TBS’s Sam Bee Just Says It: I ‘Want to Take your Guns’

News & Politics

Samantha Bee recently admitted she lets politics invade her “comedy.”

It’s the worst kept secret in Hollywood, a rule that virtually every mainstream comic follows in our deeply divided culture.

It’s why Saturday Night Live won’t lay a glove on President Joe Biden and Stephen Colbert would rather take on the MyPillow guy than a president holding “kids in cages.” Now, Bee wants us to trust her on one of the more divisive topics of the modern era.

“Full Frontal Wants to Take Your Guns,” to air at 10:30 p.m. EST May 12, will allegedly explore ways to reduce gun violence now.

The PR statement on the upcoming special is as biased as the show itself, a veritable DNC extension.

“Full Frontal Wants To Take Your Guns” … will explore how appalling and frankly stupid it is that we as Americans are told there’s simply nothing we can do about gun violence. Don’t even get us started on the whole “good guy with a gun” thing. It’s high time to figure out how America’s gun problem got this bad, and what we as citizens of this glorious mess can do to help fix it.

“The fact that 316 people are victims of gun violence in the United States every single day makes me want to Zoom call every politician in this country and just scream at them,” says Bee. “But the polite Canadian in me won’t actually allow me to raise my voice, so we’re doing the comedy special equivalent of that instead.”

Bee’s Full Frontal showcase, a cavalcade of hateful, hard-left talking points, cannot be trusted to share the whole story on gun violence and possible solutions. Progressive comedy exists, in part, to push partisan goals and dodge fact checks.

Bee’s upcoming show is just part of the comedy Left’s war on guns.

Jordan Klepper attempted something similar to Bee’s “Guns” special in 2017 via Comedy Central. Jordan Klepper Solves Guns delivered exactly what viewers expected, a one-sided look at a complicated issue with massive real-world implications.

The host doesn’t mention culture as a reason for gun violence. Broken homes. Fatherless families. The kind of dysfunction that leads young people to consider gangs and the mayhem they leave behind.

Previously, the host of Inside Amy Schumer shared misinformation about guns on her Comedy Central series.

Schumer carried her anti-gun rhetoric to her guest hosting gig on Saturday Night Live.

Comedy Central is a repeat offender when it comes to anti-gun rhetoric. Even its farcical show,  Drunk History, got into the act in 2019.

As for Bee, her anti-gun tirade isn’t new. In 2019, she ranted, “Get rid of the guns. If not, come November 2020, we’ll just get rid of you.” Apparently TBS is more interested in airing propaganda attacking the Second Amendment than putting on a comedy show. 

[Cross-posted from Hollywood in Toto.

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  1. Samatha Bee is totally not funny. As a matter of she is about as funny as Amy Schumer, which means she is not funny at all. Samatha Bee just needs to pack her bags and go back to Canada where she belongs. Nobody needs her kind of bullshit.

  2. Hopefully someone will Permanently Silence this and the rest of the Gun Control Losers!

    1. Samantha Bee is a slut. You can tell how she acts on the television. People like her should go to their safe places like other snowflakes, and smoke whatever they usually smoke to get high. She’s a Canadian, no less. If you don’t like American gun laws, then go north of the boarder and mind your own business.

    1. I can live with that but do not come after citizen’s legally owned weapons or there may be more gun violence deaths.

  3. Sam Bee is so full of bull crap that, when she tilts her head, her lower eye is brown while the upper one is blue. In fact, it seems that all of these Leftists appear to be suffering the same problem with reality.

  4. That’s right enforce the laws that exist, give constitutional carry too all that want to carry guns,after all the criminals dont have gun permits , enforce the bill of rights,
    Samantha Bee is a brainwashed fool from Canada she likely has armed with guns body guards, she like allot of the Canadiens that come too the US make it big and then spread there anti-America BS socialest/communist agenda so stop patronizing them send her home to her commie country,

  5. Guns don’t kill people, PEOPLE kill people. Ever see a gun jump up from a table, out of a holster, out of a drawer or any place and shoot somebody? If guns kill people, then cars, trucks, planes etc. kill people. Pencils misspell words, spoons make people fat, and cars drive drunk. Wake up people these are items used by PEOPLE that are evil or sick that kill other people.

    1. NYC has a total gun ban yet daily shootings by thugs – it’s as if criminals don’t obey laws – who would have thought???

      Almost 4,000 shootings in Chicago last year by gangbangers and recidivist criminals Dems do everything possible to not prosecute or early release to the harm of citizens making the city a shooting gallery despite egregious anti-gun laws and restrictions

  6. Take God, His Word and His Commandments out of our lives, our relationships, our businesses, our schools, our government and our military, and when the whole satanic mess collapses our society, piously proclaim inanimate objects to be the cause. It doesn’t get more ignorant or disingenuine than that!

  7. Samantha Bee is a comedian? I thought comedians were supposed to be funny.
    I thought she was a CNN ‘news’ anchor.

  8. I’ll never give up my guns. I fought in the Vietnam war defending idiots like this woman.

    God bless American and our rights as citizens of this great country

  9. The ignorant POS can try to take my guns, but I fear she’ll realize her mistake about a dozen rounds to the chest too late ….

    1. Peter Smith – Under normal circumstances, I’d say that’s a waste of good ammunition, but as her heart is so tiny, it may take that many rounds to get a good hit! On the other hand, War Wolf Ordnance has 12ga pyrotechnic rounds with buck and flechettes that could roast her heart in place.

      Cogito, ergo armatus sum.

  10. Lots of ‘advice’ to mz bee – some good (go back to Canada eh) some crude (does NOT make us look good).
    Here is the main issue – There Is NO Such Thing As “gun violence” – we need to absolutely QUIT using their term. Period. Every time we do so (except maybe as I did above) we cede a bit of credibility to their lame argument. Using.their term leads to 2 results – 1) it demonizes an inanimate object that can NOT act on its own, and 2) it deflects the responsibility/accountability away from the person who criminally misuses a tool.
    We make up a lot more ground by remaining polite and courteous by pointing out their lies and misuse of data than getting into a name calling or yelling match with them. Let them indulge in the histrionics.
    Yeah, I know we ain’t likely to change any of the minds of the ‘true believers’ but we will likely influence fence sitters. After all, some 8.5 MILLION of them were first time gun buyers last year. Those folks got positively influenced by someone.

  11. that dumbass is worried about 316 a day dying from guns. why dont she worry about the 500 a day dying from botched abortions. thats fixable. why dont she worry abou the 1000 a day dying from cancer, thats fixabe. why dnt she worry about the 500 a day dying because of drunk drivers, thats fixable. why dont she worry about the 3000 a day dying from medical malpractice, thats fixable. why dont she worry about the 250 kids committing suicide a day because assholes like her dont believe in the death penalty for child molesters. the list goes on and on about worse stuff for all those libs to worry about but i gess they are to polite too. well, lil lady just come on down here to l.a. and get my guns. for you i probably wouldnt even put up a fight.. you have already proven how stupid you are so to quote bob barker—- COME ON DOWN BITCH.

  12. Let me point out a few glaring facts: AMY SCHUMER IS RELATED TO CHUCK-Y SCHUMER (the other end of the pelosi digestive system-his faces looks like it too-from expelling all that undigested ice cream).

    They said: “316 lives are taken everyday”…literally Lies and an a-front to GOD-John 3:16 reference.

    Actually THEY are taking way more lives everyday through abortion etc., as their sacrifice to Baal which Lilith promised….I digress.

    Listen Up People they are using NLP and conditioning on YOU everyday…MAKE A BETTER PLAN.

    You Know, Moses wiped out the Baal/Molech worshipers in their tents after he found out THEY were sacrificing to other gods…

    I think WE KNOW where their tents are…D.C. (short for Demonic Cabal).

  13. It appears that Samantha Bee (who by the way is not funny in any way(except looks maybe)) is just another stupid leftists who doesn’t see that the more they try to infringe on the 2nd amendment the more states, counties and cities create their own pro-gun laws giving the proverbial finger to the government that thinks the 2nd amendment is for an army. While the 2nd amendment doesn’t explicitly say it it is there to keep a tyrannical government from infringing on our rights there by making removing those who infringe on said rights by any means necessary completely legal.

  14. If they want to stop the shootings, why don’t they keep the criminals in prison or execute them for killing with guns? The libs are all for killing unborn babies, but a murderer’s life is sacrosanct.

  15. Living in a blueneck-infested haven has its advantages. Surrounded by Marxists, virtually every direction is downrange! Leftiotik non-comedians are cordially invited to get retired here.

    De Oppresso Liber

  16. Just another quasi comedian flapping her jaws on a subject she knows nothing about. Blah, blah, blah!

  17. I know you will not be the one to come and take my guns, but, if by some slim chance you are the one to come for my guns, DON’T COME BY YOURSELF. Some one will need to carry your body off of my land. By the way, are you going to be with the ones to take the guns from the bad guys. If so, please go for their guns first. That way we will not have to worry about you coming for our guns.

  18. Go back to Canada and stay there Bee Moron. Why are you HERE, anyway? Most of the 316 “dailies” are probably criminals who got shot while committing a crime. BUT of course, the BEE is not saying ANYthing about that. Good at pulling up those numbers and spouting the Partial Truth. Typical liberal idiot.

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