The Morning Briefing: Martha McSally’s Moment of Media Relations Zen


More of This, Please

Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) had a little interaction with a CNN correspondent on Thursday that went a bit viral for all of the right or wrong reasons, depending on which side of the aisle you frequent:

Predictably, our brave souls in the media were apoplectic over McSally’s moment of brutal honesty:

Maybe it wasn’t the most elegant way to respond, but you have to understand just how fragile the mainstream media has been ever since Donald Trump was elected: everything is an attack, and drama queen Jim Acosta even published a book about what a dangerous time it is to be a journalist in America — for example, you might not get called on in a press conference even though you work for CNN.

We collected the reactions from a lot of blue checks earlier, but now the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent has upgraded McSally’s comment from what CNN called “extremely unbecoming” (gasp!) to nasty and “chilling.”

Arizona Republicans like me are more than happy to see McSally exhibiting some fire. She can be a bit of a bland campaigner and has recently been slipping behind in the polls to Mark Kelly, Gabby Giffords’s gun-grabbing, former astronaut husband. (Fun fact: although it was renumbered, the congressional district that McSally was elected to represent in 2014 was the district that Gabby Giffords used to represent.)

McSally almost immediately began using the incident for fundraising, another area where she has been trailing Kelly.

This would be a very good time for McSally to get back in touch with her inner fighter pilot, before Kelly pulls away in the polls. At present, she is within the margin of error in most of them.

My native state is moving in a purple direction, and all eyes will be on it next November. That an avowed gun control candidate like Kelly could be elected in the freest gun state in America is a sign of just how squirrely things have gotten here. President Trump is going to need all the Republicans he can get in the Senate to be able to continue packing the courts during his second term.

I Love It When the Commies Fight

There wasn’t a lot of love left in the room between Grandpa Stalin and Fauxcahontas after Tuesday night’s debate. After audio surfaced of the confrontation, tension on the far-left fringe heightened.

After having convinced enough stupid Americans to buy the socialist nonsense, the progs have been enjoying some mainstream popularity this primary season. The lunatic fringe is now worried that they’re going to lose what ground they’ve gained.

This he said/she said battle probably won’t end well for Warren. She is a proven serial, pathological liar. Bernie is crazy, to be sure, but he doesn’t have the history of making things up that Warren does. He just says remarkably stupid stuff.

Then again, the progressives aren’t known for letting reality get in the way of whatever is going on in front of them.

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Bee Me

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There’s going to be a lot of sauerkraut and garlic here this weekend, so be grateful that we keep all of this online.


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PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”

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