An open letter to Elon Musk

News & Politics

Dear Elon,

I appreciated your words at the New York Times DealBook Summit on Wednesday. Keep fighting the system. It is corrupt, and you are right about Media Matters for America. I have worked at CNN and Fox News. You would not believe how many “journalists” base not only their stories but also their worldviews on Media Matters’ emails and posts.

While you’re at it, take a look at the rat’s nest that is the Poynter Institute. They have been practically demanding that journalists tell “a story” as opposed to reporting the facts. What they preach, teach, and fund is straight-up propaganda.

Now, I know how Media Matters works. Sharyl Attkisson wrote a great book called “The Smear” about how all of this works. She explained how groups like Media Matters developed their current strategies — the ones they’re now using against X — when they tried to destroy my voice.

Let me introduce you to Angelo Carusone, the chairman and president of Media Matters. I knew him when he was just a loner in his mom’s basement. He was the guy who started the first advertiser boycott of my show (he even brags about it in his Media Matters bio). Media Matters latched on to him, and today he runs the place.

Many times, Carusone and his comrades gathered a list of names of advertisers that never advertised on my program and demanded that they promise never to advertise. A great example is when Media Matters announced that Mercedes-Benz would not advertise on my program. Well, at the time, my radio show had been on air for 30 years, and Mercedes-Benz had never advertised with me.

Media Matters tried to make it look like Mercedes-Benz rejected me because I was some kind of Nazi. Meanwhile, the world has pictures of Adolf Hitler riding around waving while in Mercedes’ product. I welcomed the fight with Mercedes over who really loved Nazis.

You said at the DealBook Summit that what you are experiencing is “blackmail.” It is closer to economic terrorism. Many times, companies go with Media Matters’ demands not because they agree with them but rather because they are told, “If you don’t, then we’ll let our radicals loose on you, too.”

If that isn’t economicterrorism, I don’t know what is.

But Media Matters only exists because a well-funded network of radicals and far-left donors continue to prop it up. Keep following the money. Look at George Soros. Act Blue. Arabella Advisors. The Sixteen Thirty Fund. The New Venture Fund. The Hopewell Fund.

In 2021, Soros-associated groups gave hundreds of thousands to Media Matters, and they have provided millions in total since David Brock founded the organization in 2004. In 2010, for example, Soros personally donated $1 million to Media Matters.

The Ford Foundation, another financier of radical causes, gave $4 million to Media Matters between 2010 and 2015. Other far-left organizations behind Media Matters include the Tides Foundation (Soros), MoveOn (Soros), and the Democracy Alliance (Soros). Together, those foundations and nonprofits have funneled billions to left-wing groups over the past decade.

Oh, and let’s not forget Hillary Clinton. In 2007, she bragged that she “helped to start and support” Media Matters.

Media Matters is a mouthpiece for the far left masquerading as a watchdog. Its business is built on lies and money from dangerous people like Soros. If X wins its lawsuit, Media Matters may not survive. Good. It doesn’t deserve to.

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