Rioters Vow To Burn Police Building Down In Portland On George Floyd Death Anniversary


After a suspicious few weeks of dormancy, the rioting terrorists of Portland have struck back on the one year mark of George Floyd’s death. The antifa and BLM militants marched through the streets, throwing objects at police, lighting fires, smashing windows, and terrorizing the public. You know, the usual stuff in Portland.

They vowed the burn the police central precinct building to the ground:

Videos and pictures of the terrorists in action are few in this day and age, as most journalists and documentarians in Portland know how violent the mobs can get. And with the police often refusing to intervene, the mobs know they can beat and rob whomever they want during their rampages.

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Fortunately, the peaceful democratic mobs of justice and equity are graciously allowing people to take pictures and videos of the aftermath. It appears as though @it_aint_pretty_ is one of the few Antifa Approved people allowed to take pictures and videos.

Cops were in retreat as the terrorists threw fireworks and other debris at them:

@NDpendentPDX was also allowed to take some videos:

One random driver’s front window was smashed and his tires were slashed, while Starbucks was targeted yet again, this time with one of the terrorists tossing a firework into the coffee shop after smashing out the windows:

You can hear the glass shattering in the background in these videos:

Pro-antifa “journalist” Alex Zielinski was on the scene:

She refuses to take pictures and videos her comrades committing the acts of terror:

Par for the course, the police are pretty much standing back while the rioters lay waste to the city:

It’s pretty hard to keep track of the carnage, as more and more videos and pictures of broken windows are posted:

Mayor Ted Wheeler gets a death threat while more terrorists destroy a bridal shop:

We could go on and on here, but there are only so many hours in a day. Stay tuned for the follow up story where DA Mike Schmidt drops charges on the few who end up getting arrested.

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  1. The graffitti, “Capitalism kills” tells it all — this is a RADICAL LEFTIST organization whose sole goal is to destroy America. Why is Portland, or for that matter any other city, putting up with this stuff? Would not live in Portland for any amount of money…

  2. This one has me perplexed….I got a speeding ticket for 70 mph in Shithole oregon. Vehicle was governed at 67mph…so… gonna eat popcorn and see what’s left of the shithole when the smoke clears….split off real Oregon so they can join Idaho. Let portland burn….

  3. Neo-fascist Portlandistan, a shit-hole run by dmeocrats, and the police stand around with their thumbs up their ass and watch this kind of rioting and vandalism?

    Now I wonder why those idiot rioters do not come to any places where patriotic, armed citizens live?

    Could it be that they know they would get their dead asses handed back to t hem?

  4. When are the citizens of Portland going to get tired of this and take their city back from these Socialist mobs?
    I guess they don’t mind their democratic government spending their tax dollars on rebuilding after every one of these riots?

  5. Get the police out in force and arrest these animals. put them in jail and throw the keys away. If they fail to surrender when caught, shoot them. They are terrorists and need to be treated as such.

  6. They let you know their intentions, now it’s time to shoot the assholes. Instead of cowering to them. Citizens unite and take your city back. When communities start shooting the BLM scum it will stop.Anybody that’s there on the side of the BLM deserves to get shot when they start the looting.

  7. This is becoming an old story. I think that the police should just go on strike or just take the summer off or take early retirement. Let the rabble burn Portland and Wheeler to the ground. Leave no stone unturned. Let’s see what happens when there is no water or food available, no shelter when winter arrives. So far it appears that the “government ” doesn’t care what happens so neither should the rest of us. Portland citizens defend yourselves, there is no one else. Remember you voted for this.

  8. Any Fukin excuse.. Send a few of them to stay with ole Georgie boy..Time to draw the line in the sand.

  9. Start shooting these ass wipes and this shit will stop. I wish they would come to my part of the country. It would be a lot of body bags filled with these ass wipes.

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