WaPo opinion writer Jennifer Rubin claims that the GOP ‘is a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism’

News & Politics

Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin asserted that the Republican Party has ceased to be a political party and has instead transformed into a movement committed to implementing “White Christian nationalism.”

“People might be confused about how a Republican Party that once worried about government overreach now seeks to control medical care for transgender children and retaliate against a corporation for objecting to a bill targeting LGBTQ students. And why is it that the most ambitious Republicans are spending more time battling nonexistent critical race theory in schools than on health care or inflation?” Rubin wrote.

“To explain this, one must acknowledge that the GOP is not a political party anymore. It is a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism,” she continued.

Conservatives oppose radical leftist gender ideology and the concepts of critical race theory, and they do not want schools to foist these ideas on kids.

Rubin claimed that white Christians in the U.S. desire to cling to political power.

“The media blandly describes the GOP’s obsessions as ‘culture wars,’ but that suggests there is another side seeking to impose its views on others,” Rubin wrote. “In reality, only one side is repudiating pluralistic democracy — White, Christian and mainly rural Americans who are becoming a minority group and want to maintain their political power.”

“The MAGA crowd is offended by any attempt to identify the ongoing reality of systemic racism (evident, for example, in the criminal justice system, maternal health care, housing discrimination and gerrymandering to reduce minority voting power). The notion that institutions they refuse to reform perpetuate racism is a sort of moral challenge to their claim to be ‘colorblind.’ Perhaps it is simply self-interested blindness,” she wrote.

Rubin also said that white U.S. Christians who view themselves as victims suffer from “moral confusion.”

“Our political problems are significant, but they are minor compared with the moral confusion that is afflicting the millions of White Christian Americans who consider themselves victims. Left unaddressed, this will smother calls for empathy, tolerance and justice,” she declared.

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