News & Politics

During a press conference at President Donald Trump’s New Jersey resort Friday evening, a reporter attempted to corner the president while suggesting attendees who weren’t wearing masks were breaking the law under the state’s COVID-19 restrictions. But the president drew cheers and applause when he assured the journalist that the invited guests were well within
Canadians are reportedly tracking down and reporting American illegals, The New York Times reports. What are the details? The outlet reports that the angry Canadians are seeking out Americans who have reportedly illegally crossed the northern border. Canada closed its borders to tourists in March amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and its citizens remain concerned over
How’s this for chutzpah? Less than three months before the election, Letitia James, the Democrat Attorney General of New York, who in 2018 called the NRA a “terrorist organization,” brings a lawsuit seeking to “dissolve,” i.e. destroy, the NRA. But she insisted on Morning Joe that “this lawsuit has nothing to do with politics.” James
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer admitted Friday that regardless of any other COVID-19 relief efforts, the economy won’t be able to recover unless the schools are opened, according to The Hill. Schumer, along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have been locked in negotiations with the White House and Republican leadership, trying to agree on
President Donald Trump signed executive orders on Thursday that will prohibit U.S. transactions with Chinese technology giants Tencent and ByteDance. The orders, which go into effect in 45 days, will effectively ban Tencent’s WeChat app and ByteDance’s TikTok app. The executive order escalates the already-tense tech war between the U.S. and China. President Trump invoked
Los Angeles Lakers basketball star LeBron James laughed off criticism from President Donald Trump over NBA players choosing to participate in kneeling protests before their games. James told reporters on Wednesday that the game of basketball would do fine without the president watching. “I really don’t think the basketball community are sad about losing his
A Republican congressman with links to Liberty University declared Thursday that Jerry Falwell Jr. should resign his post as president of the institution, citing his “ongoing behavior” that the lawmaker called “appalling.” What are the details? Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.), a former pastor, tweeted, “Jerry Falwell Jr’s ongoing behavior is appalling. As a Music Faculty
You can’t write comedy this good. In opening Thursday’s PrimeTime, host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, whose nickname comes from the dumb brother in The Godfather and who failed to correctly identify a rhino on a cognitive assessment test, raged at President Trump and insisted he was bungling the COVID response because “his judgment may not just be
On Thursday, after the 68th consecutive night of violent riots in Portland, Mayor Ted Wheeler (D-Portland) finally urged activists who seriously desire police reform not to join the murderous and destructive antifa mob wreaking havoc in his city. Better late than never? While Wheeler finally issued a full-throated condemnation of the violence, he also warned
A congressman urged the Department of Justice to investigate what he called a “disturbing trend” of attacks and vandalism on churches across the nation. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.) made the request in a letter to U.S. Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday after a rash of attacks on Catholic churches in his district. “Since June,
An Alabama high school principal’s effort to prepare students for returning to school amid COVID-19 restrictions has gone viral, after he created a parody of MC Hammer’s “You Can’t Touch This” to explain the new rules while declaring: “It’s the CDC, not me!” What are the details? Dr. Quentin Lee, the principal of Childersburg High
A University of Utah police officer is under fire after reportedly showing colleagues explicit sexual photos of a 21-year-old student who later ended up dead. Newly released reports allege that Officer Miguel Deras inappropriately showed his fellow officers explicit images and that Deras’ fellow officers “inappropriately commented on the photos.” What are the details of
A group of protesters marched from the United Federation of Teachers headquarters to the New York City Department of Education offices on Monday, displaying a number of props designed to convey the dramatic message that the Department of Education was killing them. According to the New York Post, the protest included about 200 people, “many”
In an era where governments use news outlets to launder their state propaganda as objective news, one Big Tech company is now beginning to take a decent stand by labeling government and state-affiliated media.  Twitter Inc. announced that going forward, the company “will label some state-backed media accounts, as well as accounts belonging to ‘key
The world was assured by Democrats that if Donald Trump’s “stormtroopers” left Portland, antifa and Black Lives Matter riots would simply stop. And yet another riot was declared on Wednesday night in Portland on Day 69 of the riots. Tonight’s group outside of East Precinct’s entrance doors setting fire. — Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) continued to voice his frustration with Republican colleagues who are considering another massive coronavirus relief package with little regard for the budget, Axios reported. Congress is working toward another economic stimulus and relief package, and while Republicans have resisted some of the Democrats’ most costly proposals, they appear poised to make
Former first lady Michelle Obama announced that she is suffering from depression, adding that President Donald Trump is one of the contributing factors. Obama started her own podcast in late July, and the first episode featured her husband, Barack Obama. In the second episode of “The Michelle Obama Podcast,” the former first lady admitted that
Liberal journalists did their best to defend Black Lives Matter Marxists on The Last Word Wednesday night, while not actually addressing their radical ideology. After President Trump called BLM, “Marxists” in an interview yesterday, PBS White House correspondent used a made-up statistic to defend the group, praising the activists for “wanting to make America better.”
Twitter temporarily banned the Trump 2020 campaign from tweeting on their social media platform until they deleted a video about the coronavirus on Wednesday. Liz Kelley, a spokesperson for Twitter, told the Washington Post that the video was “is in violation of the Twitter Rules on COVID-19 misinformation.” She added that the “account owner will
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) announced Wednesday night that by the end of the week, the city will start cutting off water and electric services to homes and businesses caught holding unauthorized large gatherings in violation of COVID-19 restrictions. The mayor says he wants offenders shut down “permanently.” What are the details? “Recently we’ve
On Wednesday, Twitter deleted a Trump campaign video showing President Donald Trump saying that children are “almost immune” from COVID-19, claiming that the president’s claim was “misinformation,” even though children face much less risk for the coronavirus than adults. Facebook had deleted the video earlier on Wednesday. Suspicions of political bias appeared confirmed yet again