President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the authorization of the coronavirus vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11 at the White House in Washington, D.C., November 3, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) The Labor Department announced on Saturday that it will delay full enforcement of its coronavirus vaccine mandate for large employers until February 9, after a
President Joe Biden collaborated with the Jonas Brothers in a new TikTok video to promote vaccinations, and it likely did not go the way the White House had envisioned. There was an overwhelming chorus of critics calling the video “cringe” — including left-wing activists castigating the messaging. In the video, the boy band Jonas Brothers
Sen. Joe Manchin released a sharp response Friday after President Joe Biden repeatedly singled out the West Virginia Democrat as the person to blame for his unsuccessful legislative agenda. What is the background? Biden released a statement Thursday night — an update on his “Built Back Better” bill — and cited Manchin by name three
A study released by researchers in Oregon finds that breakthrough infections of COVID-19 can cause the body to develop a “super immunity” against the virus after recovery. The study’s authors stressed that vaccination is crucial to preventing severe disease and death from COVID-19. But the available vaccines have demonstrated less than effective at preventing transmissions
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) was forced to ask one of President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees the same question nine times this week to elicit a response — but the question still was ultimately dodged. What happened? During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday on the nomination of Anne Traum to become a U.S. District Judge
When it comes to COVID-19, the phrase “abundance of caution” is still everywhere. About 18 months ago, a deadly pandemic was crushing the globe. There were no American pharmaceutical companies helping prevent the worst outcome. Society’s institutions did whatever they could to keep caseloads low and preserve hospital space. But, despite the incessant fear mongering,
President Joe Biden speaks about his administration’s efforts to ease supply chain issues during the holiday season at the White House in Washington, D.C., December 1, 2021. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) It is tough to find a modern presidency that has collapsed as swiftly as this one. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE I t didn’t have to be this
Then-Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stand after reading the final certification of Electoral College votes cast in November’s presidential election during a joint session of Congress, January 7, 2021. (J. Scott Applewhite/Pool via Reuters) The 2020 presidential election concluded with a political and constitutional crisis unmatched in the United
A German bible museum has created a controversial exhibit that displays Jesus Christ as being transgender. “For some years now, society has been opening up to non-binary gender concepts. We sometimes have heated debates about gender-equitable language. It seems to be one of the burning issues of our time. Take a look at the diversity
Harvard’s Nieman Lab looked ahead to the “news” business in 2022 and promoted an end to objectivity as a journalism ideal in an article titled “Solidarity eclipses objectivity as journalism’s dominant ideal.” Who wants fairness and balance? University of Texas journalism professor Anita Varma wants objectivity crushed as an ideal because it “has never been
We don’t call them “enemies” anymore — far too uncivilized and gauche. Nowadays, Russia and China are “competitors” with the U.S. — sort of like Alabama-Auburn but without the cheerleaders, and don’t forget the nuclear missiles. On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a video meeting during which it became clear
(Natural News) Dr. Mehmet Oz (of the Dr. Oz show) recently announced his candidacy for the Pennsylvania Senate. In early 2020, Dr. Oz spoke publicly about treating covid patients with hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Today, he is speaking against government mandates that cause unnecessary suffering. In a recent interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Oz
The Houston Chronicle reports: “Harris County can spend public money to counter Texas’ strict new abortion law, analysts say.” I have more on the story on the homepage. “President Biden and congressional Democrats spent trillions of dollars in reckless spending earlier this year without the Hyde Amendment to protect taxpayer dollars from creating a slush
Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts thinks that “student debt is policy violence” and that President Joe Biden should cancel people’s student debt. “Let’s make it plain: student debt is policy violence. We’ll keep fighting to relieve families across the country, to make sure our policies & budgets reflect their lived experiences & that we
A panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a 2-1 ruling that will allow the Biden administration to implement a controversial COVID-19 vaccine or testing mandate on companies with 100 or more employees. The mandate will require those employers to ascertain each worker’s vaccination status and will require that unvaccinated workers
A pregnant woman receives an ultrasound. (Carlos Barria/Reuters) A memo prepared for liberal Harris County explains why ‘COVID relief’ money could be sent to abortionists. In March 2021, congressional Democrats passed a $1.9 trillion “COVID relief” bill that — unlike every bipartisan COVID-relief bill passed in 2020 — lacked the Hyde amendment. At the time,