President Trump tweets that he and the first lady have tested positive for coronavirus

News & Politics

President Donald Trump tweeted on his official social media account that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday evening.

“Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19,” the president tweeted.

“We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!” he added.

The news came after the president
confirmed earlier on Thursday that his longtime aide Hope Hicks had tested positive for the virus.

“Hope Hicks, who has been working so hard without even taking a small break, has just tested positive for Covid 19. Terrible!” he tweeted.

The president and the first lady indicated that they will go into quarantine.

Sean Conley, the president’s physician, released a memorandum about the first family.

“This evening I received confirmation that both President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” read the statement.

“The President and the First Lady are both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence,” he continued.

“The White House medical team and I will maintain a vigilant watch, and I appreciate the support provided by some of our country’s greatest medical professionals and institutions,” Conley concluded. “Rest assured I expect the President to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any future developments.”

According to USA Today, the White House released an updated public schedule for the president early Friday in which his public events had been cancelled, including a planned rally in Florida.

The first lady also tweeted about her diagnosis.

“We are feeling good & I have postponed all upcoming engagements. Please be sure you are staying safe & we will all get through this together,” she tweeted.

Here’s more about the startling development:

[embedded content]
Trump and Melania test positive for coronavirus

[Editor’s Note: This story has been updated with additional information.]

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1 Comment

  1. To the Trump’s KARMA< KARMA< KARMA!

    No two people and their henchmen deserve the Trump virus more than you!!!

    The chickens have come home to roost, finally

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