Biden Nominee For Bureau Of Land Management Allegedly Worked With ‘Eco-Terrorists’


Democrats and the Biden administration are constantly talking about how concerned they are about domestic terrorism. They claim that it’s a very real threat.

And yet, Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management is accused of working with eco-terrorists in the 1990s.

Shouldn’t that automatically disqualify her for this job?

FOX News reports:

TRENDING: HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans

Biden Land Management nominee ‘collaborated with eco-terrorists,’ traded testimony for immunity

President Biden’s nominee to serve as the head of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) “collaborated with eco-terrorists” in a tree spiking plot before trading her court testimony for legal immunity, according to court documents reviewed by Fox News.

In 1993, Biden’s nominee to head up BLM, Tracy Stone-Manning, was granted legal immunity for her testimony that she retyped and sent an anonymous letter to the U.S. Forest Service on behalf of John P. Blount, her former roommate and friend, those documents reveal.

The letter told the Forest Service that 500 pounds of “spikes measuring 8 to 10 inches in length” had been jammed into the trees of an Idaho forest.

“The sales were marked so that no workers would be injured and so that you a–holes know that they are spiked,” read the letter obtained by Fox News. “The majority of the trees were spiked within the first ten feet, but many, many others were spiked as high as a hundred and fifty feet.”

“P.S., You bastards go in there anyway and a lot of people could get hurt,” the note concluded.

Tree spiking is a dangerous and violent eco-terrorism tactic where metal rods are inserted into trees to prevent them from being cut down. The metal rods damage saws that, in turn, have severely injured people, such as a mill worker whose jaw was split in two from an exploding saw.

Senate Republicans should block this nomination.

Make the Democrats live by their own standards.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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  1. “And yet, Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management is accused of working with eco-terrorists in the 1990s.”

    So what? I’m sure it was a pre-requisite for the job.

  2. There Are So Many Nazi Terrorist In The USA Of America With Obama’s = Kamala Harris = Biden’s = Omar = Pelosi And The Rest Of These Terrorist They Are Destroying The USA OF America It Has To Stop , Bring In The USA Military To get These Terrorist Out Of Ofice In Out Of The USA

    1. Amen to that!

      At a time when the former Communist threats were a horrible menace, just like we see happening today, Churchill famously said,

      “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” –Winston Churchill

      The great awakening is finally happening!

      Scores of evidence have been coming out, since long before this crisis began, regarding the world oligarchy’s dehumanizing agenda of global depopulation and domination. They’ve been talking about it at the World Economic Forum for years.

      Even Lincoln knew we could face a terrible crisis one day, at the behest of a maniacal Corporate construct…

      “The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow and the money-power of the country will endeavor to per-long its reign, by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.”—Abraham Lincoln

      Fast forward to today, and Big Corporations are now dominating every aspect of our waking lives, with little to no regard for an individual citizen’s liberties, freedom nor well-being.

      Big Pharma itself, is the most profitable industry in the entire world and they’ve also been the biggest damn lobby in Washington ever since their inception onto the world scene. And we certainly have the Rockefeller’s and Rothschild’s to thank for that, now don’t we?!!

      Many thousands have been dropping like flies from these horrific experimental injections being pushed by Big Pharma, all while the blame game continues, as the corrupt government talking-heads pass the proverbial buck, from one schmuck to the next schmuck!

      The Red Flags and [ False Flags ] are all around us now and are too loud to ignore. The cat has definitely been let out of the bag!–There’s just no denying it any more!

      Lincoln certainly warned us back then, but he also gave us the remedy and way out…

      “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”—Abraham Lincoln

      The time has come, to stand up against this evil tyranny, lest we’re made to endure suffering, the likes of which our modern day world has never seen before, if we even survive it!

      The fascist elite may be planning this so-called, Great Reset, but one thing they’ve completely underestimated is the Power of the Great Push Back! — by, “We the People!”

      The blockage of the Suez Canal and subsequent, yet covert seizure of extremely dangerous bio-weapon technology aboard the Evergreen shipping container, back on March 23rd of this year, was the first monkey wrench thrown into the plans of the world elite.

      A small victory for the existing National Sovereignty’s—Yes! — However, we would be naive to think the Oligarchy of the world doesn’t already have contingency plans in place to keep sparking new crises’ in their brazen attempt to accomplish their despicable, utterly disgusting, dehumanizing agenda.

      Already these New World Order Fascist creeps are pushing frivilous Climate Change policies, with governments all across the globe, which, if fully enacted, would usher in a brand new era of extreme authoriatarian rule over the lives of every last citizen.

      My fellow Patriots, the writing is on the wall! —

      Our true enemies engines are fast approaching full throttle!

      The time for recompense is NOW!

      Let us not pass up what may be our one and only oppurtunity to vindicate the blood of all those whom valiantly sacrificed their lives for the sake of our great Constitutional Republic and it’s solemn promise of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! —

      “…For which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all!

  3. At least you know where all the shit is Everytime Joe needs to fill a slot or cabinet position he sticks his arm into the cesspool and picks another piece of shit up. He knows nothing about loyalty but still how could he trust this rat bastard backstabbing bitch to run BLM. Good luck to native Americans and others affected by this agency. At least you are consistent with picking your appointments.

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