Another Democrat Caught Working for the Chinese, and He Wants Your Vote

News & Politics

Down With CCP

China Daily was busted spending millions of dollars, and lying about it, to publish ads made to look like news stories in publications such as, you guessed it, the Washington Post and the New York Times. How many Facebook fights have you had with a lib-dolt who got his info from a Chinese propaganda “news story”? The New York Times sheepishly ended their lucrative deal with China Daily and began scrubbing the Chinese nonsense from their site.

As of December 2019, the Chinese had published over 700 online ads and 500 ads printed in American newspapers, ads that were propaganda made to look like news stories.

Now we’ve learned that Matthew Putorti, the Democrat challenger to Republican lawmaker Elise Stefanik, has some pretty serious ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He was the sole attorney for a 2019 copyright lawsuit involving their global propaganda site, China Daily, which the State Department designated a Chinese propaganda operative in Feb. 2020.

FACT-O-RAMA! Puroitri’s firm, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, has three offices in China.

Putori’s firm does a lot of work for China and has website pages written in Mandarin. China Daily has ramped up its Pravda-like nonsense in the past year as it tries to distance itself from the CCP COVID virus.

Related: YouTube Blocks Videos Exposing China’s Slow-Motion Genocide in Xinjiang

Extra Helping of Wanton

While Putorti was with the firm, it helped litigate a case on behalf of a Chinese company, Trina Solar. The firm assisted another Chinese company, E-Town Capital, in its $300 million acquisition  of a U.S. semiconductor firm. Beijing-based E-Town Capital stated in 2020 that it has the official backing of the Chinese Communist Party. The firm’s semiconductor subsidiary, the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, was blacklisted by the Trump administration for its connections to the Chinese military. And did I mention that Chinese solar companies frequently use slave labor? Democrats, Commies and slaves: the trifecta of evil — and Putori wants your vote.

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