Month: December 2021

(solarseven/iStock/Getty Images) These days, anti-humanism is as thick as molasses among the intelligentsia. That includes an ongoing conversation in bioethics whether — all things considered — human extinction would be a fine thing because of the suffering that never coming into existence would avoid. Example: A few months ago, Oxford professor Roger Crisp opined that
Yet another member of Penn State’s women’s swimming team is speaking out over teammate Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer who is biologically male. What is the background? Thomas began gaining attention last month after shattering women’s swimming records. Before joining the women’s team, Thomas competed for three years on the mens’ swimming team, and was
A Boston University student newspaper editorial board calls for “outright abolishing” the campus police department because of its “egregious history and present of violence and racism.” On Wednesday, the Boston University student newspaper — The Daily Free Press — claimed that their campus has a “safety issue.” “Our campus has a safety issue,” the editorial
New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman is once again pushing taxes on “the ultrarich” who deserve to get soaked. He found an interesting story, libertarian hedge fund son Adam Wyden vs. his hard-left father, Sen. Ron Wyden, which he marred by injecting his own obvious hankering for gouging “billionaires.” The reporter seemed puzzled why the
I can remember thinking when I was younger that many self-proclaimed feminists were very quick to play the victim card over a perceived injustice. Today, many of these feminists are no different. One of the most common complaints of current-day feminists is the so-called gender pay gap, which, of course, doesn’t exist. It’s one of
(Natural News) Dr. Mattias Desmet, a professor of psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, has put together a thesis that could explain why so many people are still going along with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) shamdemic. Desmet calls it “Mass-Formation,” a phenomenon in which individuals become so detached from reality and healthy relationships with each
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on infrastructure at the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority in Kansas City, Mo., December 8, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Inflation and Covid-19 are two big problems that federal money can’t fix. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE A merica has a message for Joe Biden: Your money is no good here. Americans like Joe
There is no shortage of data points that illustrate major worries about the U.S. economy — especially when it comes to inflation. A new poll finds that inflation is now the top concern of Americans. However, White House press secretary Jen Psaki claims that Americans who have pessimism about Biden’s economy are because of “people’s
Rescue teams are still searching for survivors after roughly 30 tornadoes devastated parts of six states across the Midwest and South on Friday. At least 94 people are dead from the powerful tornadoes, including at least 80 fatalities in Kentucky, the worst-hit state. President Joe Biden addressed the tragedy on Saturday, but was also accused
NPR sounded the alarm over its latest poll on Thursday’s Morning Edition: Biden’s approval rating sunk to 42 percent, a record low as president, and poll results on their massive spending packages “really raises a lot of red flags for the party.” Anchor Steve Inskeep asked NPR political editor Domenico Montanaro for the bad news, charitably phrased: 
(SeventyFour/iStock/Getty Images) Civil society depends on places that are neither workplaces nor homes. New research on how they’ve fared during the pandemic shows which ones matter most to people. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE T hird places — cafes, community centers, and other public places that, as sociologist Ray Oldenburg observed, may increase communal ties by hosting
Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks at Universal Studios Hollywood in Universal City, Los Angeles, Calif., June 15, 2021. (Mario Anzuoni/Reuters) California governor Gavin Newsom (D.) is strategizing to use the enforcement mechanism of a recently enacted Texas abortion law, which the Supreme Court allowed to survive on Friday, to curb the sale and circulation of “assault
A new report from CNBC — based on interviews with unnamed sources who were present at the discussions — alleges that disgraced CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who was fired from the liberal network last week, worked with his brother’s top aides to discredit Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean, a fierce critic of the Cuomo administration’s
(Natural News) The Israeli Health Ministry (IHM) has issued a warning that Israelis need to get prepared now for an endless lineup of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” and associated “booster” shots. The country is already on the verge of approving its fourth mandatory injection, a booster, but IHM vaccination advisory committee member and deputy chief
(Natural News) CVS Health is partnering with Microsoft to develop a “data-driven, personalized, privacy-compliant customer experience,” which sounds a whole lot like Bill Gates getting his grubby, blood-stained hands into patients’ vaccine records. According to reports, Microsoft Azure will help CVS “enhance its omnichannel pharmacy capabilities and deliver customized, omnichannel health recommendations,” which is likely
Pedestrians pass the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., October 29, 2001. (Andy Clark/Reuters) Justice Sandra Day O’Connor once complained that “no legal rule or doctrine is safe from ad hoc nullification by this Court when an occasion for its application arises in a case involving state regulation of abortion.” The Supreme Court should never
A CNN employee was charged with three counts of using a facility of interstate commerce to attempt to entice underage girls to engage in unlawful sexual activity. John Griffin, 44, was arrested on Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to federal prosecutors. Griffin, of Stamford, Connecticut, attempted to persuade parents to allow him
Following the tragic death of George Floyd, Minneapolis became the home of the defund the police movement, and even contemplated abolishing the police. However, the government of Minneapolis has completely reversed course after a near-record crime wave has hit the city. Now the city is voting to fund the police. Nearly two weeks after the
Though he hasn’t officially announced yet, Donald Trump appears likely to run for president in 2024. Though it seems incredibly unlikely that he will, Joe Biden says he’ll be running for reelection in 2024. Despite his lousy poll numbers and advanced age, he’s also the Democrats’ best chance of holding onto the White House. And
Florida – New jailhouse documents obtained by Fox News reveal 39-year-old Semmie Williams likely murdered 14-year-old Ryan Rogers because of anti-white racism. Williams was arrested in Miami late last month after he fatally stabbed Rogers near an overpass on November 15. The teen boy was stabbed “numerous times in the head and face,” according to