Kenosha rioters wield rifles against Sheriff’s Dept. vehicle in latest escalation that shows Leftists are actively trying to spark CIVIL WAR

(Natural News)
Left-wing rioters and terrorists deployed rifles against a Sheriff’s Dept. “Bearcat” vehicle on Sunday night, revealing the rapid escalation of Leftists and their desire to engage law enforcement with force as a way to spark a hot civil war in America.

The lawless actions by yet more left-wing rioters followed an incident where a black thug with a long criminal record of domestic abuse and sexual assault broke away from police custody and was filmed reaching into his vehicle most likely to acquire a weapon. He was shot by police, which is of course what any reasonable law enforcement officer would do when a criminal thug appears to be reaching for a gun in his vehicle.

But according to the lawless Left in America today, all black criminal thugs must be allowed to shoot police officers without any resistance from police, because the very act of “policing” is now considered racist. So any time a police officer uses force to stop a black criminal thug from murdering people, left-wing rioters go insane and start burning down their own cities and looting retail establishments.

You can see the justified shooting here as the black suspect ignores police orders and lunges into his vehicle, most likely to grab a weapon:

Now, in response to that shooting, left-wing rioters have escalated their action to include facing off with Sheriff’s Dept. armored vehicles using rifles and firing rounds at the vehicle. As Breitbart reports:

Armed rioters shut down streets in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Sunday night as the city fell into chaos after a police-involved shooting earlier in the evening. A large group of rioters – including at least two armed rioters – blocked a police armored car from proceeding down a street. After a standoff, the police began throwing tear gas canisters from the top of the vehicle to disperse the crowd. Moments later, gunshots rang out after one of the protesters appeared to open fire.

In summary, armed left-wing protesters opened fire on a Sheriff’s Dept. vehicle in an attempt to kill as many law enforcement officers as they could. Fortunately for the deputies, the vehicle has ballistic protection properties.

At this point, obviously, the deputies would have been justified in opening fire on all the armed protesters that were threatening them. Instead, they threw tear gas out of the top of the vehicle, then drove off after the rioters moved out of the way. It’s worth noting here that the driver of the sheriff’s vehicle also would have been justified in hitting the accelerator and running over the lawless, violent rioters in order to escape the “kill zone” trap that armed rioters were obviously setting for law enforcement here.

As expected, lawless Leftists proceed to set fire to everything in sight

Following their live rifle assault on the Sheriff’s Dept. vehicle, radical, lawless Leftists proceeded to set fire to everything in sight, torching multiple vehicles in the streets and in a nearby car dealer parking lot.

This is how the Joe Biden-supporting Left now operates in America: Burn everything down and shoot law enforcement members.

Meanwhile, nobody in America is bothering to shoot back (yet). Thus, we find ourselves in a “hot” civil war, where only one side is fighting. It’s the lawless Left, run by mentally ill lunatics who murder their own babies and hate America, Trump, free speech and Christians. They despise the rule of law and want to eliminate law enforcement so they can carry out violent crimes without being stopped. This is what the Left wants for America: Collapse and CHAOS.

Watch my new interview with a combat veteran who warns that America will descend into kinetic civil war:

Let’s be clear here: Democrats and Leftists are now 100% in favor of total immunity for all black criminal thugs, murderers, rapists and drug dealers

We need to be clear in understanding what Leftists and Democrats are demanding in all this. Their position is that no black criminal thug should ever be arrested, handcuffed or shot by police, no matter what they are doing, including when they’re reaching for firearms to shoot police.

The radical, lawless Left believes that all police are always bad, and that police should be complety disbanded from society, turning over every American city to lawless black thugs, gang bangers, rapists, arsonists, murderers, child traffickers, gun runners and drug dealers. This is the demand of the radical Left today: That crime is good, but police are bad.

White thugs, on the other hand, would never be afforded such privilege. It’s only thugs of color who are to be granted complete immunity from law enforcement.

That’s why Leftists go insane every time another black criminal thug gets shot by police. Because in their minds, the criminal thugs are the “good” people. Democrats literally want to live in collapsed, Third World societies run by black warlords who abide by no law. This is what they are demanding, which is of course a pro-crime, pro-rape, pro-arson, pro-murder society, much like CHAZ / CHOP in Seattle, the “utopia” of the mentally deranged Left. And that’s why their own left-wing cities are collapsing into runaway violence, of course, with record shootings in NYC over the weekend and 60+ people shot in Chicago in just the last three days.

So instead of saying that criminals should be stopped, lunatic left-wing nut jobs — who, let’s face it, are universally mentally ill — claim the police need to be stopped. And having black skin, according to the radical Left, should mean you are immune from all police action. “Black privilege” is now demanded so that black criminals can carryout all their crimes with impunity, even as we already know most violent crime in America is carried out by Blacks.

Here’s the opportunistic looting that took place as the violence was being unleashed by left-wing rioters. These people always see chaos as an opportunity to “steal sh#t” and get more free stuff by committing even more crimes:

And here’s a different left-wing mob in the same city, hurling bricks at police officers and striking one in the back of the head as Democrats cheer:

“There were also reports of Molotov cocktails being thrown at the scene as well,” reports Breitbart. “The violence quickly spread and eventually large mobs began looting shops and stores throughout the city.”

Rioters were reportedly chanting, “This is what democracy looks like,” demonstrating their stunning ignorance and lawlessness. This isn’t what democracy looks like; it’s what a Third World society run by black criminal thugs looks like, actually.

We can’t have a society where every time a black criminal thug is shot by police, hoards of lawless left-wing lunatics set fire to everything and assault law enforcement with rifles

As you observe all this unfolding, do not forget that the new DNC logo reads, “Death to America.”

Radical Leftists in Portland have also rolled out bloody guillotines as they carry “Black Lives Matter” signs and threaten violence against members of law enforcement:

We obviously can’t live in a sustainable society if the radical Left is going to unleash total chaos, arson and shootings every time a black criminal thug is engaged by police. At some point, we have to reestablish the rule of law.

And that means declaring all these Antifa / BLM rioters to be domestic terrorists, then engaging them with force.

If police won’t do it, sooner or later the pro-America citizens will, and then we’ll find our nation in a collapsed civil war scenario, with blood in the streets and the total collapse of civil society.

It’s time to arrest all the treasonous traitors and enforce the rule of law in America

That’s what George Soros wants, of course, which is why he’s funding most of these actions. It’s also what Democrat lawmakers like Rep. Ayanna Pressley are openly calling for. They want violence in the streets because they know Joe Biden is an Alzheimer’s patient and won’t survive the first debate. Since Democrats can’t win in an honest election, they’d rather burn down the country and unleash mass chaos, then blame Trump for everything.

It’s time for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, roll out the military police and arrest all the treasonous traitors who are deliberately trying to destroy this nation through the use of violence, disinformation and chaos. That would include a long list of communist-sympathizing Democrats in Congress as well as fake “journalists” who are actually communist operators working at treasonous disinfo hubs like CNN and MSNBC.

The CEOs of the tech giants must also be arrested and charged with treason, for they have silenced all the voices of reason in America while amplifying the voices of chaos, lawlessness and terrorism. Facebook and Twitter are actively supporting left-wing terrorist groups and allowing their platforms to be used to coordinate these terrorism actions that threaten the lives of law enforcement.

It’s time to arrest all the traitors, enforce the rule of law and take America back from the terrorists who are trying to burn it down. Standing back and watching America burn is not a strategy that’s going to work. Where is the DOJ? U.S. Senators? President Trump?

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