Michelle Obama confesses she was ‘uncontrollably sobbing’ on day Trump became president: ‘No color on that stage’

Michelle Obama admitted on a podcast this week that she found herself “uncontrollably sobbing” on the day of Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration.

On her new podcast called “The Light Podcast,” Obama disclosed that she cried for a half-hour when the Obamas departed Washington on Jan. 20, 2017.

“When those doors shut, I cried for 30 minutes straight, uncontrollable sobbing,” the former first lady admitted.

Michelle Obama on the day of Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration. (Kevin Dietsch – Pool/Getty Images)

On the podcast, she refused to say Trump’s name, but explained that Inauguration Day 2017 was emotional for “so many different reasons.”

“After the inauguration — and we know whose inauguration we were at — that day was so emotional on so many different reasons,” she explained. “We were leaving the home we had been in for 8 years, the only home our kids really knew. They remembered Chicago, but they had spent more time in the White House than anywhere. So we were saying goodbye to the staff and all the people who had helped to raise them.”

Obama confessed she was not in a “good mood” watching Donald Trump’s inauguration and cited lack of diversity of his incoming administration.

“There were tears, there was that emotion. But then to sit on that stage and watch the opposite of what we represented on display — there was no diversity, there was no color on that stage, there was no reflection of the broader sense of America,” she said.

Strangely, Obama also used the podcast to take a shot at Trump, specifically criticizing the size of his inauguration crowd.

Speaking about leaving Washington, Obama said, “You walk through the Capitol, you wave goodbye, you get on Marine One, and you take your last flight flying over the Capitol.

“Where there weren’t that many people there — we saw it, by the way,” she added.

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