How Did the U.S. Become One of the Top Child Sex Consumers?

At the end of the powerful new movie Sound of Freedom, which delves into the hellish world of child trafficking, the moviemakers say the United States is among the biggest consumers of child sex in the world. How did the land of the free and the home of the brave become the home of the depraved?

It is a deep question with a complex answer, and it would probably take years of research to understand exactly how America went from being a country with moral and religious fervor—willing to fight and die for liberty and justice—to our current corrupt state. But several factors obviously contribute to the reality Sound of Freedom stated: “Human trafficking is a $150 billion a year business. The United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the larger consumers of child sex.” The movie even asserted, “There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history.”

One glaringly obvious factor, which is also relevant to Sound of Freedom (the hero was originally a Homeland Security agent), is the border crisis. For many years, the Democrat Party has encouraged and facilitated illegal immigration, ignoring that it has allowed criminal cartels and human traffickers to control the border.

There are thousands of sex offenders and other criminals among the constant waves of illegal migrants. As of 2014, 80% of Central American illegal migrants were reportedly raped on their way to the U.S. In 2016, Breitbart reported on how migrant women and girls are often raped again and again on their way to the border by traffickers. In 2022, The Washington Times reported that many migrant children are being claimed by “families” who actually just want to use, abuse, and rape them. Open border policies fuel a rape culture.

Yet the Democrats ignore the crisis; a whistleblower told Project Veritas that, under Biden, the feds were knowingly placing minors with traffickers. We appear to have pedophiles or at least pedophile sympathizers running our government. But after the countless political and Hollywood sex scandals, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the Jeffrey Epstein saga, are we really surprised?

Another factor in this child sex consumerism is the intense sexualization of our culture, which has become particularly focused on children and teens due to the LGBTQ movement. The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s was the first step toward a country rejecting the biblical commandments on sexuality once so important to our Judeo-Christian nation. We have spiraled to a much greater depth now. Anyone who has seen a Pride parade, a “family-friendly” drag show, or the “LGBTQ-affirming” porn handed to schoolchildren knows that. America has reached a new level of insanity under the aegis of the rainbow mafia.

Indeed, the declining belief in God and a falling away from Judeo-Christian religion are certainly factors that helped create our modern mess in America. History shows that pagan societies are often sexually obsessed or perverted, and the U.S. seems to be getting more pagan all the time.

I recently made the argument that we can expect to see pedophilia become a protected group of LGBTQ “identity” sometime soon. The LGBTQ movement is loudly and proudly targeting children, distributing porn to seven-year-olds, celebrating naked men cavorting in front of babies and toddlers, and encouraging minors to use life-altering transgender surgeries and “treatments” at younger and younger ages.

All of this is supported and furthered by politicians and celebrities, with President Joe Biden himself hosting a disturbing Pride event at the White House and calling restrictions on transgender surgeries for kids “immoral.” Both Joe and his press secretary, lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre, claim all children are “our children.” Other Democrats screech that any restrictions on drag shows and other sexual displays in front of kids are “anti-LGBTQ.” Our Founding Fathers would not recognize this country.

How many of our leaders are among the sexual perverts consuming child sex? Hunter Biden allegedly possessed child porn and hired underage prostitutes, and it’s not a far stretch to consider creepy Joe Biden, Hunter’s perpetual enabler, as having similar issues (remember, Joe is accused of showering with his young daughter Ashley). Child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein reportedly hosted many powerful U.S. politicians, including Bill Clinton. And, again, the Biden administration is placing minors with traffickers.

Not all of us can be Tim Ballard, the DHS agent portrayed in Sound of Freedom by Jim Caviezel, who faced great dangers with his team to help children escape the hell of sex slavery. But we can certainly address the contributing factors making America a big consumer of child sex. We can fight the LGBTQ insanity in schools, in media, and at the ballot box. We can spread the suppressed truths about the border crisis. And we can financially and vocally assist those who help enslaved children, including Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad.

At the end of Sound of Freedom, actor Jim Caviezel appealed to the audience, emphasizing the power of storytelling. He noted how Abraham Lincoln credited Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin with launching the movement that led to the end of legal race-based slavery in the U.S. Caviezel hopes that Sound of Freedom will be the story to launch a movement to end child sexual slavery.

We can join that movement to restore this nation to its previous Judeo-Christian identity to end child sex trafficking and ensure, as Caviezel said, that God’s children are no longer for sale.

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