The Morning Briefing: President Trump’s Biggest Pro-Life Move Yet


Hardest Hit: The “Muh Principles” Crowd

There were a lot of conservatives in 2016 who were neither Trump enthusiasts nor vehement Never Trumpers. Those of us in that gray area were merely skeptical that he would be very conservative. We have all been pleasantly surprised many times over since he took office, especially when it comes to pro-life issues.

After spending his first three years in office packing the courts with pro-life conservative judges, President Trump is going to make his boldest pro-life move to date when he becomes the first president to ever speak in person at the March for Life, which Tyler wrote about here.

On Wednesday, the March for Life announced that President Donald Trump will be the first sitting president in history to address the pro-life rally in person. The march will take place this Friday, January 24, in Washington, D.C.

“We are deeply honored to welcome President Trump to the 47th annual March for Life. He will be the first president in history to attend and we are so excited for him to experience in person how passionate our marchers are about life and protecting the unborn,” Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, said in a statement on Wednesday.

Whenever I talk to the Never Trumpers who still speak to me, this is the kind of thing that I point to as being actually important. I don’t care that he’s indelicate at times. I don’t care that he sometimes can’t get out of his own way. I really, really don’t care that he’s not nice all the time.

I’ve repeatedly said that, after decades of conservative activism, I don’t need a prom date, I need a president who will do some things that I like.

This is something that I like very much.

Despite being hugely successful, the annual March for Life is poorly covered in the media because the heathen MSM can’t bring themselves to responsibly report on anything that runs counter to their preferred leftist narrative.

With the president being there in person, it will be impossible for media to underplay or ignore. His presence will more than likely draw even more people to the event.

Trump often emboldens previously timid Republicans. Perhaps his highly visible support will help Republicans in Congress to grow a spine and — dreaming big — maybe stop sending money to the Planned Parenthood abortion mill.


A Brief Impeachment Circus Update

RIP Terry Jones

I wrote yesterday about the passing of Monty Python legend Terry Jones. I said in the post that I would share a little story here about some indirect encouragement I got from the Pythons when I was a young comedian. Yeah, it’s a silly story and it’s about me, but I am a raging egomaniac and this is my briefing. And I really like the Morning Briefing readers so why not offer the occasional personal anecdote?

I began my stand-up career as part of a team, which was more commonplace then. My partner’s dad had a local entertainment television show in Tucson. He was frequently sent to Los Angeles for movie premieres, where he would get to be one of the zillions of entertainment reporters who got to interview the stars of the movie for a few minutes.

Whenever he interviewed film stars from the comedy world, he would tell them about us and ask if they had any advice.

We had been doing stand-up for about a year when Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life was released. My partner’s dad got to interview almost the entire Python crew at once. Cleese couldn’t make the trip, so they hung a portrait of him behind them in the interview room.

When he told them about us and asked for advice, they asked what kind of comedy we did. He described our signature bit to them. It was about two Arizona rednecks hunting snowbirds in the wintertime. Harsh, but it was hilarious. We got laughs with it the first night we ever went on stage.

The Pythons in attendance clarified that it was indeed a routine about hunting people, then they all started chuckling. Jones said something like, “Oh to be that young and that brave again.”

It might not seem like much, but to two young comedians in Tucson having the Pythons laugh at us for whatever reason was almost like the hand of God emerging from a cloudless desert sky to bless us (cue Terry Gilliam animation).

Thanks for letting me share. You guys are the best.

PJM Linktank

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