A dozen NYPD officers injured in Brooklyn, 200 protesters arrested, 88th precinct attacked

News & Politics

Protests over the death of George Floyd descended into rioting on Friday at the 88th NYPD precinct in Brooklyn, New York.

A dozen police officers were injured, upwards of 200 protesters were arrested, and the 88th precinct building was vandalized according to a report from

Police utilized pepper spray to subdue protesters at Fort Greene Park, with many being tackled by cops. Protesters also torched a police van.

Protesters posed for photographs with the burnt husk of the LAPD van and posted images on social media.

New York City Bill de Blasio tweeted about the skirmishes in Brooklyn between the police and rioters.

“We have a long night ahead of us in Brooklyn. Our sole focus is deescalating this situation and getting people home safe,” he said.

“There will be a full review of what happened tonight,” he added. “We don’t ever want to see another night like this.”

Earlier in the day a report from the medical examiner found that there were no signs of ‘traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation’ but that the officer’s action may have contributed to the death of George Floyd.

Also on Friday there violent incidents at the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, and at the White House in Washington, D.C.

Here’s more about the clashes in New York City:

Protesters clash with police in NYC


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  1. We have to get people home so they can be safe and social distance. That whole CV thing kind of went out the window…huh.

    1. Maybe prosecutors can throw in a charge against the rioters of not maintaining proper social distancing. After all, they do arrest fathers for playing catch in a park with their daughters, or in a boat on a lake with their child.

  2. Very likely ‘traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation’ was not the cause of Floyd’s death. It was more likely due to prolonged compression on one of his caryatid arteries which partially cut off blood flow to his brain.

    The force was excessive and uncalled for. It amounted to murder and the police officer should be tried for that. The other three officers should be tried as accessories to the crime.

    By the way, since the Democrats want to blame Trump for Floyd’s murder, why not ask Sen. Amy Klobuchar why she didn’t prosecute Officer Chauvin for his his acts of misconduct when she was the city prosecutor in Minneapolis? If she had, maybe Floyd still be alive.

    1. I have been watching videos of the protest, riot, whatever, and I have seen many young white men doing a lot of damage to stores and they are running around like crazy going from one action to another. It looks to me like they ARE provoking others too follow them.
      However, there were many young black people on videos in cities like Minneapolis, New York and Los Angeles, tearing up buildings, smashing windows and I saw two black men carrying out a big screen tv from down an alleyway.
      Protestors are saying it is all Antifa privileged whites, but that is not right. They are from out of town, as the police said about those who they have arrested.
      It hurts me to see anyone burning cars and setting buildings on fire. AS A PROTEST? They are endangering the lives of police officers and firemen by setting fires that could spread and burn whole neighborhoods. This is not a protest for George Floyd. This is just an excuse to run rampant throughout their cities and burn and loot and destroy other people”s property.

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