Doctor mocks vaccine skeptics, then DIES after covid vaccine, as media scrubs wrongful death case

(Natural News)
A 48-year-old Ohio doctor unexpectedly died on April 27, 2021. There was no official story on the cause of his death, only a satirical obituary that was written in the first person. The news of his death made waves around the world. Various media outlets from MSN to Fox News praised his self-written obituary and extraordinary life as a doctor. The news of his passing was featured in news outlets ranging from Australia to the United Kingdom. Dr. Thomas Flanigan was a loving husband and father. He was also a middle-aged plastic surgeon who often used satire to communicate his views on medical topics. He was very public about his views on vaccines, and even used Facebook to mock vaccine skeptics.

Doctor marketed for Moderna and mocked vaccine skeptics just weeks before suddenly passing away

On January 6, he got his first dose of Moderna’s experimental vaccine. He got on Facebook to advertise for Moderna, posing for the camera shot. “I did it for the free orange juice. I’m pretty sure the needle was like a foot long. The good news is that I didn’t feel the microchip going in but I can hear local radio stations now,” he stated.

On February 3, Flanigan got back on Facebook to mock vaccine skeptics again. “Second dose. The microchip is working just fine. My mind is slowly being taken over by the hive mind. We are just fine. Resistance is futile.”

The news agencies praised Flanigan’s first-person, tongue-in-cheek obituary, but failed to mention his medical backstory, how he received the experimental covid shots just eleven weeks prior. According to all the media reports, the cause of death is “not clear.” However, no autopsy or investigation was launched into the cause of his sudden, young passing.

Why did the 48-year-old doctor write his own obituary after taking the experimental vaccine protocol in the first place? Someone who dies suddenly usually doesn’t have their obituary written out in first person, with great attention to detail.

Did he write it as satire, in yet another attempt to mock vaccine skeptics who warn about death after vaccination?

Did he write the obituary in jest to ease his own fears and further mock “anti-vaxxers?”

Was he secretly concerned that he might actually pass away after taking the experimental jabs?

Did he sincerely write this detailed obituary in his final hours of life, knowing that he was going to suddenly pass away at the young age of 48?

Was he hiding a medical condition from his family and had already prepared for his own passing?

Was he hiding serious health issues after he got the experimental jabs? After all, how could he talk openly about any adverse events from the vaccines if he was so pridefully adamant about mocking vaccine skeptics?

Media changes their story in an attempt to cover up the cause of doctor’s death

Even more strange: Why are headlines celebrating his death? His obituary is lauded in the media as “hilarious” and “incredible” with no sensitivity toward the circumstances surrounding his sudden and suspicious death. No media outlets mentioned that his most recent social media posts mocked vaccine skeptics and praised Moderna’s experimental covid shots.

In yet another twist of strange fate, all the media outlets that originally praised Flanigan for his “hilarious” self-written obituary are now retracting their story and claiming “friends” wrote the first-person obituary. This mysterious group of friends somehow used the same tongue-in-cheek humor that Dr. Flanigan used in his Facebook posts when he mocked vaccine skeptics. If a group of friends really did come up with this obituary during a time of sudden grief, then they are essentially laughing at their friend’s death while burying the fact that he got the Moderna shots, virtue-signaled while he got them, and mocked others who didn’t.

This cover story shows signs of being yet another wrongful death/ vaccine injury case that is being covered up by the Pharma media.

Sources include:

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  1. No experimental jab for this patriotic American. Watch what happens next winter when the cytokine storms break out among the sheeple who willingly marched to the “vaccination” stations to get the jab start breakiing out.
    COVID will look like the weaker little brother then.

    1. Only way that poison is entering my system is if you strap me down and force me to take it under gun point. While I would wish I could say I’d tell them to shoot, at that point, I think simple human desire to live would take over.

      Last I heard, over 300k people have been confirmed as having died either due to confirmed negative reaction or shortly after getting their shots. Sure, millions of shots are made. But, think about flu shots. Millions of shots are made, and they’re not having hundreds of thousands of deaths directly attributed to the vaccine or shortly after the flu shot. The worst thing most flu shots do is that in a moment of irony, sometimes you get the flu!

  2. To KentDA – I’m no fan of the Covid “vaccines” either, but if you’re going to make a statement like, “Last I heard, over 300k people have been confirmed as having died either due to confirmed negative reaction or shortly after getting their shots.” You really need to back that up.

  3. While I mourn the loss of any life, especially that which is supposedly sworn to protect such life, I find this story somewhat overflowing with Karma! I only hope that those writing here (commentary) are wrong about the Moderna vaccine, as my wife and I, both elderly, having taken those shots! I find myself divided concerning these shots, as 1. Wife and I both survived Covid, using antibiotics and mega vitamins (neither of which was suggested by ANY doctor!), as have 97%, or so, of everybody who has contacted this virus! 2. Had decided to NOT take the shots, based on reports of harmful side effects some were experiencing, including death, but, changed my mind when some people I highly respect convinced me it was safe. 3. it seems that everyone who passed away, not matter what the actual reason, were reported as Death By CoVid, even if the one who passed away actually died from Cancer, or Heart Attack, or whatever! This whole thing about how deadly covid is/ was was so politicized, which came very apparent when Biden tried to take credit for actions Trump did! I swear, there needs to be OPEN SEASON of certain segments of our society, as they, especially their political arm, are complicit in killing a whole bunch of American citizens…

  4. Next come the reports that Dr Thomas Flanagan was a fictitious character created by anti-vaxxers as part of a counter effort to discredit virtue-signaling critics of anti-vaxxers.

  5. Although it is not yet clear how long the immunity will last, COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, including against the emerging variants. They also reduce asymptomatic spread. The mRNA does not get into the genome or change our DNA.

    Those telling Americans not to get the COVID-19 vaccines call them “experimental;” not even vaccines, but genetic manipulation. They claim that the vaccines contain nanotechnology that will monitor us, sense our emotions, detect when we are lying, control us, and depopulate us. Some assert that vaccinated individuals shed spike proteins that harm others. Some say that it is all a Bill Gates plot. Others even purport that the vaccine doses contain HIV. Such fear mongering is not just fantasy and science fiction, but delusion.

    The CDC has reported 3000 deaths after COVID-19 vaccination, not “300K.” Those against the vaccines spout the statistic of “3000 deaths AFTER vaccination” to mean “3000 deaths CAUSED BY vaccination.” Over 147,000,000 individuals in the US have received one or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Many of those who received the vaccine early on were older (over 65), and already at increased risk of dying with the passage of time. With a population of about 330,000,000, the US had 2,854,838 deaths in 2019 (before the pandemic or the vaccine). To have 3000 deaths among 147,000,000 is not unexpected, regardless of whether or not they had received a vaccine.

    It was a remarkable feat to develop, test, and produce the vaccines so quickly. They will benefit America and the world. I was eager to get vaccinated, and urge everyone to do so.

    1. with all due respect, I’ll trust my God given strong immune system
      and BTW 3000 deaths is a small amount, if 3000 people died in 5 months from any other new product it would be pulled and investigated like you would not believe, and from a virus that overall 99.5% of people recover from and that is IF and that’s a big if the number of dead is 600,000 from covid which according to the CDC website 94% of all covid death had an average of 2.6 other co moribities

  6. I’ve had covid Feb a year ago and have been reluctant to wear a mask because I have cancer and dont want to impare my immune system , ive been exposed a few times but no recurrence in 15 months.

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