‘Unwoke’ With Kevin and Kruiser #68: Will Trump Trump the Democrats’ Trump Card?

(Reminder: Every episode is now in the Unwoke section of our new podcast page. I’ll still be doing teaser blurb posts in Columns as reminders that new episodes are up.)

This was recorded last week and has been up on the Podcast page since Thursday. I got caught up in all the Easter stuff and forgot to do a promo post, however.

Kevin and I explore all that we think might happen because of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s bloodlust when it comes to Donald Trump.


We discuss what we think will happen and what we would like to happen, which obviously aren’t always the same things.

One thing is certain: this is going to be a presidential election unlike any we have seen in our lifetimes. That’s got the potential to go either way. Let’s hope it’s not the lousy way.

We’re playing with ideas for Brokeback the Magic Mescaline Pony merchandise. We have to get the merch game going before we take this show on the road.


Please consider subscribing to the Morning Briefing here. It’s free and it helps keep me off the streets.

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