POLL: Trust In Media Sinks To Just 36 Percent – Second Lowest Ever


Trust in media has absolutely cratered. How has this happened? It’s pretty easy to see why.

When was the last time a journalist asked Joe Biden about the Americans still trapped in Afghanistan? When was the last time they asked him about the drone strike that killed innocent people including children?

They don’t because they’re too busy talking about the insurrection! on January 6th, or how evil Republicans are. They push a political agenda and they lie and lie and lie.

Why should anyone trust them?

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New Busters reports:

Gallup: Trust In The Media Sinks to 36 Percent, Second Lowest Ever

Can the mistrust of the media get much greater? Gallup pollsters reported on Thursday that American trust in the media “to report the news fully, accurately and fairly has edged down four percentage points since last year to 36 percent, making this year’s reading the second lowest in Gallup’s trend.”

Overall, just seven percent of U.S. adults say they have “a great deal” and 29 percent “a fair amount” of trust and confidence in newspapers, television and radio news reporting — which, combined, is four points above the 32 percent record low in 2016, during the Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton battle.

More than half of respondents sound fed up: 29 percent of the public currently registers “not very much” trust and 34 percent say they have “none at all.”

Of course, plenty of Democrats still trust the media. Why do you suppose that is?

Don’t expect the media to change, either. They’re activists and they have an agenda.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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