Month: December 2021

(Natural News) In the latest bid to discredit any blame for Covid vaccines causing serious and life-threatening injuries, authors now claim in a JAMA opinion piece that the China Flu jabs may be causing a neuropsychiatric disorder called FND (Functional Neurological Disorder). The FND theory would explain why perfectly healthy people get the Fauci flu
Kyle Rittenhouse listens as Judge Bruce Schroeder talks about how the jury will view video during deliberations at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis., November 17, 2021. (Sean Krajacic/Pool via Reuters) We have prosecutors who won’t prosecute the ‘wrong’ people for their crimes and prosecutors hell-bent on prosecuting the ‘right’ people for what they
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been criticized for a remark about COVID-19 that some have deemed to be “racist.” When Donald Trump was president, he described COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus.” Legacy media, politicians, and talking heads lashed out and condemned the term – calling it “racist” and “xenophobic.” There were articles declaring that calling COVID-19
“What the heck is going on with Kamala Harris?” asks CNN editor-at-large and Democrat cheerleader Chris Cillizza. “First, just before Thanksgiving, news broke that Ashley Etienne, Harris’ communications director, would be leaving the vice president’s office. Then, on Wednesday night, CNN reported that Symone Sanders, Harris’ chief spokesperson and a senior adviser, is also headed
Vice President Kamala Harris waves at panelists during a virtual townhall event to address different care policies in the Build Back Better Agenda at the White House in Washington, D.C., October 14, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) It’s hard to tell what’s worse for Vice President Kamala Harris in this Washington Post story—the comments from anonymous former
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) – a key vote for advancing White House’s agenda – plans to side with Republicans in an attempt to nix President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses. On Thursday night, the West Virginia Democrat released a statement declaring his opposition to President Biden’s order requiring businesses with at least 100 employees
The Cato Institute released its sixth-annual “Freedom in the 50 States” report this week. The index provides an “updated ranking of the American states on the basis of how their policies promote freedom in the fiscal, regulatory, and personal realms.” The index of freedoms in all 50 states shows that red states dominate the list
On her Saturday morning MSNBC show The Cross Connection, Tiffany Cross seemed to imply the possibility that Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (CO) might shoot a Democrat congressman, further illustrating the dangerous and toxic levels of rhetoric some in the liberal media will stoop to in order to ensure their audiences hate their fellow Americans. Interviewing House Democratic
Opponents of critical race theory attend a packed Loudoun County School board meeting in Ashburn, Va., June 22, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) Since the National School Board Association sent a letter to the Biden administration accusing parents who protest progressive curriculum changes of potentially engaging in “domestic terrorism,” half of all state chapters have downgraded their
The University of Oregon’s student government is petitioning the school to make critical race theory training a requirement to graduate from the learning institution. During a board of trustees meeting on Wednesday, the student government made the request to require critical race theory in order for students to earn their degrees. “I think we’ve identified
CNN has fired embattled anchor Chris Cuomo after initially placing him on an indefinite suspension. The network made the announcement after “additional information” reportedly emerged during an investigation resulting from newly released documents that indicated how involved the ex-anchor reportedly was in attempting to protect his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) from
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Early Saturday night, CNN and boss Jeff Zucker fired long time CNN host Chris Cuomo “effective immediately” following a year-plus of ethics-free behavior from both parties as Cuomo worked with and gave softball interviews to his brother, scandal-ridden former Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY). CNN said in a statement that Cuomo has been “terminated…effective immediately” four
The Los Angeles Police Department has arrested 50 people in their Skid Row drug investigation. Drug dealers often target the homeless Skid Row residents when they are receiving their government assistance checks at the beginning of each month. On Friday, the department announced that they had made 50 arrests and have 16 more pending after
Oregon governor Kate Brown speaks at the state capitol building in Salem, Ore., February 20, 2015. (Steve Dipaola /Reuters) My home state of Oregon has announced its plans to become the first permanent-masking regime in the Union. KATU’s Genevieve Reaume reports: INDOOR MASKING IN OREGON — It’s likely here to STAY. Today, @OHAOregon worked with
(Natural News) New research from the American Heart Association (AHA) has been censored on Twitter because it exposes the serious health risks associated with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” A link to this study that was tweeted by someone named Marina Medvin now brings up a bizarre and false prompt from Twitter that reads: “Warning: this
(Natural News) The first batch of documents uncovered via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew as far back as January that Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were killing people by the thousands, but proceeded to authorize them for emergency use anyway. Public Health and
Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, April 23, 2021 (Erin Schaff/Reuters) I wrote the other day about how surprising it was to see Justice Breyer lead off his questioning at the Dobbs oral argument by regurgitating some lines from the Souter-Kennedy-O’Connor opinion in Casey. The gist of the Breyer/Casey argument is that it’s very important to not
An Italian dentist may soon face criminal charges after he allegedly attempted to trick nurses into administering a COVID vaccine into a fake silicone arm in order to obtain a “super” health pass, which will soon be required to enter most public venues (including restaurants) in Italy. According to NBC News, the incident occurred in
There are six states — Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada (in substantial rates of COVID-19 transmission), New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington — that still require most people to wear face masks in indoor public places regardless of vaccination status. Oregon is taking it to another level by considering indefinite mask mandates. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) met