Lefty Hollywood Writer Tweets to ‘Burn (Kenosha) to the Ground’

News & Politics

The left’s thirst for political violence remains unabated.

In a recently-deleted tweet, a Hollywood writer urged for more violence to happen in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the Rittenhouse trial.

We all know that lefties love the violence and chaos that Black Lives Matter and Antifa have wrought with their frequently deadly street riots. Sure, right now they’re supposedly lamenting the murder of two (white) BLM “heroes” at the hands of violent white supremacist “murderer” Kyle Rittenhouse, but some of them can’t wait to relight the fires of Kenosha and risk more lives. 

Don’t believe us? Look at concerned Hollywood citizen Dylan Park and his Twitter account. 

Park, Marvel Comic and Hollywood TV writer, has apparently been closely following the Rittenhouse trial. Well, not really, because he’s been tweeting out things like Judge Schroeder is “crooked” or that Prosecutor Binger (who is currently stretching the truth about details of the case to the jury at the time of me writing this) is “having him a helluva closing statement.”

Yeah, not the most accurate assessment of things – well, unless by “hell” Park means Binger could be going to hell for trying to bury a young boy over what looks like trumped up murder charges, but I digress. 

Park clearly has been rooting for the bad guys on this one and in doing so has gone so far as to become the bad guy himself. In a post that eagle-eyed conservative Twitter personality Jack Posobiec spotted and retweeted, Park expressed his desire to see Kenosha on fire again. 

Park opened his tweet with a quote from a news report indicating that the government of Kenosha, Wisconsin, had readied 500 National Guard troops to deal with any “peaceful” protests that may arise from a verdict in the Rittenhouse case.

“‘With a verdict near, Governor Tony Evers said that 500 National Guard members would be prepared for duty in Kenosha if local law enforcement requested them,’” he prefaced his scumbag sentiment.

Park added, “Burn that mfer to the ground.

Oh, wow. And yet these people decry Rittenhouse as the violent perpetrator with the “punchable face.” Though, considering Park’s desire for more destruction, it’s not the violence he abhors, it’s that lefties might lose this narrative if Kyle Rittenhouse gets cleared of murder charges.

Of course, Park knows he screwed up and ceded any moral high ground or ability to lecture anyone concerning the trial with the “Burn the mfer” tweet. That’s why he deleted it shortly after posting it. Thankfully, the internet’s forever, as they say, and we won’t forget who Dylan Park really is. 

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  1. Guess it doesn’t matter that NONE of this would have happened IF the “peaceful RIOTERS” had just behaved like law abiding citizens and NOT burned homes, businesses and property to the ground IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

      1. Come burn we are READY for you this time. We residents of Kenosha are HEAVILY armed and have the OK to defend our property and lives from you low life losers. You come bring it BLM WE ARE READY FOR YOU

    1. They’re not just an American thing. I mean, there were dimwits over in the UK who tore down statues because BLM pouted and cried that it offended them. And what did the authorities do? Pretty much nothing.

  2. This nitwit should be immediately arrested for incidenting people to cause damage to private property as should all the other morons who also are

    1. If you choose the side of the criminals then you yourself are a criminal. That goes for all the left-wing media, as well as Joe Biden, who have done everything within their power to try and paint Kyle as a white supremacist murderer. Nevermind the fact that Kyle was there actually trying to help local businessowners by putting out fires when these WHITE thugs, with rap sheets a mile long including one with multiple accounts of child rape, decided to attack him for standing up and doing the right thing. Kyle did society a favor by exterminating these rats. This verdict is going to say a lot about where our country truly is headed. Either we’ll embrace the law and respect the right to defend it, or else we’ll have given in like cowards and accept the lawless society that the left has created.

    1. Maybe we all show up on Dylans front side walk protesting and clamoring to “do violence” and “burn THAT Mf’er down” and see what he does other than piss himself and call 911

    1. If he does I know the guy that makes THE perfect Memorial Stone for where he will fall. What these MORONS dont understand is Kenoshans WILL FIGHT BACK and WILL PROTECT THEMSELVES. You can protest all you like thats your FIRST amendment right. YOU pick up ANY weapon and strike ANY fire or cause ANY damage THAT gives ME the right to show you my SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT and trust me M’fers, I have plenty messages on that subject Im more than HAPPY to send down range. Capiche?

  3. Eemocrats can make anything into race, even when it’s only caucasians involved. Dems and burn loot murder are a match made in heaven, both obsessed with racism and race baiting. Ironic that she’s thr most recent fraud like smollett. Why isn’t he locked up?

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