Mayor: Minnesota Rioters Are From Out of State, Just Like Antifa and BLM Riots

News & Politics

In a press conference Saturday, St. Paul, Minnesota Mayor Melvin Carter divulged that every person arrested the previous night came from out of state. This mirrors previous riots by antifa and Black Lives Matter that featured professional protesters bused in from out of state into cities across America to foment violence.

Carter said they didn’t have a lot of arrests, but all came from elsewhere:

Because we had a relative stillness in St. Paul, we didn’t make an enormous number of arrests, but every single person we arrested last night, I’m told, was from out of state. What we are seeing right now is a group of people who are not from here.

As I talk to my friends who have been in this movement for a very long time, who wake up in this movement every day, and I ask them what they’re seeing, what they’re feeling, what they’re hearing, to a person, I hear them say, ‘We don’t know these folks. We don’t know these folks who are agitating. We don’t know these folks who are inciting violence. We don’t know these folks who are first in to break a window.”

Many black protesters across the nation have called out white protesters who have infiltrated and caused violence (h/t The Right Scoop):

“Cosplaying as violent resistance” has a nice, accurate ring to it.

This came from Minnesota, the original flashpoint after the death of George Floyd:

Unfortunately, in an effort to cover for their far left allies in the protest movement, many public officials have tried to pin the blame on white supremacists:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz says he suspects white supremacist groups and drug cartels are carrying out some of the violence in Minneapolis, but cannot confirm it at this time.

Both Walz and Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington said at a press conference early Saturday morning they have do not have confirmed reports, but they have gotten intel from national sources that it is the case.

Walz said the widespread riots across the country appear to be part of a coordinated effort by professionals.

“We’re seeing evidence of some pretty sophisticated attempts to cause problems,” the governor said.

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It will be interesting to see in the coming days what “intel from national sources” emerges from Walz’s accusation. In the mean time, those of us with no ideological ox to gore have seen who really funds and mobilizes the violent protesters that travel from city to city to burn stuff down.

In fact, I wrote a book about it:

Despite appearances, Antifa does not exist in a vacuum, nor is it a utopian revolution of thousands of young people desperately clamoring for capitalism to be destroyed. This is deliberate subterfuge. The loose affiliation of aligned groups prefers it to remain this way, and so does the dark money that  keeps them alive. After all, it might undermine the message to reveal that somebody is paying these activists to protest.

More than one Uber driver has told me that protesters they had as passengers in 2016 and 2017 openly bragged about being paid and traveling to Portland from Seattle or some other location. They bragged about being told by organizers that they already had enough protesters in Seattle, so they were being sent to Portland to bolster the numbers in our streets.

White supremacists don’t seem to have the same level of funding or organization, probably owing to their overall lack of support in American society. The anti-capitalist left, on the other hand, has a large, coordinated, well-funded network of support.

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Despite the political spin from above, the folks on the ground have it right: outsiders and professional protesters have fomented the worst of the violence.

Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available now at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff.

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  1. gov.walz, you need to actually look at where the money for these “protesters” is coming from. You will eventually end up at the likes of george soros and even some hollywood elitists. These thugs and cowards have nothing to do with “white supremacy”

  2. Its too bad we still have no DOJ or FBI worth their weight in anything. Find out who is paying for this (easy) then file charges of sedition or classify that individual as a terrorist with a price on their head.

  3. The cover picture really impresses me. Those brave protesters standing up to the cops. Yeah, right…if that police line would start moving forward, the black chick would run like hell. I can’t imagine having some dirtbag getting that close to me without a response. When I worked in L.A., we were told to keep them at least 5 feet away, enough distance to use a baton.

  4. The Saint Paul Mayor has recanted his state about the rioters being from out of town. The vast majority of the vandals were, indeed, from Minnesota.

  5. Seems like every state says that the “BAD GUYS” are from out of state. They have to live somewhere, and I’m sure that they all just don’t wake up and go out of state to loot and burn. It’s never the local people and the person is always arrested for no reason. The business people that have to rebuild or buy new stock don’t get to go out and burn some houses just because they are fed-up with having to live like this. They are victims also but they just have to turn the other cheek. Evidently business and business owners lives DON’T MATTER I know in my heart we have to find a way but I’m sure that burning the country down is not the answer.

  6. Whenever something negative happens in politics or within the Democratic party such as a failed impeachment attempt against President Donald Trump, another catastrophic event turns up in an attempt to make us forget the negativity against the party.

    It is never any different. George Soros seems to be in the front row of the event, funding and bringing in instigators and perpetrators to edge on the gullible public. The tragic death of George Floyd is an example of the newest conflict put into play and encouraged by Democrats.

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