Joe Biden Tries for ‘Dark Brandon’ But Just Looks Angry in Not-for-Prime-Time DNC Speech

News & Politics

As if forcing the man to bend the knee to the leftists who have completely taken over the Democrat Party wasn’t embarrassing enough, Democrat B-list and C-list speakers blathered on so long at the Democrat National Convention on Monday night that they forced Joe Biden to wait until well after 11:30 P.M. to say goodbye and farewell. And what a goodbye. A pepped-up Joe Biden treated his swan song as a stump speech, resorting to lies and distortions — and appealing to the worst of the Democrats — in his long goodbye. He gave his crowd red meat, but many people on the East Coast had long ago said goodnight to Dark Brandon. 


Getting Joe to the Chicago podium was difficult. B and C list speakers were given primetime slots. No one needed to hear from Senators Chris Coons and Raphael Warnock, but Americans were “treated” to their bloviating, anyway. Things went on so long the first night of the Democrat Convention that to get the star of the first night–already an insult–before midnight, organizers cut speakers and even told singer James Taylor there was no time for his crowd favorite “You’ve Got a Friend.” 

Donald Trump certainly was not in charge of this convention. 

Biden’s daughter, Ashley, was tasked with rehabilitating her father’s image of being a handsy, sniffing, dirty old man who showered with his daughter. She told the audience that her dad was the “ultimate girl dad.” It was cringeworthy and awkward. 

When Ashley Biden finally introduced Joe it was 11:27 P.M. After Joe shuffled out, Ashley hugged him, grabbed his hand, and escorted him to the podium. 

Joe received the required ovation, and the party’s cheerleaders held signs reading “We (heart) Joe.” The crowd chanted “We love Joe!” but nothing can quite make up for how Biden was treated by his party in the days leading up to night one of the Chicago convention. 

Making the sitting president of the United States wait until after 11:30 P.M. Eastern—well after prime time— to give the final big speech after 52 years in public office was the final signal that they were done and dusted with old Joe. 

An angry looking and glassy-eyed Joe gave nothing more than a typical stump speech to the crowd with check list State of the Union overtones. Joe attempted to summon Dark Brandon, but just looked like an angry old man.


And then came the whoppers. Biden lied about his reason getting into the 2020 race, claiming Donald Trump embraced neo-Nazis. Obviously, that “nice people on both sides” trope has been obliterated by simply looking at the record, but Joe doesn’t care. 

Ironically, Biden gave everyone a spit-take moment when he later said that “both sides” of the Gaza war protests, including pro-Hamas—literal pro-Nazi– protesters outside the convention hall, “have a point.” You can’t make this up. 

The president told the crowd that Donald Trump scuttled a border deal that would have legalized all the people Biden allowed into the country. Even his own crowd wasn’t buying it.

He claimed billionaires pay fewer taxes than most taxpayers. Embarrassing. 

The man who tyrannically used COVID emergency powers to keep America shut down and businesses on ventilators claimed he stood for “freedom, democracy, and America.” “Democracy must be preserved!” thundered glassy-eyed Joe to a crowd that was looking for a little inspiration. 

Joe bungled a few lines of the speech when he lost his way on the teleprompter, and at one point the crowd guffawed at the bumbling. 

Toward the end of his speech, a meandering President Sundowning began slurring and rushing his sentences and then told the biggest whopper of the night: “And all this talk about how I’m angry at all those people that said I should step down—that’s not true.” We “believe” you, angry guy.

He told the dwindling and less enthusiastic hangers on in the room that he had given the country his best. Was anyone listening?


Joe got around to talking nicely about Kamala Harris and America after midnight Eastern time. And that’s not hyperbole! Not a joke. I give you my word as a Biden.

Bye, Joe.

I don’t know about you but I’ve heard enough whoppers from these people to last a lifetime. If these folks get back into power there will be more government-induced censorship—looking at you, FBI. Please help us tell the story. We’re giving you a DNC special 60% off rate! Please sign up for our VIP Membership right now using our promo code FIGHT.


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