CNN Article Makes Insane Claim About Newborn Babies And Gender


The left has moved their position on gender so far from the mainstream in recent years that it’s hard to keep up.

A recent article from CNN offers a stunning example of this.

It used to be pretty easy to determine a newborn baby’s gender, right?

Not anymore, according to CNN.

TRENDING: HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Senate Republicans Courageously Announce Team Who Will Perform Maricopa County Election Audit and It’s Good News for America!

The Daily Wire reports:

CNN Claims ‘There Is No Consensus Criteria For Assigning Sex At Birth’ In News Article

CNN reported as fact on Tuesday that the meaning of “biological sex” is disputed and that “no consensus” exists for knowing a person’s sex at birth.

The network published the claims in a news piece on South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s ongoing battle over legislation that would ban biological males from participating in women’s sports in her state. The piece, titled “South Dakota’s governor issues executive orders banning transgender athletes from women’s sports,” was written by breaking news reporter Devon Cole.

Cole wrote:

Though the two executive orders signed by Noem do not explicitly mention transgender athletes, they reference the supposed harms of the participation of “males” in women’s athletics – an echo of the transphobic claim, cited in other similar legislative initiatives, that transgender women are not women. The orders also reference “biological sex,” a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students’ original birth certificates.

It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.

How have we come to the point where a “news” outlet could say such a thing?

It really is beyond parody.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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      1. What drugs are these crazy people on, possibly they have a great need for attention. They need to be put in their place.

      2. yes CNN it’s possible. either you have one or you don’t.FIXED find a good book on journalism and read what a real journalist should be doing .

  1. There are only two genders, male and female. This is clear at birth. Only sick people think differently.

    1. Absolute truth… It occurs to me that this “Male competing as Female” thing is an outgrowth of the “Every body wins! Every body gets Ice Cream! And Every body gets a Trophy” standard line of crap the Liberals have pushed on US since the 1990s! Why else would a MAN claim to be a WOMAN, if not to satisfy the urge to “WIN”, at whatever the cost? Well, except for that whole “devotion of Time, Energy, and Resources to preparation” thing… I mean, can you imagine how a man would feel if he should be beaten in fair competition by a woman? I just cannot understand why a guy would want to win so badly that he would compete against girls (great big Thank You to Bobby Fisher vs Billy Jean King)!

      Now, I understand why they would want to take showers together, and use the same bathrooms, at least from a guy’s perspective, but, that’s a different discussion…

  2. CNN is absolutely the dumbest media corp in the world. They ever SEE a new birth human being not to also mention the internal organs??? Whoever wrote this article has to be missing an important link in their brain.

    1. Yeah they are missing about half of their chromosomes so they do not know who or what they are, they can be monkeys for all that matters.

  3. I’m not sure where to even go with this. This subject is damn stupid! I have a M.D./PHD this is such Bull shit it doesn’t matter what you want to be you are genetically born one sex or the other that is not debatable. You play your political crap all you want.

    1. Good morning. Sir. Your reference to CNN reporting that their article on sex differential is BS is much too kind. To begin with the obvious, If it takes one of each ….(One male– one female)… to create a child, the child obviously must be either male or female.
      There is no third choice…. Regardless of what a person feels, thanks, wants to be, OR crazy enough to think of himself or herself as something that doesn’t exist, that individual’s reasoning ability has left the planet.

  4. They are making a distinction between “gender identity” and “gender” so they are correct up to the point of there is no way to know how a new born will eventually view their sexuality later in life.

    CNN’s propaganda in all this is trying to link gender identity to genetics. Saying you can’t determine a person’s gender identity at birth is just the realization that we don’t know how much the poor kid’s parents or society is going to mess with his or her head until they can’t tell the difference between male and female. None of which justifies transgender athletics.

  5. As a registered nurse x 37 years I must object to such absolute trans propaganda. Working in the area of infertility, genetics is often utilized to identify genetic anomalies. On day three of embryonic development gender is identified as is any genetic issues of concern. Gender or sex is NOT assigned by anyone. Gender is present at conception. That is irrefutable truth. This trans movement is attempting to legitimize a mental disorder as biological reality. CNN should be embarrassed by publishing such blatantly dishonest rubbish.

    1. Who really cares what the communist news nitwits have to say. This is one of the many reasons I cancelled directv.

    2. It’s just another story, purveyed by the radical Left, that seeks to fracture societal norms. That it’s a ridiculous and childish story is all the better for Democrats whose craziness is MEANT to sow division and fire up the loons that make up their voting bloc.

  6. Apparently CNN wants to take humankind back to the days of being mushrooms, ferns, mold, and all things without gender. Let’s go back a few tens of millions of years. This is progress?

  7. God made male and Female. Satan is making everyone an IT because he is losing. If the Devil can mess with your children’s mines to the point of confusion about what gender, sex they are. Then he, the devil wins their soul for eternal hell because they have denied their Creator God. I feel sorry for those who have been so persuaded by this Nonsense. I pray they will come to their senses before their eternal soul is lost.

  8. I have three children. I knew when they were born that two were males because they were born with penises and scrotum. I knew the third was a female because she was born with a vagina. Period!!

  9. Hard to believe this crapola article. Men and women – look down. If there is a protrusion in your lower region, you are male. If there is not one you are female. Please people!

  10. So according to the left we haven’t been following the science with Covid and mask and such. And yet with Transgender and gender identity they totally ignore over a thousand years of biological science of sex? And attempt rate feelings over biological and physical attributes?
    At one point CNN is correct in that “IF” gender is a state of mind that totally ignores biology and genetic science then, as the new borne has know knowledge of it’s own or anyone else’s sex or gender or what sex and gender are for that matter, then it can not self assign its own gender.
    And no amount of surgery or hormone therapy can totally change a person from biological male to female or back again. It can only effect the general appearance.
    A person who went all out and transitioned with full surgery and hormone therapy from male to female can not birth a child and no woman turned man can provide the semen to father a child. Which is where biology of birth is the key.
    A transwoman is still in a modified mans body and will still have the underlying skeletal and muscular and genetic biology no matter their appearance. Maybe this is why so many who underwent the change therapy have had so much trouble later in life afterwards and regret their earlier decisions.
    At birth we must rely on science not emotion to assign biological sex (indisputable) to point even the parents can’t challenge they wanted a girl instead of a boy (or opposite) and start therapy before the child even understands what this is all about.

  11. LGBQTSTWCHMNE…….who the hell can keep up with these morons! Instead of embarassing myself by not being able to remember the gender-of-the-day menu, I have distilled it down to two letters that I can easily remember with my addled, 74 year old, agent orange soaked brain: FG…….which stands for Fantasy Gender.
    I guess we should have dealt with the commies here before we tried cleaning them out of South East Asia. When are they going to change the name of the district named in honor of the cancelled first president to Stalingrad On The Potomac? Hello! Anybody out there that could lead a take-back effort better make themselves known…….pretty damn quick. But that’s the problem, isn’t it? Evil will always win because there is NOTHING evil won’t do to win……. and good sets moral limits on its actions. Well, nothing lasts forever….neither will the last, mostly free country in the world.

  12. That’s interesting. Every baby I’ve seen has either a penis or vagina. Not hard at all to decide.

  13. this is such crap. there are 2 genders. period. this trans crap is implanted into kids minds by their pc idiotic parents. kids dont decide to be a different gender, they are persuaded. i may be open to the idea that some type of sexual abuse happened to the child that may be linked to wanting to change genders but i firmly believe that the 99% of gender questionable children are because of family and/or societal mental abuse, re- parents,pc leaning teachers etc.

  14. Devon Cole’s assertion that a baby’s sex cannot be known at birth, clearly indicates an interesting proposition. Inasmuch as any reasonably intelligent human being is capable of determining the sex of any adult, he displays an almost stunning mental deficiency, in which he strongly believes things that are Leftist doctrine, but otherwise totally unsupported by any, once again, reasonably intelligent adult, capable of understanding the world we live in. In this case, one might suppose that there is some version of mental disease rotting away in Cole’s skull, but we may find a more direct fact, although it be beyond his mental abilities. I propose an alternate observation, and suggest that Cole, for all his self-described wisdom. was looking at the wrong end of the baby!

  15. Sex is not “assigned” at birth. Sex is determined at conception. It is simply recognized at birth as either male or female. That is reality. The current fad with “gender” is based on feelings/self-perception. While feelings may be “indicators” of reality, they are NOT “generators” of reality. This reporter & CNN (Confused News Network) are striking examples of how slaves of Satan (the father of lies) propagate lies.

  16. Using the terminology “assigned gender” instead of ‘Sex’ is an attempt at making a person’s sex appear as a status declared by the will of persons in control, mostly the “so-called parents”, the “birthing person” – i.e. so-called “mother”, or medical staff present at this useless and unhygienic event when an unwanted “blob of cells” or an “invader” or “exploiter” exits a person’s body.
    Apart from this nonsense, there is, in most cases, no doubt about a newborn’s sex and the sexuality to be expected to appear. The latter is also what was the target of study in the ‘Behavioral Psychology’ of the 60ies which concentrated on the ‘Behaviour related to the Sex of a person’ as either “typical male-” or “typical female behaviour”. And the result f the studies was the term ‘Gender’, as most of such behaviours were found to be ‘Gen’-related. A smaller part of, say, 15-25% could come from upbringing and environment.
    As we can see in all higher evolved species of life in fauna as in flora, this Binary structure is universal and has been on this planet for many millions of years – as even the dinosaurs were already fully binary-sexual. Any way of reversing behind that would, therefore, be a strange leap backwards.
    No plant nor animal knows any homo-, bi-, a-, or other non-sexuality. That is to say: In animals which have a clear time-cycle (usually linked to the female ova-movement) there may be periods when males of the species feel unfulfilled and seek Ersatz-satisfaction or substitution. When they go for other males, however, does that not mean that they are now changing their real thing – it’s just a substitute, like in prisons or in old Navy songs. It can also become a common trait in societies which hoard women in private accumulations: Harems – which make many males unfulfilled. All this are, however, not altered sexualities but simply abnormalities.
    What can happen in nature are physical irregularities, e.g. testes not sinking and appearing, which may cause mis-identification as girl and later problems, or hormonal imbalances during pregnancy which can mis-direct development and behaviour. What would be ideal, and possible with our medical knowledge, is a gen-identification at birth and early regulative intervention in cases of damage. This could prevent all later misunderstandings and, even worse, mis-interventions like “gender-adaptations” – which are, sadly, all castrations and, thus, harmful.

  17. Well goodness, I identify as a multi-billionaire who does not have to pay taxes or obey any laws. I guess the idiot left is good with that too.

  18. What the NAMES of Trans procedure, for men to become a woman, it’s called an Addasnatchtome one way procedure. Once you’ve had the procedure there’s NO TURNING the bio clock navy,😳 Now from a woman to change from woman to Man is called An Addadicktome, this procedure can be reversed as no damage should not happen unless it’s done in JOES GARAGE😁🇺🇸

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