Nikki Haley Blasts Biden: ‘Beginning of the Lame Duck Presidency’

News & Politics

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador, minced no words Tuesday when talking about the catastrophic situations created by the Biden administration.

Before the president’s latest defiant address, Haley joined The Guy Benson Show and bemoaned the current tragedy in Afghanistan.

“It’s pathetic on every level, because what we know is there are a lot of Americans that are nowhere near that Kabul airport. They are in other areas,” she explained. “When they go to check points, their passports are being taken, their green cards are being taken. They’re not being allowed to go through.”

The Stand for America PAC founder also touched on today’s eye-opening Wall Street Journal exclusive about an Afghan interpreter who helped rescue then-Sen. Biden and others 13 years ago, but is now stranded in Afghanistan.

During a wide-ranging interview Tuesday evening on Special Report, Haley claimed Biden “has lost the trust and confidence of every member of the military” as well as military families, our allies, and the American people.

“Jihadists are celebrating in the streets because America was run out of town. You couldn’t ask for a more embarrassing, humiliating situation,” the erstwhile ambassador said. “The world is definitely a more dangerous place. Just because we are out of Afghanistan doesn’t mean the war is over.”

Asked by host Bret Baier is she had any advice for Biden, the potential 2024 presidential candidate began by saying the current president should stop talking about former President Donald Trump and “own up to what’s happened.”

She then recommended that the administration immediately reassure key allies like Australia, India, Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

Haley said America should engage in an “anti-terrorist effort across the world” to counter the “heavy recruitment campaign” by Jihadists.

She also said we need to prepare for security threats from rogue actors in China and Russia.

The two also analyzed North Korea likely restarting a nuclear reactor, about which Haley has familiarity from her time as UN ambassador.

She said Leader Kim Jong-Un senses Biden’s weakness and hopes the UN will lift sanctions and send North Korea money.

“Biden needs to stand firm on those sanctions, be sure he doesn’t acknowledge the Taliban as a credible government, stays strong and out of the Iran deal,” Haley explained. “And he can’t show any weakness whatsoever.”

Related: Here’s One Guy No One Thought Joe Biden Would Leave Behind in Afghanistan

The conversation closed with discussion of Sunday’s controversies at Dover Air Base in Delaware, where Biden appeared to glance at his watch while caskets of recently-slain Marines passed before him. The president also offended and enraged multiple Gold Star parents with his apparent apathy and obsession with talking about his own son instead of comforting the grieving.

Haley compared this to her leadership after the 2015 Charleston church shooting and her time as a military spouse.

“I hurt that they met with a president that was completely tone deaf,” the former governor claimed. “You don’t talk about your own son when you’re talking about loss of life of a military serviceman or woman…The one thing you do is you sympathize with them; you hug them, and let them know the greatness of their family member. But I get why he didn’t look them in the face. How could he look them in the face when he knew he was the reason they died?”

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