Leftists are losing it after Ontario township axes ‘Pride Month’ and rules non-governmental flags, including pride flags, cannot be flown on city property

A community in the Canadian province of Ontario has decided it’s going to hang up the vain effort to please everybody and take down all non-governmental flags on municipal property.

Leftists are fuming since this successful motion means that LGBT activists’ pride colors can no longer be flown above the Township of Norwich, a community of roughly 11,000.

The Norwich Township council voted on two motions: one banning non-governmental flags, such that only federal, provincial, and municipal flags can be flown on township property, including street light poles, and another recognizing June as “Pride Month.”

Canadian state media reported that the councilor who proposed the bylaw, John Scholten, was of the mind that further accommodation of particular flags, particularly activists’ flags, would only inspire other groups to request their own flags.

Scholten reasoned, “I simply need to look at our federal, provincial and municipal flags to see everything we need to maintain the unity that is already there,” reported the London Free Press.

“By flying these flags alone on township property, we can coexist in peace and harmony no matter who we are or what we believe. To open the door to flying flags that represent any particular group or organization or ideology will only divide rather than unite,” added Scholten.

Despite a multitude of activists crowding the council chambers on Tuesday, both inside and out, the pressure exerted on the councilmen wasn’t enough ultimately to sway them. The first motion passed with a 3-2 vote.

Calvi Leon of the London Free Press reported that Tami Murray, the head of Oxford County Pride, couldn’t handle the democratic result and stormed out of the chambers. Murray later called the result “disgusting,” adding that “it sets us back. It’s regression.”

After Murray’s exit, the council voted 4-1 not to declare June “Pride Month.”

“As the mayor, I have to support the people in my township. There are far, far more people on that side than on the other side,” said Norwich Mayor Jim Palmer. “I’m sure there’s going be people who talk to me, people are going to call me bad names. … It’s not my intention. But that’s just the way things go.”

Councilor Alisha Stubbs, who voted against the flag ban and in favor of making the community complicit in LGBT activism during the month of June, said, “This entire situation right now is sneaky. It’s demeaning. It’s non-transparent. It’s unethical. It goes further beyond our code of conduct as councillors.”

Stubbs went so far as to claim that the exclusion of all non-governmental flags was “directly, specifically, and horrifyingly discrimination (and) it’s a clear violation of the Human Rights Code.”

LGBT activist Jordan Kent of Oxford County Pride said, “The council here should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for choosing to take the wrong side of this issue.”

Kent later claimed on Twitter that the council’s decision to only fly the Canadian and Ontario flags was “genuinely unCanadian.”

Some activists are seeking to circumnavigate the democratic process with an appeal to the human rights tribunal in hopes of coercing the Township of Norwich into flying their colors.

Global News reported that LGBT activist Tami Murray will be filing a human rights complaint.

“We are going to continue to be the voice for those who continue to be marginalized in Norwich and we will be moving forward with the legal process that we have every right to do,” said Murray.

Mayor Palmer said of the possibility of a legal challenge: “If we are challenged we will have to defend ourselves.”

While leftists bemoaned the township’s resistance to activist pressure, some lauded it on online.

Twitter user Billboard Chris, a critic of gender ideology and the mutilation of children, wrote, “Well done, Norwich. We don’t need a month or a flag that celebrates the maiming and sterilization of children.”

The Canadian Christian Heritage Party suggested, “All government buildings should follow suit.”

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