Radical LGBTQ Ideology Has Become the State Religion

Radical LGBTQ ideology has become not only a sort of religious cult but a state religion. And considering that such an ideology is by definition irrational, anti-Judeo-Christianity, and pro-mutilation of kids, that’s a terrifying state of affairs.

The government is zealously dedicated to LGBTQ ideology, corporations are aggressively pushing it (regardless of how much their customers disagree), schools are forcing it on children at younger and younger ages, and anyone who publicly disagrees is canceled, maligned, and persecuted.

No proof is allowed to be presented against it, no statement of opinion to be made critiquing it, and everyone is getting canceled for their stances on LGBTQ from video gamers to baseball players. The White House put up the LGBTQ flag with more Pride (pun intended) than the U.S. flag, and almost every institution seems more excited about Pride month than Christmas. Pride month, in fact, is assuming the features of a quasi-religious celebration, the holy month of the new religion (with the Satanic drag queens the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence as its officiants, I suppose). If all that doesn’t make radical LGBTQ ideology a state religion, I don’t know what does.

As noted above, this is very dangerous. Radical LGBTQ ideology, of course, demands absolute agreement from everyone. There are no opposing opinions to be allowed, so no one can be allowed to speak against it. The horror stories detransitioners tell of what damage “gender-affirming surgery” does to their bodies are suppressed. The continuing high depression among LGBTQ individuals, the obvious sexualization of little children, and the high rate of sexually transmitted diseases and mental health issues among LGBTQ individuals are all disregarded. Nay, more — they are not only denied but their mention treated as a sort of “heresy” meriting severe punishment.

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And since LGBTQ ideology celebrates perversions and is inherently irrational, it opposes Judeo-Christianity. The Old Testament Jewish law brings order to life, and Jesus Christ is called “Logos” in the New Testament (John 1:1, 14), which means both “word” and “reason.”

The Founding Fathers recognized that religion was necessary if America was to continue as a free nation. But they founded America as a Judeo-Christian nation, a nation that saw faith and reason as necessary partners in the public sphere, and this LGBTQ ideology very publicly and explicitly attacks traditional Judeo-Christian teachings. Not only does LGBTQ ideology stand in opposition to biblical teaching, but traditional Jews and Christians are now also told that they must abandon their religious beliefs and scruples in favor of the new “dogma” imposed by LGBTQ ideologues.

Increasing numbers of children are taking treatments and surgeries that permanently alter their bodies. More and more young people are getting sucked into the radical LGBTQ ideology. It is becoming increasingly difficult to function in the public square with opinions or religious beliefs that oppose the radical LGBTQ ideology. Americans have to face this issue now, or the new state LGBTQ religion will destroy America from within.

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