US Government Seizes $90,000 From BLM-Antifa Organizer Who Sold Footage of Capitol Riot to CNN


The US government has seized $90,000 from Utah BLM-Antifa organizer who sold footage of the Capitol riot to NBC and CNN.

John Sullivan was paid tens of thousands of dollars by fake news media outlets for his footage of the Capitol riot.

Sullivan wore MAGA gear and claimed to be an independent reporter but he was actually a left-wing insurgence leader encouraging violence and telling people to “burn” the building.

Reuters reported:

TRENDING: BREAKING: New “Fold Effect” Finding in New Hampshire — Could Impact Entire State Results in New Hampshire and Possibly Three Other States

U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.

Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot. Sullivan’s lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

According to the court filings, Sullivan portrayed himself as an independent journalist who was reporting on the chaos, but actually encouraged other participants to “burn” the building and engage in violence.

Sullivan recorded video of the confrontation between rioters and police just outside the U.S. House of Representatives chamber that included the shooting of protester Ashli Babbitt and, according to court filings, boasted to an unnamed witness that “my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars.”

Sullivan sold that footage to several news outlets for a total of $90,000, according to a seizure warrant. The news outlets were redacted from the warrant.

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    1. Damned right! I just don’t understand how (I KNOW the WHY!) MSM can deny the presence of ANTIFA agents, and insist that it was ALL Trump supporters! Well, I guess when you have the backing of the US Government, and immunity that comes with it, then you can pretty much do anything you want! Must be nice…

  1. After reading about the CNN-MSNBC fraudulent balloting in the net neutrality rulemaking process, I wouldn’t put it past them to have instigated this anti into faking maga and inciting a mini riot. The media is Citizen Kane or worse. Yellow journalism would be a compliment.

  2. Is the Government going to do anything to John’s enablers (CNN, etc.) or are the spineless bastards going to let the corrupt media get a pass? Think I already know that answer.

  3. Republicans should bring this up at the “Pelosi commission” that will hold hearings on the 1/6 events. After all, it was Trump that caused the problem and these were Trump supporters that caused the problem. Pelosi should also be sure to get the FBI
    s file on this.

  4. Could this be of interest to the newly formed January 6th Commission?
    Or does the inclusion of BLM-ANTIFA, obliterate the mainstream media narrative?

  5. NOW if only the GOPUSSIES and the Ri NOGOS in congress will bring this to the commiecrats attention in congress and their commiecrat US AG.

  6. He should be hung upside down and then dropped head first on a pointed stake and impaled, then left to rot in the sun!

    1. no no no! Doing that will immediately moot any attempt at punishment, as the receiver of this act would be nonliving right quick. Drop from an upright position produces hours of painful thoughts (I effed up) !

  7. I wonder how many other Dems were a part of this sham in 1 form or another .. start at the beginning .. Pelosi et al. Did not approve extra security on a day it was known millions of protestors would b there .. why?? I smell a setup ..

    1. Off course it was a setup, if the security force had been here like it should have been they never could gotten inside.

  8. Of course the justice department confiscated it and now they can hide it just like everything else.

  9. An investigation into this should focus on the handling OR more accurately, the mishandling of the security of the mall on that day. Dig deep and I imagine it leads directly to the person in charge of that security detail. Nancy Pelosi

  10. CNN hates to post the “truth!” The Left is ALWAYS talking about EQUITY in ALL things. This is a good thing! Force them to eat their own words and make them publish this story. Don Lemon should take point on this!

  11. Anyone else notice they didn’t mention This Antifa Thug being arrested and held with out bond? All the Trump supporters were rounded up and tossed in jail with out bail. This guy should at least get the same treatment or worse.

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