President Joe Biden released a statement in which he appeared to give up on passing his massive “Build Back Better” spending bill after the Senate rejected the Democrats’ latest attempt to shoehorn immigration reform into the legislation. Democrats hoped to pass the social spending bill ahead of Christmas in order to celebrate a legislative victory
In a blow to religious liberty, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York dismissed a case brought by a Christian photographer who sought to challenge state laws that would prohibit her from refusing to provide her services at homosexual weddings. Emilee Carpenter had lodged the suit against New York attorney general
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Democrat) on Monday claimed that as the much-ballyhooed “insurrection” was unfolding at the Capitol, then-President Trump was sitting by silently, supposedly giving his tacit endorsement to this alleged attempt to overthrow the government and destroy everything we hold dear. The whole scenario is a lie from start to finish, but Cheney went
(Natural News) New York Times columnist David Leonhardt published a piece recently for the mainstream rag admitting that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is hardly the threat to children that Tony Fauci makes it out to be. Hospitalizations and deaths are basically zero for children who test “positive” for the Fauci Flu. At worst, Leonhardt wrote,
School officials across the country are responding to an online threat spread through TikTok and other social media platforms warning of a spree of deadly violence on Friday. Some law enforcement agencies have determined the anonymous threat to be a hoax, but some schools are taking precautionary safety measures. “Law enforcement agencies have investigated this
In “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” Victor Hugo told the tale of Esmerelda, a gypsy dancer falsely accused of attempted murder, set to be hanged by an unjust state. Quasimodo, the titular hunchback, swings down from the cathedral of Notre Dame and saves her, carrying her off while crying “Sanctuary!” In fact, throughout European history,
China’s President Xi Jinping seen on a screen in the media center as he speaks at the opening ceremony of the third China International Import Expo in Shanghai, November 4, 2020. (Aly Song/Reuters) There can be little doubt (surely) by now that China is aiming to be the most powerful country in the world. Dreams
An advisory panel to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention voted unanimously on Thursday to recommend mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as the “preferred” options compared to the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, and the CDC has endorsed the panel’s assessment. Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine has been linked to blood clots in some people. The government has
Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield lashed out at the NFL over their coronavirus protocols after 19 players were placed on the COVID-19 list ahead of important games that will determine their standing in the playoffs. Mayfield fired off a series of tweets criticizing the coronavirus protocols that might sideline many key players on the team,
(Natural News) (Op-ed) Despite being told by administrators at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) to avoid talking to the media about it, a second Penn female swimmer has come forward to speak out against her teammate Lia Thomas, who is a biological man pretending to be a woman. This second whistleblower of sorts was granted
(Natural News) Once again, the leaders of a “democratic” Western-style country are using the COVID-19 pandemic to implement authoritarian control measures over their people, and it’s going to be control they’re never going to peacefully let go of. South Korean health officials, with the blessing of the country’s government, is “set to launch in January
The FDA headquarters in White Oak, Md., August 29, 2020. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters) The Biden administration on Thursday permanently rescinded rules requiring women to obtain abortion drugs in-person, allowing patients to receive pills by mail instead of via specially certified health providers in-person. The FDA’s decision comes after it first announced it would temporarily suspend the
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is calling on Congress to expand the Supreme Court by four seats. Warren claims that an expansion of the highest court in the land is necessary because it currently “leans into extremism.” On Wednesday, Warren tweeted, “Republicans have hijacked America’s Supreme Court to threaten basic liberties, settled law, and the very
On her Thursday afternoon show, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell wailed that Republican voting reform legislation in states across the country was aimed “towards nullifying voting,” as she bitterly complained that Democrats had failed to enact a federal takeover of all elections. Minutes later, current PBS White House correspondent and incoming NBC News reporter Yamiche Alcindor
When recently sworn-in New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced his pick for the new chief of the NYPD on Tuesday, the progressive Left, which knew little or nothing about her, cheered the one thing they could see right away: Keechant Sewell is a Black Woman™. While everyone is eager to celebrate this HISTORIC! (everyone
Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant restarts the “Tax Amazon” campaign she led in 2019 with a rally at Washington Hall in Seattle, Wash., January 13, 2020. (David Ryder/Reuters) Seattle’s openly Marxist city councilwoman Kshama Sawant appears to have narrowly defeated an attempted recall campaign and will likely hold onto her seat. As of Wednesday,
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meets with Syrian army soldiers in eastern Ghouta, March 18, 2018. (SANA/Handout via Reuters) When Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, the annual defense package, sending it to the president this week, it kicked off a legislative whodunnit with a multibillion dollar trade in illicit narcotics on the line. Captagon
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) this week decried the “attitude of lawlessness” plaguing the county as reflected in the spate of “smash and grab” robberies in her home state of California. And though she didn’t mention it, the nation is also seeing spikes in violent crime in major cities. Despite admitting that there’s a problem,