Keith Olbermann attacks homeschooling mom on Mother’s Day: ‘Imagine putting ‘homeschool mom’ in your bio and not understanding you’ve just ruined the lives of five innocent children’

In a tweet on Mother’s Day, Keith Olbermann took a dig at a woman who homeschools her children.

“Imagine putting ‘homeschool mom’ in your bio and not understanding you’ve just ruined the lives of five innocent children,” Olbermann wrote in response to a tweet from Bethany S. Mandel, who is married to Washington Examiner magazine executive editor Seth Mandel.

“What an empty life this man lives,” Bethany Mandel tweeted in response to Olbermann’s saucy remark.

In another tweet, she jokingly wrote, “My poor homeschooled kids,” when retweeting a post that included photos of children at the National Gallery of Art.

“If my kids went to public school where I live, they would be at a severe academic disadvantage. They would have spent over year on Zoom and then tried to learn how to read with their and their teacher’s mouths covered as they learned letter sounds,” Mandel told Fox News. “Instead, they go to museums and have 1:1 instruction with the most caring and loving teacher possible: their mom. My kids are extraordinarily lucky to be homeschooled.”

Blaze Media’s Jessica O’Donnell replied to Olbermann’s impertinent post by tweeting, “imagine being known for creating psychotically angry videos on the internet.”

“Keith, I agree with you on politics, but this was a low blow attack; there is nothing wrong with homeschooling. We can do better,” David Weissman tweeted in response to Olbermann’s comment.

“I try to operate under the assumption that even the people I strenuously disagree with are usually operating in something like good faith but Olbermann is a good reminder that some people just suck,” Drew Holden tweeted.

“Ugh. I don’t know where this comes from. But anecdotally homeschool people I know are far ahead of their public school peers and go on to high powered grad programs and lucrative careers,” Emily Ekins tweeted.

Last year, Olbermann, who apparently has no kids and has never been married, responded to photo of Sen. Mitt Romney’s family by tweeting, “Somebody gift these people some vasectomies.”

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