Now They’ve Come for the Bacon and Eggs…

News & Politics

Now they’re coming for the bacon. An Oregon state lawmaker has proposed a bill to eliminate all “processed meats,” including beloved bacon, sausage, and hot dogs, from hospitals, prisons, nursing homes, and other places where people are stuck. This includes not only the patients and inmates but staff and visitors, too.

Processed turkey meat? Out. A thinly-sliced roast beef sammy is out, too. Vending machine sandwiches, pfft. But wait, it gets worse. The bill prohibits – bans – vegetarian foods such as cheese, milk, butter, or a scrambled egg sandwich from appearing on the non-meat menu.

Democrat Representative Marty Wilde tells PJ Media he introduced the vegan bill at the behest of a “physicians group” because a “plant-based” diet is much better for people stuck in nursing homes or sick in a hospital. The upshot of what he told me was that banning food gives people more choices.

In the words of the bill, not only are all “processed meats” forbidden from these settings, but the facilities “shall be” – by force of law – required to offer an entirely plant-based menu at the same time for residents, staff, visitors, and others.

Cheese, milk, sour cream, eggs, and honey – honey – are not allowed on the menu, either. Pasta is made with eggs, so that’s out. Powdered eggs in that pancake mix are forbidden. Yesterday, macaroni and cheese was considered to be a vegetarian dish. If this passes, it will off the vegan menu – unless you can figure out how to make it with that cardboard cheese that doesn’t melt.

Indeed, as anyone who shops for vegan options including cardboard cheese and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Meat! knows, they’re far, far more expensive than things that are mass-produced. And therein lies the rub.

Hospitals, nursing homes, and the other institutional settings in Oregon would be forbidden by force of law to charge more for these more expensive options.

100 percent plant-based meals shall be offered at no additional cost beyond the cost charged for a comparable meal that is not plant-based.

Vegetarian and fresh meat options would begin to vanish off the menu because vegan food prices at these places would crowd them out due to high costs. This is by design.

The fiscal impact of the bill hasn’t been written yet, but Wilbe told me these vegan items are sometimes cheaper. We have no idea where he shops. I asked him to name just one product that’s cheaper than the real thing. He thought a minute and then said he thinks Boca Burgers at Costco might be cheaper than hamburgers.

Wilde says that people will still be able to have meats, but only fresh meats, which are more expensive. He told me that the people in charge of the prisons believe the bill would reduce their costs. I can’t even imagine that.

He says a “drafting error” made the bill sound more draconian than intended. He may soften the language at a later time, but for right now, this is what it says. His bill would singlehandedly raise the costs and reduce choices at every hospital, nursing home, and prison in Oregon.

You might be thinking right now, well, Oregon is a small state, but let’s not forget, most dumb ideas start there. And like a cancer, they metastasize to California, where they’re disseminated to parts east. Here’s the slippery slope. Frightening.

First they come for the bacon. Tomorrow, it’ll be the ribeye and the cheese.

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    1. As long as real meat is available I probably won’t eat plant based things. Instead of banning meat, why not just give people a choice. Of course , if your product isn’t selling because of the competitions product, then I guess banning his product would be the way to go.

  1. How many shares of stock in plant-based-food companies does this left-wing brainiac own. Maybe he is just stupid and selfish (a democrat) and wants (like all democrats) to dictate to everyone else how they must live. Get used to it. There can never be a fair, honest election in this country again, unless there is a renewal of the American Revolution. The commies are making the rules now, including election law. It is over………..for now…..until good people get organized. Where the hell are our leaders?

  2. “The upshot of what he told me was that banning food gives people more choices.” That makes absolutely no sense! How can banning food give people more choices when the choice that many people make is being taken away?

    I have no problem whatsoever when these know it all liberals choose their own life style, that is their right, but what irritates me to no end is when they think that they have the right to force their way of life on everyone else. It doesn’t matter if it’s my choice of food, or whatever, the thing is it’s MY choice to make.

    I don’t try to tell them how to live and I don’t expect them to dictate to me how I live my life.

    1. They never make any sense…that’s why this country is in the state it’s in…OVER sensitive and dictative stinky bottoms like this idiot.
      That’s MY OPINION and the last time I checked I still have my right to free thinking and speech, well so far anyway.
      When they try this food thing then it is obvious that they just aren’t all there…But then we already knew that, didn’t we. Why do you think they corrupted the election results?

    2. RB just typical democrats. they think disarming law abiding citizens makes people safer also. then they get a asshat like gascon elected as DA of L.A. ca. who is letting everyone out of jails or not prosecuting them.

  3. Mike in Texas, beware u can’t escape the demotards..HR 127 – previously introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), look it up. She wants to strip u of ur 2A and post ur guns and address online, etc.

  4. The rate of obesity in America is the highest in the world
    It might be beneficial to take a closer look at your diet and the fact that you also have the highest rates of diabetes and hypertension
    Just saying____your neighbour to the North😀😀

  5. This is why Bill Gates has been buying up farmland. He said everyone will have to eat plant-based food and insects! But he will keep a few cattle for his “elite” friends.

    1. Dear Gentleman, please know that I just left a comment under this post and I would like to upload my profile picture together with my comment. However, I could not find the click on this website that could enable me to upload my profile picture. So could you please help me by offering me a link to where I could upload my profile picture? Thank you! — Very Truly Yours, Miss Nancy Min Ji

  6. I would like to strongly urge the public to support this Godly Oregon state lawmaker. In addition, for our better moral, better health and better environment, please allow me to strongly urge that we also work toward the following four improvements to our food system.

    #1. Eliminate the factory farm industry
    #2. Eliminate the live-animal markets
    #3. Mandate strictly vegan food in public schools, public hospitals, public shelters (including soup kitchens and local food programs) and the correction systems.
    #4. Help urge USDA to update the Dietary Guidelines for Americans by calling upon All People to be Vegans.

    This is because vegan food is the most ethical, healthy, environmentally conserving, nutritious and delicious food for all people. Here are my reasons:

    * Animals raised on factory farms are solely for exploitation and murder — really awful and scary if we think through. The owners of the factory farms may not be aware that, because they detrimentally or fatally exploit animals, they are as awful as certain evil capitalists who sexually exploit women.

    * Artificial insemination employed by factory farms resembles very much like rape crime. In addition, in the cow factories, mom cows watch their male calves get torn away from them immediately after birth and sent to a slaughterhouse.

    * Living condition on factory farms is often crowded, filthy and terrible.

    * Eliminating factory farms can effectively help improve our environment. For example, it can effectively save clean water resource, improve air quality, and allow more lands for regular agriculture by eliminating forages.

    * Vegan food is the more ethical, healthy, environmentally conserving, nutritious and delicious food.

    There are vegan chicken, vegan beef, vegan pork, vegan fish, vegan shrimp, vegan crab, vegan egg, vegan cheese, vegan ice-cream, vegan milk (coconut milk, almond milk, walnut milk, soy milk, oat milk, cashew milk, flax milk and et cetera) available. And they can taste better than poultry, seafood and dairy products.

    For example, original burgers from Boca, chicken burgers/nuggets from MorningStar Farms, vegan cheeses from Field Roast, vegan ice-creams from Nature’s Promise, Planet Oat and So Delicious Dairy Free. In the Japanese & Chinese vegan world, I have had gorgeous vegan seafood and vegan fried eggs.

    * Ordinary people who reject vegan food because there is fear from their habitual meat/seafood/dairy consuming history. Seeing through this fear, they will find that vegan food really taste better.

    * Some people who reject vegan food because they think meat/seafood/dairy are nutritious for their bodies. This is a delusion because it is a virtuous and compassionate mindset that determines one’s safety and health. Here are some examples:

    Example #1 — I have been a vegan/vegetarian for nearly 30 years. In year 1998 and 1999, for most of the days I only ate white rice mixed with some cooking oil and salt. I was a vegetarian but I ate no fruits, no vegetables, no eggs, no seafood and no poultry. Only when I drank coffee, I would have half & half. And yet, I was very healthy, strong and full of energy. At one time, a senior lady in the neighborhood said to me that I looked (glamorously) like a movie star.

    During the periods that I was employed, the companies wanted to buy medical insurance for me as a part of compensation package. I felt insulted even though I knew perfectly that the companies only meant to be compassionate and caring. I signed waivers to the medical insurances because I knew the only way to keep our lives healthy is living upon virtue, ethics and moral values. This is also the reason I do not wear a mask nowadays because I believe practicing social distance shall be from our minds toward immoral freedom, liberty, material and sex life.

    Example #2 — I am a member of PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals). Our leader, Ms. Ingrid Newkirk, is a gorgeous lady, a vegan, and an extraordinarily indomitable fighter for ethical treatment of animals. She has helped introducing many celebrities in the sports and entertainment world who are vegans. They are all healthy and bright people.

    Example #3 — From what I know in the Asian communities, many Buddhists & Taoists are vegans/vegetarians. They are all healthy and noble people.

    To conclude, vegans are much more ethical and superior people than omnivores and carnivores because vegans are most close to heaven in terms of virtue and health.

    Therefore, I would like to strongly urge the public to support this Godly Oregon state lawmaker. In addition, let us also work toward the following four improvements to our food system.

    #1. Eliminate the factory farm industry
    #2. Eliminate the live-animal markets
    #3. Mandate strictly vegan food in public schools, public hospitals, public shelters (including soup kitchens and local food programs) and the correction systems.
    #4. Help urge USDA to update the Dietary Guidelines for Americans by calling upon All People to be Vegans.

    This is because we the people live in a civilized world and we shall eat ethical food and live moral life. Thank you!

    1. Hi. In case you didn’t realize this, your living in America. It’s not your business or any politician who apparently has to much free time on his hands to mandate anything about what anyone eats. Unless there putting real poison in the food! like they said before they shot Malcom X “ Get your hand out of my Pockets” you can all stay out of food management. Kindly wander into the forest hug a tree and stay there forever. Ohhh PETA. PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS Somebody hand me some steak sauce!

    2. Ooohh I forgot by eliminating everything Nancy wants to, we all get to starve to death. There’s Barely enough farms etc etc, to feed 350 millions US citizens now ! At the rate the Democrats keep letting illegals into the country this only gets worse. I think the Pandemic shortages basically proves that point! At least us hunters out here won’t starve !

    3. There are vegan chicken, vegan beef, vegan pork, vegan fish, vegan shrimp, vegan crab, vegan egg, vegan cheese. Delete the word vegan and what do you have: chicken, beef, pork, fish, shrimp, crab, egg and cheese. If the vegan diet is so good why do they convince you of it by comparing it to chicken, beef, pork, fish, shrimp, crab egg and cheese?

  7. This comment is for the webmaster of this site. Please know that I left two comments at 5:28 PM and 5:38 PM, Eastern Standard Time. However, the website recorded my times as 10:28 PM and 10:38 PM.

    1. Clearly if she’s worried more about the time of her comments being posted rather than about the stupid premise she’s espousing PLEASE MR WEBMASTER BLOCK THE TREE HUGGING CRAZY LIBERAL FROM THE SITE I gonna have to eat a weekend worth of processed food just to wipe my brain of her idiocy! Ps Nancy I’m going hunting this Saturday a delicious rabbit will be shot and eaten in your name.

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