Month: April 2022

(Natural News) The Minnesota Board of Animal Health (BAH) has issued a temporary statewide ban on the sale and exhibition of poultry supposedly due to the spread of avian flu in the state. The BAH’s statewide ban will last from April 1 through May 1. The prohibition includes a ban on all community sales, swaps, fairs, exhibitions and
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has indicated that Republicans are attempting “to police who is a woman and who isn’t.” “How is it that the party who believes corporations are people are suddenly trying to police who is a woman and who isn’t? These are the same people who think Arby’s is a
Gary Chambers, a Democrat seeking election to serve as a U.S. Senator from the state of Louisiana, has declared that Republican Sen. Tim Scott’s vote against confirming Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court “is a disgrace.” “There are 3 Black men in the U.S. Senate, 1 of them, Tim Scott voted
As leftist Disney executives transform the Magic Kingdom into a woke asylum, Mark unearths a shocking interview where Disney’s president of content lays bare the company’s plan to indoctrinate the nation with its Marxist agenda. This sexual agenda being taught to your babies has reached unacceptable levels of depravity, and it must be stopped. “LevinTV”
Two weeks ago Joe Biden warned Americans to expect “real” food shortages. He wasn’t kidding.Two weeks later and Walgreens starts rationing baby formula. Please tell me there isn’t a baby formula shortage now — several people are typing (@LesHorn) April 7, 2022 The Daily Mail reported: TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI:
Remarking on a photo of Herschel Walker and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Democratic Rep. Mondaire Jones of New York asked whether Thomas will recuse himself from any cases that emerge from the Peach State’s 2022 Senate election contest. And Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut pushed for the passage of the “Supreme Court Ethics
A woke Stanford University professor is being labeled as “Professor Karen” after threatening to call the cops on a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. The battle between the academics escalated when it was revealed that the Stanford professor was being paid handsomely for consultations about teaching math. Jo Boaler – an education professor
The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC decided Friday afternoon that they had to up their game for the White House’s celebration of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the Supreme Court following their syrupy coverage of her Senate confirmation hearings and Thursday’s Senate vote.  All told, they waxed poetic about the “extraordinary” “party”
How far would you go to make a few bucks? After being caught bizarrely testing his limits, one German man is currently under investigation. A 60-year-old man from the eastern German city of Magdeburg, whose name was not released, is under investigation for receiving up to 90 COVID-19 shots from vaccination centers. According to reports,
Richard Grenell, who briefly served as acting director of national intelligence under President Donald Trump, called President Joe Biden’s pledge to nominate the first black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court, “a terrible precedent,” noting that many people were excluded from the pool of potential candidates. Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill the
A recent op-ed in the New York Post that referred to confirmed Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other notable black women in business and entertainment raised eyebrows because of its provocative title: “Why more black women should consider marrying white men.” The column acknowledged that the vast majority of married
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis may soon raise more money for his re-election campaign than he and his former Democratic opponent Andrew Gillum raised combined in the 2018 gubernatorial election. DeSantis has raised more than $100 million for his 2022 campaign, a monstrous sum achieved entirely through donations. He raised $6.1 million in March alone, according
Former President Barack Obama was blasted Thursday for “self-serving revisionist history” after claiming he was tough on Russia as president. What happened? While speaking at the “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference at the University of Chicago, Obama claimed he was forced to “drag” European allies to take action against Russia for invading and
Nancy Pelosi resented having to “beg” her Democratic colleagues to give her another term as House speaker and privately thought that the most far-left members of Congress nearly prevented Democrats from maintaining control of the House, according to Politico reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns. Martin and Burns are the authors of an upcoming book
(Natural News) In today’s sickening news, Substack’s Emerald Robinson asks the question, “Why Was Ghislaine Maxwell Doing Fundraisers For Disney in 1985?” From the story: Photos of convicted pedophile Ghislaine Maxwell hosting an event called “Happy Family Disney Day” in 1985 have surfaced on the Internet today. It’s the ultimate PR nightmare. It’s going to