Month: November 2021

President Joe Biden speaks during a ceremony to sign the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act”, on the South Lawn at the White House in Washington, D.C., November 15, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Try as he might, the president won’t get far attempting to deflect the blame for the damage wrought by his economic policies. NRPLUS MEMBER
“The View” abruptly cut to commercial Tuesday amid an intense interview with a conservative guest who was defending her decision not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. What happened? Conservative Jedediah Bila, a former Fox News host, appeared on “The View” to promote her new book, “Dear Hartley.” Sometime during the segment, co-host Joy Behar said
Nicholas Sandmann — who was 16 when leftist media outlets and pundits ganged up on him and falsely accused him of racism for his silent face-to-face encounter with a Native American man on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial — wrote that he can identify with Kyle Rittenhouse, who was was 17 when he first
We’ve heard some of the heartbreaking horror stories of complications and conditions from the COVID-19 vaccine here in the U.S. We could soon begin to hear them from our Aussie cousins. Even in the vaccine police state that is Australia, inmates — sorry, citizens — are beginning to report their adverse reactions to the ‘Rona
Former Representative and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke speaks during a protest in Austin, Texas, May 8, 2021. (Mikala Compton/Reuters) Robert Francis O’Rourke, who likes to be called “Beto,” has decided to take a run at the Texas governor’s office, his third full-tile charge at a buzzsaw in only a few years. My guess is that
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the COVID vaccine at the White House in Washington, D.C., August 23, 2021. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images) Politicians defy their own mask mandates, and criminals are exempt from vaccine mandates that law-enforcement officers will get fired for not obeying. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE A mericans would be
(Natural News) Back on July 28, Pfizer and BioNTech published six-month data on a key Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” clinical trial that claimed 15 participants who received the injections died compared to 14 who did not receive it. It turns out that the pharmaceutical duo lied about the numbers, as there were actually 21 deaths
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 by: Mike Adams Tags: appeals court, Fifth Circuit, goodhealth, goodmedicine, health freedom, Joe Biden, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, obey, Sixth Circuit, vaccine mandates, vaccines Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) Even before OSHA had announced suspension of Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate earlier today, I recorded the Situation Update
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on infrastructure construction projects from the NH 175 bridge across the Pemigewasset River in Woodstock, N.H., November 16, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Nearly half of voters are questioning President Biden’s mental fitness a year into his first term, according to a new poll. Forty-six percent of voters are confident in Biden’s
Well, that was awkward. Far-left leaning National Public Radio got an earful Tuesday after tweeting about Michelle Wu becoming the first woman and first person of color to take office as Boston’s mayor. What are the details? And why would that be controversial? Because the second part of NPR’s tweet noted the “disappointment” felt over
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has signed a bill that will require utility corporations, municipalities, water-works corporations, and telephone service providers to utilize each customer’s desired name and pronouns in communications, a move that comes as the left continues to press for societal acceptance and accommodation of radical gender ideologies. “Legislation S.5325/A.6193 gives utility customers
A monkeypox infection (same family as smallpox) was confirmed Tuesday in a Maryland resident who recently traveled to Nigeria. “The Maryland Department of Health, in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), today confirmed a single case of monkeypox virus infection in a Maryland resident who recently returned from Nigeria.” More
Holiday shoppers take part in early Black Friday shopping deals at a Old Navy store in New York City, November 28, 2019. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters) There are many lessons to be learned from our supply-chain crisis, but that isn’t one of them. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE A t Bloomberg, Allison Schrager hopes that our current supply-chain issues
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has claimed that Republicans are opposing President Biden’s spending proposal because they are “rooting for inflation.” “Q: Why, when Americans are seeing higher prices, are Republicans united against a bill to lower core costs on prescription drugs, health care, child care, and elder care? A: They’re rooting for inflation,”
On Tuesday night, the liberal major broadcast networks ignored on an important update to the investigation on the fake whips story along the southern border as the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general declined to investigate claims that Border Patrol agents used whips in September against Haitians illegally crossing into the U.S., passing the probe
(Natural News) Young athletes all around the world are dropping dead in record numbers, and the obvious culprit is Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” Ever since these abominations were released under “Operation Warp Speed,” serious adverse events in otherwise healthy professional sports players have skyrocketed 60-fold. Some of their stories you can watch in the following
A capitol police car participates in a motorcade in Washington, D.C., August 5, 2021 (Brent Buterbaugh/National Review) Washington, D.C.’s murder rate reached a 16-year high on Monday after the district recorded its 199th homicide of the year, according to a new report by DCist. The district has seen 13 percent more murders this year than
Parents of students in the Loudoun Valley High School are outraged after finding out their children were given a survey asking for details about their sex lives without parent notification or consent. The incident is only the newest in a series of controversies that have erupted at Loudoun County Public Schools. The school in Purcellville,
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves is calling for the state legislature to prohibit the teaching of critical race theory in taxpayer-funded classrooms. “There has been a push from radical leftists across the nation to teach children a vicious lie: that this country is fundamentally racist and that your skin color makes you inherently racist,” the governor
Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making combined profits of $93.5 million per day, according to a new analysis. That’s $65,000 every minute and $1,000 per second. Medical Xpress reported: Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making combined profits of $65,000 every minute from their highly successful COVID-19 vaccines while the world’s poorest countries remain largely unvaccinated,