Democrats Call Filibuster Racist – But They Used It Over 300 Times Last Year


Democrats are desperate to end the filibuster. They see this as the key to passing their far left agenda, and they’re right.

Without the filibuster, Democrats would be able to pass pretty much whatever they want.

So, in an effort to get rid of the filibuster, they are calling it racist, which is ridiculous because Democrats used the filibuster over 300 times last year.

The Washington Examiner reports:

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Democrats used filibuster 327 times, compared to only once by GOP in 2020: Report

President Joe Biden has been increasingly critical of the Senate filibuster, calling it a Jim Crow relic and saying it has been widely abused despite Democrats using it over 300 times in 2020, compared to once by Republicans.

“After @POTUS @JoeBiden denounced the rampant abuse of the filibuster last year, we did some digging,” Fox News anchor John Roberts tweeted Friday. “Republicans used it once. Democrats used it 327 times.”

Well that kind of ruins the narrative, doesn’t it?

Of course, CNN is trying to help the Democrats push the party line.

Everything the Democrats are saying about this is garbage and shame on the media for not making them own it.

The Democrats just want power. That’s what this is all about.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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  1. Jim crow was Joe’s mentor they were friends look at all the times joe talk bad things about the black people.

  2. “So, in an effort to get rid of the filibuster, they are calling it racist, which is ridiculous because Democrats used the filibuster over 300 times last year.”

    Except that the Democrats are racists, so it’s actually support for their argument.

  3. The Democrat Party is the Party of Slavery, Segregation, KKK, Jim Crow Laws, and Lynchings has no credibility in calling anyone else or any other party racist!

  4. How can the filibuster be “a Jim Crow RELIC” when it pre-dates the Jim Crow era by approximately 80 years? Perhaps the Dems should remember that if they do end the filibuster and the Republicans ever get back in the majority, they may see the Republicans pass a slate of bills that they would find anathema. Oops, I guess that is not a problem, because the current election bills are a power grab that have all the “reforms” the Dems need to keep the majority for the next century (unless they screw up the country so badly that they completely sicken out even their supporters).

    1. H.R. 1 … already passed in the House … is the most DANGEROUS legislation ever … if it gets through the Senate, this country is TOAST. (Our country may already be done for … Dictator Joe has ruined this nation in less than two months.)

  5. And yet the voters never seem to wake up to the hypocrite nature of these Dems, Mainly because they gotta have their perks these same evil crooks keep promising.

    1. You’re right Paul … much of the problem lies (pun intended), in CNN, MSNBC, the main stream media, the idiots on The View, SNL, our Hollywood celebrities, and our Late Night TV idiots. The DemoRats have much of this country brain-washed!

  6. Isn’t it about time for those of us that are NOT radical liberal sociopaths (aka democRAT communists) start putting the term “RACIST” were it belongs? Which political party created the KKK and used it as the enforcement arm of their party to intimidate and keep black Americans from voting? That would be the democRAT communist party. Which political party fought a war (Civil War) in the 1860’s as the (Confederate army) against the (Federal Union army) to prevent slavery in the American south from being abolished ? That again would be the democRAT party. During Reconstruction after the Civil War was over who were the people that paid bounties to bounty hunters in every state to capture freed slaves and bring them back to the southern democRAT plantation owners ? Again, that would be southern democRATS. How then is it possible for a very guilty political party concerning “racism” parade around and call others “racists”. It’s called “projection”. It is the act of accusing others of doing things you yourself are already guilty of doing. And the democRAT communist party has been doing it for decades. It is time to put the word “racist” exactly where it belongs since the 1800’s in America. The democRATS have victimized tens of millions of people by telling them they are victims to make them feel inferior and incapable of advancing on their own without the help of liberals in government. All they want is their votes. After that they don’t give a rats a$$ about them. Obama had the opportunity to do great things for black Americans. Instead he did nothing for them at all.

  7. The Dims only object to something when it doesn’t fir their narrative. And who really gives a rat’s a__ what Obama thinks about the filibuster!

  8. If Joe Biden really wanted unity he would keep the filibuster in place so the law makers would have to talk to one another and work together!

  9. In case you have not noticed, democrats feel everything is racist if they are against it. Are you tired of that word yet?

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