News & Politics

The once-fierce pit bull has lost his bite! As Robert Mueller’s closest aide during the Russia, Russia, Russia investigation, Andrew Weissmann earned the moniker, “the pit bull,” for his hyper-aggressive approach to prosecution. But now that Weissmann has become an MSNBC analyst, and asked to comment on the indictment of Hunter Biden on gun charges, the
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will attend the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York next week, when he will pitch more military and economic aid to Ukraine. Zelenskyy is also expected to go from New York to Washington, D.C., to meet with Joe Biden and lawmakers. While a majority in Congress
The official watchdog of the Internal Revenue Service admitted in a new report there is no realistic way to prevent the IRS from increasing audits on average Americans unless the agency takes immediate action. What is the background? Last year, the Inflation Reduction Act — which was not actually designed to reduce inflation — gave
President Joe Biden was caught in a lie that he taught “political theory” at the University of Pennsylvania. However, there is no evidence that Biden taught a single class at UPenn. Biden gave a speech at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland on Thursday. The 80-year-old president asserted that democracy is “under attack.” “Our democracy
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy went toe-to-toe with a reporter on Thursday who claimed he launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden “without evidence.” During a press gaggle, Associated Press reporter Farnoush Amiri questioned McCarthy’s decision to open an impeachment inquiry — but the top House Republican quickly turned the tables. “Are you concerned about
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Luke Rosiak, reporter for The Daily Wire and 2022 MRC Bulldog Award winner for outstanding investigative journalism, released an article on Friday about the latest developments in the scandal in cam girl turned Democratic Virginia State House candidate Susana Gibson. Rosiak reports that the Associated Press not only passed on the story, but alert Gibson
An “astronomy enthusiast” encountered a mysterious hole on Portmarnock Beach in County Dublin, Ireland, earlier this week. Notwithstanding the countless footprints along the shoreline and various other signs of human activity, Dave Kennedy figured it for the work of a meteor strike. Ireland’s national independent news service soon reported on the seeming scientific discovery, leaving
The Biden Pentagon awarded a contract to a disinformation researcher who celebrated Big Tech’s election interference by suppressing the 2020 Hunter Biden bombshell scandals. The Biden Defense Department (DoD) awarded two contracts to Lisa Kaplan’s LCK Strategies, one for a “global disinformation” tracking tool. In 2020, Kaplan lauded Twitter’s aggressive censorship of the New York
Another Illinois union official is being accused of hypocrisy after a report claimed that his children went to private school even as the official works against school choice for everyone else. Sean Denney works as the government relations director of the Illinois Education Association, a branch of the National Education Association, the largest labor union
CNN host Abby Phillip exposed on Tuesday the hypocrisy of Chicago Teachers Union president Stacy Davis Gates. What is the background? Davis Gates is a fierce opponent of school choice. She believes offering parents school choice is “the choice of racists.” But apparently Davis Gates doesn’t believe her rhetoric applies to her family. Last week,
MSNBC’s Jen Psaki, whom Dave Rubin calls “Cringe Jean-Pierre’s predecessor” and “a paid liar,” just let slip exactly what pro-abortion far-leftists think about the pro-life initiative. Her stomach-churning explanation is “genuinely disgusting” and “off the charts,” says Dave. “Because they are seeking a rebrand,” Psaki mocks, “pro-life now becomes, in the words of Indiana Senator
Tim Gurner, CEO of Luxury Hospitality Gurner Group, had some choice words for workers. He called for “pain in the economy” in order to “remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around.” He also recommended unemployment rates of 50% to discipline the labor market. Via Fortune (emphasis added): It’s not
Surveillance video has been released to the public showing Transportation Security Administration agents in Florida allegedly stealing valuables from passengers during security screenings at Miami International Airport. The state attorney’s office released several video clips this week of TSA agents appearing to remove items belonging to travelers from security bins. Security footage shows a TSA
The Peel District School Board defended a practice that removed a large number of books from its school libraries if they contained “racist content,” “stereotypes,” or didn’t “affirm students’ identities.” Books such as “Harry Potter” and “The Hunger Games” were reportedly removed. The purging process also included removing any books deemed to be outdated, which
Word just got out that toiletries manufacturer Dove partnered with a social media “influencer,” as they’re calling themselves these days, to promote “fat liberation.” It just so happens that the fat-fluencer is a mega BLM activist and even lied to get a student acquaintance expelled from her university.  Talk about twisted morals! The fat-fluencer, Zyahana
I thought we were done targeting churches as a protest against their pro-life stances. I stand corrected. On Saturday evening, vandals attacked a pro-life church in Palermo, Maine. They vandalized a pro-life sign that was displayed at the town’s Second Baptist Church and added two of their own slogans pushing for both abortion and LGBTQ
Tuesday’s PBS NewsHour ran two segments on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, extending the ongoing investigations by congressional Republicans into the president’s possible involvement in his son’s business dealings. The supposedly objective tax-supported outlet showered McCarthy with “far-right” labels. A favored phrase of the liberal media also reared