raping, beating, and lynching black Americans and also white Republicans. But now Democrats pretend not to be racist, and the era of a major white supremacist threat has passed. The FBI should be more worried about the Islamic terrorists taking advantage of Biden-Harris’s open border to infiltrate America and plot attacks.
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Friend also went on “The Glenn Beck Program” recently. After Glenn Beck said, “I’m not hearing anything satisfying coming from the FBI or the Secret Service on the assassination attempt,” Friend answered, “I think one of the most disturbing elements that hasn’t been picked up on was when the deputy director of the FBI, Paul Abbate, said that they were going to investigate it as domestic terrorism.”
So why is that a problem? Friend knows from his own experience as an FBI agent. “The FBI is now going to slap a classified label on this investigation, and they’re not going to be able to be transparent because you don’t have a need to know,” he explained.
He cited the report of a Pakistani national having planned to assassinate Trump as a matter of concern:
This is what I like to call the ‘playbook’ that the FBI has been running the last two-and-a-half decades, particularly since 9/11 … What they do to justify their existence as a bureaucracy, as a self-licking ice cream cone, they will identify a vulnerable person, emotionally disturbed, maybe someone with radical intentions but not capable of carrying forward an actual attack without the involvement of the FBI…
The added wrinkle here was that they imported this Pakistani through the border, they sponsored him arriving. The FBI Dallas office actually was the signee on him arriving … They followed him and orchestrated this plot that could never have happened without the involvement of the government … We are now running terrorists so that we can justify our existence as an agency.
The FBI claimed that the Pakistani spoke to an informant about “soliciting a hit man” just after entering America. Mere coincidence? Friend thinks not. The FBI has a track record of using undercover agents and confidential human sources to find and groom targets until they commit crimes.
“The bottom line is that the FBI is inventing these cases, so that they can go to Congress and say ‘Look at all the good work we have done here, why don’t you give us enhanced funding, why don’t you give us enhanced tools,” Friend added. This is not an agency we can trust on any investigation, but especially not the Trump assassination attempt investigation.