Meghan McCain blames Trump’s rhetoric for racist attacks on Asians — and apologizes for her own comments

News & Politics

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain blamed former President Donald Trump for a surge in racist attacks on Asian Americans and apologized or her own comments that might have aided that agenda.

McCain made the comments in a tweet Monday after she was criticized by John Oliver on “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.”

“I condemn the reprehensible violence and vitriol that has been targeted towards the Asian-American community. There is no doubt Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric fueled many of these attacks and I apologize for any past comments that aided that agenda,” McCain tweeted.

McCain’s admission followed a mainstream media narrative that Trump’s rhetoric blaming China for the coronavirus contributed to racist attacks on Asian Americans.

She had posted a meme decrying “Asian Hate” in a tweet after a lethal attack at three massage parlors in Atlanta that took the lives of six Asian women. Police have said that the suspect in the attack blamed his actions on a “sex addiction.”

Oliver pounced on the meme to attack McCain and make the same charges against her as many had made against Trump.

“I think if the left wants to focus on P.C. labeling this virus, it is a great way to get Trump re-elected,” said McCain in the video from March 2020. “I don’t have a problem with people calling it whatever they want. It’s a deadly virus that did originate in Wuhan.”

“Oh good!” Oliver responded sarcastically.

“Meghan McCain doesn’t have a problem with it,” he continued. “Listen not to the scores of Asian Americans telling everyone that the term is dangerous and offensive. Instead, gather around and take the word of a wealthy white woman who’s dressed like she’s about to lay off 47 people over Zoom.”

Here’s the video of Oliver’s critique of McCain:

John Oliver Slams Meghan McCain For Using ‘China Virus’ Label

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