Month: October 2020

Actress Jennifer Aniston told her social media followers Friday that “it’s not funny” to cast their vote for long-shot presidential candidate Kanye West on Election Day, urging them to “please be responsible.” What are the details? Aniston wrote a lengthy Instagram post declaring that she voted for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his running
A library in Washington state denied allegations of racial segregation after a bizarre photograph of its race-sensitive training went viral on social media. “KCLS has recently been accused of holding a ‘racially segregated training program.’ KCLS denies these allegations,” the statement read. Christopher Rufo, director at the Center on Wealth & Poverty at Discovery Institute,
With the 2020 election less than two weeks away, the leftist media have been doing everything in their power to ensure President Donald Trump does not win reelection. So, in the day after the final presidential debate, Carl Bernstein called on the media to double down. The journalist declared: “[A] lot is going to depend I think on the media and how we focus on the next 11 days, particularly about
Most of the time, the media doesn’t outright lie to you. Yeah, every once in a while they’ll blurt out a huge whopper (“Russian collusion”), but usually it’s more subtle than that. They’ll give you the facts, but they’ll emphasize some facts over others to preserve the narrative they’re selling. They’ll lie by omission. They’ll
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaks during the final 2020 presidential campaign debate in Nashville, Tenn., October 22, 2020. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) His debate comments about ending the oil industry make an already troubling record even worse. In the business world, there’s a saying that past performance is the best predictor of future results. I believe
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) participates in a news conference at the U.S. Capitol, October 1, 2020. (Erin Scott/Reuters) The Washington Post reports that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) forced the Senate into a brief (and rare) closed session in a last ditch effort to convince Republicans not to proceed with the confirmation
In 2014, former President Barack Obama warned against sending kids to the border and spoke of a process in which his administration would ‘process them’ and ‘send them back’ while interviewing with George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos said, “You mentioned immigration. There’s a humanitarian crisis on the border. Some of your critics have said you have to
Jaime Harrison (left) participates in a DNC forum in Baltimore, Md., February 11, 2017. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) Senator Lindsey Graham’s Democrat challenger, Jaime Harrison, raised more than $22 million during the first two weeks of October in a race that has unexpectedly become a dead heat than two weeks before Election Day. Harrison, who is running against Graham for his
A 19-year-old man with a van full of guns and explosives was arrested in North Carolina after he made threats online and contemplated assassinating Joe Biden, according to court documents obtained by The Daily Beast. Around 11 a.m. on May 28, the Kannapolis Police Department was asked to tow an abandoned van from the parking
Republican National Committee spokeswoman Elizabeth Harrington turned the tables on CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour in epic fashion this week, after the host suggested recently-released information from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden could be part of a Russian disinformation plot. What are the details? Amanpour attempted to corner Harrington by quoting a report warning that
Metal band Five Finger Death Punch appears to be really embracing the rebellious nature of their hard rock image, giving a searing takedown of American under COVID lockdowns. In their latest music video, the band flipped a giant middle finger to the establishment by mocking hypocritical mask mandates, and envisioning the American middle and lower
Last night at the debate, one of the topics was “Race in America.” It would have been easy to assume that it was just another opportunity for the moderator to ask President Trump to denounce white supremacy. Thankfully Kristen Welker didn’t take that tactic. Instead, she asked President Trump: “Mr. President, you’ve described the Black
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey (at right) hold a news conference for their proposed “Green New Deal” on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., February 7, 2019. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) The Green New Deal can be whatever AOC wants it to be. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, champion of the Green New Deal, would like to have her
President Donald Trump answers a question during the final presidential debate in Nashville, Tenn., October 22, 2020. (Morry Gash/Reuters) There was a low bar for Joe Biden in the first debate, given his cognitive challenges. Because he exceeded that pessimism, he won momentum.  In opposite fashion, there was similarly an expectation that a disruptive Donald
No profession is ever really “finished” after a catastrophic failure. Ask someone who opposed the Iraq war. They’ll talk your ear off about how cheerleaders for the invasion ended up failing upward in the foreign policy establishment or landing softly as “wise men” commentators in American media. Polling won’t disappear either if it misjudges Trump’s
The crest for the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations at the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington, D.C. (Leah Millis/Reuters) The FBI has asked Tony Bobulinski, former business partner of Hunter Biden, to sit for an interview on Friday, Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) told reporters. Bobulinski was initially scheduled to give
Local law enforcement officials in San Quentin, California, blamed an increase in violent crime in Fresno County on Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and his progressive bail policies, slamming the state for prioritizing a “political agenda” over the lives of California citizens. Speaking at a press conference Wednesday, Fresno County District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp called on
Leftists love to call President Donald Trump names, particularly with regard to his cognitive abilities. Idiot, stupid, moron — yup, that’s the leader of the free world, they say. But during Thursday night’s debate against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Trump apparently really stepped in it when he referred to “coyotes” — i.e., human smugglers
Former comedian Stephen Colbert on Thursday continued to turn The Late Show into a show of Democratic talking points as he metaphorically bowed before Andrew Cuomo, unironically calling the New York Governor “your excellency.” Of course, the politician’s disastrous nursing home decision never came up.  Burying the idea that the ex-comedian would speak truth to power,
CNN’s Jake Tapper is the epidemy of modern journalism; partisan, incurious, grossly opinionated, and dedicated to his cause. Tapper was involved in a panel discussion with political commentator Bakari Sellers and made some startling statements about the Hunter Biden story that show what’s terribly wrong with journalists and CNN. Fox News: During a panel discussion
Last night, Biden said, “Not one single person with private insurance would lose their insurance under my plan, nor did they under Obamacare.” The second part of that sentence is flatly false. While neither the Washington Post nor the New York Times included it in their fact-checking round-ups about the debate, in 2013 and 2014
(Natural News) Supporters of President Donald Trump who thought things would improve at the pathetically politicized FBI in the wake of dirty James Comey’s firing are beginning to see that nothing at all has changed under his replacement, Christopher Wray. By now, most readers know about the damning contents of a laptop left at a
(Natural News) House Republicans have introduced a bill that would name the Chinese Communist Party the “United States’ prevailing economic and national security threat of this generation,” but there is zero chance it’ll pass because the Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, is reportedly linked financially to Beijing. Nevertheless, the legislation is important for what it
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaks during the final 2020 presidential campaign debate in Nashville, Tenn., October 22, 2020. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Joe Biden is a career liar and he lied some more in the debate, for instance when he dismissed the now well-supported New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s business dealing as “a Russian
A worker at a semiconductor fabrication facility owned by Dutch chipmaker NXP Semiconductors N.V. in Chandler, Ariz., in an undated photo provided on September 29, 2020. (Handout courtesy of NXP Semiconductors) Semiconductors are essential to our modern way of life. How and where they’re made is a looming national-security crisis. Whoever is elected president in