
(Natural News) As of Wednesday, some 165,000 people in the United States have died from COVID-19. I have made the case in the American Journal of Epidemiology and in Newsweek that people who have a medical need to be treated can be treated early and successfully with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and antibiotics such as azithromycin or doxycycline. I have also argued that these
(Natural News) Several years ago when I warned that Big Pharma and the vaccine industry staged the measles outbreak at Disneyland in order to push California’s SB 277 vaccine mandate law, very few people believed the vaccine industry was capable of such a nefarious plot. They laughed and mocked at the “conspiracy theory,” but fast
(Natural News) The alt-media is all over the coronavirus – hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) scandal, with some news outlets even bravely talking about the importance of supplementing with zinc for maximum immune protection. But there is another healing component that few are mentioning, and it is probably already stocked away in your kitchen pantry. We are talking
(Natural News) BREAKING: Portland, Oregon now stands on the verge of collapse into total lawlessness and anarchy, all by design, as Oregon State Police are pulling out of the city following the decision of the local district attorney to drop nearly all charges against rioters who violently assault law enforcement officials. Once again, a radical
(Natural News) After announcing her as his running mate, Joe Biden gushed about how Kamala Harris is supposedly a “fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants.” But how can this be true when Kamala was a quintessential bad cop during her tenure as San Francisco’s chief prosecutor? In
(Natural News) The push is on worldwide to unleash as many different Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines as possible, including in Russia where the world’s first completed plandemic jab has officially been approved by Russian regulators, pending “a rigorous safety data review.” But the World Health Organization (WHO) is already saying not so fast, simply because
(Natural News) The Australian police have gone full Nazi combining their fascist-looking uniforms with violent tactics for obtaining private information from citizens who haven’t broken the law. These power-crazed, hot-headed maniacs are functioning as if Hitler gave them direct orders to get everyone’s “papers” at all costs. Dressed in black from top to bottom, the
(Natural News) Read your history and learn. You can’t have a significant manufacturing base in any nation without “slave wage” labor. It was China’s dirt-cheap labor (and horrific worker safety and environmental practices) that made China the manufacturing hub of the world over the last 40 years, but with the Trump administration now systematically severing
(Natural News) Dr. Marc Siegel, a regular contributor at Fox News, is back in the news again for making outlandish suggestions concerning mandatory vaccinations. Siegel reportedly told Tucker Carlson the other day that children who do not get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should wear a yellow pin indicating that they are not to
(Natural News) A large, planet-sized mass inhabits our solar system, and its large elliptical orbit around the sun brings it across Earth’s orbital plane every 3,600 years or so, wreaking havoc on our planet due to strong gravity effects. The U.S. government has been aware of the approach of “Planet X” for over forty years,
(Natural News) California’s public health director recently resigned after it came to light that the Golden State’s official Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) numbers, which she was in charge of managing, were wildly inaccurate due to an alleged computer system “failure.” Dr. Sonia Angell, who had been in her position for less than a year, admitted in
Tuesday, August 11, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: Black Lives Matter, BLM, corruption, FBI, federal agents, riots, terrorism, treason, violence (Natural News) We already know the FBI, under James Comey, was a treasonous, criminal enterprise engaged in masterminding more terror plots across America than any other group, including radical Islamic terrorists. Under Comey, the FBI
Tuesday, August 11, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: 1986, Andrew Wakefield, autism, Big Pharma, coronavirus, documentary, film, Immunizations, interview, legal immunity, vaccine injury, vaccine wars, vaccines (Natural News) Dr. Andrew Wakefield, creator of the bombshell new film “1986: The Act,” unloads on the deep corruption of the criminal vaccine industry in a new Brighteon Conversations
(Natural News) There is simply no way that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was able to transfer from bats to humans without some kind of deliberate genetic tampering, contends Prof. Giuseppe Tritto, a renowned biotechnology expert who says the official plandemic narrative is fake news. The president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies
(Natural News) The Russian collusion hoax was the most blatant attempt to remove a duly-elected president from office in the history of our country. Granted, the criminal investigation into the alleged co-conspirators of that coup attempt is still ongoing, but few Americans really expect anything to come from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe anyway except
(Natural News) BREAKING late Sunday – We’ve just learned that Antifa terrorist groups in Austin, Texas and Portland, Oregon have received a large cache of weapons that are being handed to them in preparation for a coordinated, multi-city uprising. Dubbed the “TET Offensive” by Dave Hodges (The Commonsense Show), this planned multi-city attack looks likely
(Natural News) It’s a stunning power grab for a country that purports to be all in for American-style freedom.  The British government has recently empowered local city and town councils throughout the country with the authority to deem buildings ‘coronavirus epicenters’ and order them destroyed. Breitbart News reports:  Published last month — with little fanfare
Sunday, August 09, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: America, chaos, civil war, Collapse, democrats, demons, evil, freedom, left cult, Liberty, Luciferians, national security, patriots, President Trump, revolt, satanism, treason, Tyranny, uprising, warning (Natural News) ACTION BULLETIN TO ALL PATRIOTS, CHRISTIANS AND PRO-HUMAN PLAYERS: Urgent actions items derived from multiple high-level sources, all of whom are
Saturday, August 08, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: Big Pharma, drug cartels, drug prices, goodhealth, goodmedicine, medications, pharmacies, Prescription drugs, President Trump, vaccines (Natural News) You may recall that a couple of months ago, after President Trump announced “Operation Warp Speed,” I became concerned that he was going all-in with Big Pharma on the coronavirus
(Natural News) On July 31, The Washington Post media critic Margaret Sullivan wrote a scathing critique of the recent America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD) “White Coat Summit” event, calling it a grouping of “fringe doctors spouting dangerous falsehoods about hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 wonder cure.” But are these doctors truly wrong as the mainstream media continues
(Natural News) A new poll from Morning Consult and Politico claims that a majority of Americans support forced muzzling under the penalty of fines or jail time in order to placate their own fears about catching the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Supposedly 72 percent of those asked indicated that they either “strongly” or “somewhat” support allowing
(Natural News) It’s now officially launched: The FREE, downloadable nine-hour audio book and PDF transcript with reference materials: The Global Reset Survival Guide is now available for instant downloading at: GlobalReset.news This download features nine hours of audio (MP3 files) plus a 190+ page reference PDF document that’s printable so you can keep a hard
Friday, August 07, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: chaos, civil war, Collapse, debt bomb, famine, fiat currency, financial collapse, food supply, Gear, preparedness, starvation, survival, tipping point (Natural News) This is it, folks: We’ve triggered a tipping point that’s now plunging America into a self-reinforcing collapse spiral that cannot be halted. The weaponized lockdowns were