George Soros funneled $1 million to organization vowing to defund the police as violent crime continues to swell

News & Politics

Left-wing billionaire George Soros funneled $1 million to a political action committee that supports the defund the police movement despite violent crime surging across the nation.

Soros sent $1 million to the Color Of Change PAC, according to Federal Election Commission files obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Color Of Change PAC declares itself the nation’s largest online racial justice organization “focused on building Black political power, uplifting Black voices, and celebrating Black joy.”

Rashad Robinson, president of Color Of Change, previously said he not only wants to defund the police, but appears to want to abolish the police entirely.

“Policing is a violent institution that must end,” Robinson said. “We imagine a country where there is enough money to educate our children, care for our sick and feed those who are financially unstable. Defunding the police allows for this vision.”

Robinson supported the Minneapolis City Council’s interest in disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department in June 2020, and replacing it with a “transformative new model for cultivating safety.”

“Today’s announcement of a vote to disband the Minneapolis Police Department is a historic moment, brought about by the tireless activism of thousands of protesters who have put their lives on the line for nearly two weeks,” Robinson stated. “This is the power of black activism.”

“This is not a time for tweaking or tinkering – it’s time to start over,” Robinson added, “Minneapolis has taken the first step towards remaking public safety in a way that protects black lives and invests in black and brown communities. We hope cities across the country follow.”

Months later, the Minneapolis City Council pulled back efforts to dismantle the city’s police department. After residents grew tired of the skyrocketing crime in their city, the Democratic-controlled Minneapolis City Council brazenly demanded to know, “Where are the police?”

Earlier this month, a judge ordered the city of Minneapolis to hire more police officers after several residents sued over the lack of law enforcement while violent crime surged.

The Color Of Change organization called the NYPD a military with an “arsenal of chemical weapons, tanks, sniper units, surveillance towers, and sound grenades, they look more like an army prepared for war than a city police department.”

“When we begin to invest in social services, public health infrastructure, quality mental health programs, and community-based alternatives to policing, Black communities will grow to be safer and healthier,” the far-left organization said. “So that’s why we’re calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to immediately reduce the NYPD’s budget by $1 billion and invest that into community-based alternatives.”

New York City has experienced massive spikes in violent crimes this summer. Compared to the same time last year, grand larceny auto is up nearly 24%, shooting incidents are up almost 22%, other sex crimes are up 24%, and hate crimes are up 110%, according to data provided by the NYPD.

Soros has funded numerous organizations and candidates who are in favor of defunding the police or are weak on enforcing laws.

Soros donated $2 million for the campaign of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, who as a candidate promised to get rid of cash bail, not pursue prosecution enhancements for gangs and guns, and not seek the death penalty for any offenses. Gascón is facing recall after he instituted his extremely progressive criminal justice reforms and hired a new prosecutor who has displayed anti-police sentiments and wanted to abolish prisons.

The left-wing billionaire spent nearly $2 million to help elect progressive Larry Krasner as the district attorney of Philadelphia, which currently has the highest murder rate per capita among the 10 largest cities in the nation; homicides have surged 35% in Philly this year.

Soros and fellow billionaire Michael Bloomberg reportedly funneled $300,000 into the critical Georgia runoff elections to support Democratic candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

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