The Kruiser Kabana Episode 130: Townhall’s Larry O’Connor Drops by To Swap Stories About Andrew Breitbart

News & Politics

You’ll get that after you listen to this episode.

At long last, my friend and colleague, Townhall Senior Columnist Larry O’Connor joins me on the podcast.

Last week when we were coordinating our schedules Larry had just written this column that takes a look back at when our dearly departed friend Andrew Breitbart threw a wrench into the thoroughly awful Anthony Weiner’s plans for world domination. It’s the tenth anniversary of when all of that was happening, so Larry and I used his column and some other memories of ours to fondly remember the man who meant so much to so many of us.

Trust me, they’re fun stories.

We also get into what may or may not happen during next year’s midterm elections, as well as the fact that Joe Biden hasn’t even been occupying the Oval Office for five months yet but it seems like 15 years.

We had a lot of fun — Larry and I usually do — and we will definitely be doing this again.


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