Rogan tells Russell Brand he’d vote for Trump over Biden, saying the president is mentally ‘gone’ and reliant on his ‘sideshow of diversity’ cabinet

Joe Rogan and British comedian Russell Brand discussed the deterioration of public faith in American political institutions and the technocrats who run them on the March 2 episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.” Both Rogan, a self-described “bleeding heart liberal,” and Brand, a political chameleon with a socially liberal, populist bent, appeared convinced that the Biden administration has been instrumental in accelerating this trend and for cynical reasons.

“It’s a very strange time where I don’t think people have a lot of faith right now in institutions and I don’t think they have a lot of faith in authority. I don’t think they really believe that there is someone who is wiser than them; that has a grand plan that’s logical, that’s workable, where they’re looking out for all of us,” said Rogan. “There is a feeling of chaos that exists today that I don’t think has ever existed in my life.”

Rogan contrasted the current administration to the White House during President George W. Bush’s tenure, noting that despite claims of oafishness, critics and admirers alike were still under the impression that Bush and the executive branch were competent — perhaps constituting so “solid an institution” as to inspire conspiracy theories.

“Nobody believes that now. You see Pete Buttigieg and f***ing Kamala Harris, and Biden can’t get a sentence out. … This is madness. These people are utter fools. And these are the people that are running everything and these are the people that are getting us on the brink of war with Russia,” added Rogan. “I don’t have any faith in them and I think most people don’t.”

A 2022 Pew Research Center report on trends in public trust in government corroborates Rogan’s claim, revealing that since the early 2000s, there has been a precipitous drop in the percentage of people who say they trust the government to do what is right just about always or most of the time.

As for confidence in the commander in chief, 53% of American registered voters disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, according to the most recent Morning Consult poll,

“And I go, ‘I would vote for Trump before I’d vote for Biden.’ Just because the thing with Biden, he’s gone. Like, you know, he’s gone,” said Rogan. “You’re going to be relying on his cabinet, and I knew his cabinet would be this f***ing sideshow of diversity, which is exactly what it is.”

In February, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre boasted that Biden takes pride in “diversity.”

Jean-Pierre said, “The cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history. The cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female. … Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities, and a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+”

Rogan underscored that on the brink of possible war and amid a dearth of trust in the government, the Biden administration’s prioritization of immutable characteristics and sexual deviancies over merit and competency are proving ruinous.

The podcaster flagged former Biden nuclear official Samuel Brinton as a symbol of the Democratic regime’s pursuit of woke bona fides at the expense of quality.

According to Rogan, Brinton — the so-called non-binary “Physics of Kink” instructor recently referred to the FBI for allegedly stealing women’s luggage and wearing their clothes — is a “diversity hire.”

Rogan imagined aloud what Biden’s handlers were thinking when first deciding to tap Brinton for an important role in the administration: “‘Oh, look at this, a man who dresses like a woman and has a beard and a mustache, but also wears lipstick, this is perfect for us. I don’t give a f*** what this guy’s good at or bad at, I don’t give a f*** what their credentials are, this makes us look like we’re inclusive. This makes us look like we’re on the right side. So let’s hire this person.'”

The comedians suggested that for Biden — whose own cognitive faculties and ability to stay alert have been much debated — to now have to rely on such so-called “diversity hire[s]” puts the U.S. and the world in danger.

“You can’t have those kind of people running a Ben & Jerry’s. You certainly can’t have those kind of people running the f***ing most powerful government the world’s ever known. It’s nonsense,” added the podcaster.

Brand suggested that what Rogan reckons to be Democrats’ ideology-excused incompetence was never sincere to begin with.

“I don’t think they believe in that stuff. I don’t think they care. I don’t think that they are creating an agenda to advance the interests of vulnerable people. I think that they are using [identity politics] as a distraction and a veil in order to carry on with the same kind of corporate and financial interests that have always determined what the establishment is,” said Brand.

Brand argued that Democrats utilize identity politics not only to distract from how the “liberal establishment” profitably colludes with big business and the military-industrial complex, but as a way to prevent oppositional coalitions forming among unlikely political allies.

“What they’ve been able to do is introduce contentious issues to the forefront of the culture that prevent the kinds of alliances that are necessary [from] taking place,” he said, adding that Democrats “make ordinary Americans hate each other,” having successfully branded half the country “far-right fascists.”

Brand concluded that Biden is effectively the “perfect president for the time,” serving as the false woke mask of the Democratic party and symbolic of a breakdown of trust and functionality.

“He’s like the perfect metaphor of what it is. This system is over. And for all of the talk of diversity, what have you got? You’ve got like a career politician, white male that’s falling apart before your very eyes. He is telling you that it’s bull**** and that they’ll put people in positions in order to carry that narrative, but for no other reason.”

Russell Brand on the Veil Being Lifted on the Corporate Political

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