‘Our Army Combat Fitness Test shouldn’t be the equivalent to an Instagram yoga a** model’: Steven Crowder

News & Politics

The United States Army considers changes to the Combat Fitness Test scoring for male and female soldiers. Steven Crowder offered his thoughts on the issue on Monday’s episode of Louder with Crowder.

In this clip, Crowder said he believes soldiers “should not enter the battlefield” if they are unable to do a pull-up. “Our Army Combat Fitness Test shouldn’t be the equivalent to an Instagram yoga a** model,” Crowder said with a smirk.

Watch the clip for details.

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  1. We’re seeing the wussification of our Armed Forces . If a female can’t do 5 pull ups she should work on them until she can . If she fails to accomplish 5 pull ups she should be discharged . They’ve lowered the standards for the Special Forces so females can pass . This is scary . How many soldiers will have to loose their lives before test are changed back to how they were in the 70’s . I went thru SF school in 1971 , there is no way a female makes thru the same stuff. I worked my ass off for 2 years & had basic before & still had a tough time . This BS has to stop or our military is in bad shape for readiness & discipline which will get our best troops killed.

  2. For those lefties who might be torn by the requirement that women in the armed forces should be REQUIRED to do a minimal amount of strength test I will explain. Males are REQUIRED to complete this same test. If you are in a situation in combat that would require you to go over a wall or DIE, you need to be able to get over that wall. If your fellow soldier is on the other side of a wall and needs immediate backup, you need to get over that wall. If your fellow soldier goes down with an injury, you need to be able to pull that fellow soldier out of danger. You need to be able to load about 80 pounds of equipment on your body and still be able to move and not just a few feet but miles. And not just miles on flat ground but humping up AND down mountains. I can’t possibly explain every situation that REQUIRES EVERY SOLDIER to be physically sound but watch a REAL combat situation on The History Channel or Military Channel and you’ll get a REAL idea of what combat looks like.

  3. Political correctness trumps military readiness under Democratic rule. Look at the nonsense coming from the new Secretary of Defense to see some perfect examples. We saw the same stupidity from the Clinton and Obama administrations.

  4. As a female, a medic, and a combat veteran, I completely agree. However, that should go for males too.. Saw plenty of both while in who were worthless. That being said, male OR female, If you can’t maintain the standard (1 freaking standard: not one for boys and one for girls) then you get to play. It’s that simple. As for letting females into the SF community, it doesn’t need to happen.. I still can’t believe they opened up 11b to females, and bsorry, but there are some places females just don’t belong, for lots of reasons..

  5. Our military don’t need to be good at what they do, They need to be the the best at what they do!

  6. As a mutli-tour combat vet I’ve been against the multiple standards for PT tests. It’s not just based on sex, but on age. Newsflash: geezers in combat don’t get a break from the enemy or the terrain. And that’s not a knock on geezers–I did 22+ years with my last combat tour ending about 4 months before my retirement.

    I’m fine with two tests. In SOF, we had our service PT test and our own PT test.

    Women and men are different. Period. I have no problem with a “general fitness test” that maintains the current sex/age groups, because equally fit men and women will perform differently.

    However, if that were to be maintained, there would have to be job-specific tests as well. And those would have no breaks for sex or age. Simply one standard and pass or fail. Just like at selection. And just like in combat.

    And if the services can’t do both, then simply go to one test with one standard for all. 40 yr old women and 19 yr old men would have the same standard. Makes no sense–I need my young, hard trigger pullers to be exactly that–hard. And I worked with ultra-competent, motivated and patriotic women who at the end of their career and having had a couple of kids could in no way compete with the trigger puller, but their job didn’t require it. Losing them would have been a loss for the mission and the nation. Military management (not exactly leadership we see out of the Pentagon most of the time) needs to get their act together.

    And on a cheeky note–I thought today’s federal orgs, which includes the DoD, no longer recognized differences in the sexes, so how do they determine who does what test?

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